The FBI official statement said 85. If you include the ones confiscated at the businesses around, you get well over 100.
Thats such a nonstarter I am amazed debunkers think they can walk on water. after showing you the photos below it cant get much more obvious you dont know or understand what you are looking at. You cant be serious, do you even know who made them?
I was under the impression we were to get some evidence of no planes in this thread. 6 pages in and not a single scrap. I do hope the OP is going to live up to his thread title...
cgi is evidence of no planes LOL Have lots of blob evidence too what more do you "think" you need? lol
Lol.... The Twin towers were not brick walls. They had a construction different than most buildings. It makes complete sense that anything moving as fast as a car, let alone an airplane, would make it through the glass and cables that made up the exterior walls. Animated GIFs of what "should" have happened.... gotta love it.
animated gifs come from take a wild guess......MOVIE CLIPS! So if you want to go to court you enter THE MOVIE CLIPS as evidence They do show in a glance how how loony the dablunderer web site are.
Yet, when the original media is present the defense will typically use that when the prosecution tries to distort reality with an animated gif of a cell phone recording of a TV broadcast playing on a 10" CRT.
Have you actually LOOKED at the video that alleges to show "FLT175" penetrating the south wall of the South Tower? REALLY?
Yes I have...and that video has been reviewed a number of video experts and has been explained/debunked. You think the video was CGI???...explain how this was done. Was it using the Luma Key effects/adjustments?...
They can't! That's what's so funny. Take Koko's claim of CGI using the picture below. He claimed that because the left wing of the aircraft passed BEHIND the building in question (beneath the red arrow), it PROVED CGI. His reasoning was "How could the wing be obscured when the flight path of the plane passed in FRONT of the building in question?" The problem was, Koko made a HUGE error. He assumed that the building in question was located BEHIND the towers, to the north. Which is why, in the picture below, I asked him where he thought the building was. After a little research, I found out that the building in question was located here. It shows that the wing SHOULD have passed behind the building based on it's actual location AND the flight path. Of course, Koko just ignored the error and tried to bury it under meaningless posts. - - - Updated - - -
Yup. What are your reasons for thinking it shouldn't have happened that way? Are you going to provide real answers for this or just keep explaining why you THINK it COULDN'T have happened that way.
Of course there's no evidence. That's what you want isn't it? You don't believe the "no planes" theory yourself, do you? Otherwise why would you be asking for evidence that "no planes" hit the twin towers? You do realize that promoting the "no planes" theory gives uninformed people that those who believe that controlled demolitions were used ALL think this way and are therefore "kooks", at least in the minds of most people. But why would you want to give so many people this impression unless you wanted to discredit the "9/11 truth movement"? People should be aware that the evidence of FOREKNOWLEDGE of the attacks and the subsequent COVER UP confirms those facts beyond a reasonable doubt. Even the former director of the FBI Louis Freeh has said that the truth about 9/11 was covered up. The mainstream media has not reported this and other relevant facts which if brought to public attention, would confirm them to the masses. This could be very dangerous to the elitist establishment because of the possibility of an uprising which would force them to use the DHS and FEMA camps. It is true that the mainstream media is owned and operated by Zionist Jews. It is a fact that the only people who had the means and the motives to pull off 9/11 were also Zionist Jews. It is true that the judges who handled the 9/11 litigations and controlled the 9/11 Commission were Zionist Jews. The key positions in government and intelligence which would be needed to pull of 9/11 were occupied by Jews. ALL these things are verifiable FACTS. Yet to mention them is deemed "anti-semitic". Therefore anyone who so much as states a fact about the Jews which they do not want to become common knowledge will be condemned as an "anti-semite", be subjected to character assassination, and punished socially by some means. Who was it that said, "You can know who is running a country by who you are not allowed to criticize"" This is how Jews govern. If you want proof, look at the way they rule Palestine. Judaism is a SUPREMACIST RELIGION. They believe they are entitled to rule the world and that they may use any means whatsoever in order to achieve this objective, including LIES and MURDER. These are the kind of people whom the hedonistic American society has relinquished power to. That is why the truth about 9/11 has been buried by a massive disinformation campaign. The "no planes theory" is only one such instance of it.
I think it has been most of the Republicans saying that. Along with Voltaire. “To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” Read the rest yourself. You people have a habit of equivocating with the meaning of words. That's roughly the same thing as lying. The FACTS revealing FOREKNOWLEDGE were COVERED UP. Call it what you want to. WE KNOW what it is.