Famous Euro footballers condemn Israeli barbarians & call for boycott

Discussion in 'Latest US & World News' started by Abu Sina, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Yeah, I am gonna stick my neck out, and go with that one. It is disgusting, I do not care how anyone wishes to dress it up, or invent fancy new terms, etc etc (not saying you are, but just in case anyone does). It is disgusting, it is policy, and it is NOT unknown to the 'Israeli' people. Not by any means. If I know it, then they must know it, since, logically, they are doing it, then slithering back to their homes and communities, after the fact.

    It is statutory child abuse.

    Good people would never mandate those that make that policy. Never. I never would. Only sick people would, the kind you were speaking of removing from the gene pool.

    As to rendition(in general), sorry, I cannot accept it under any cirumstances, let alone the dubious nature in which is has been used. Eerily like the role of the Gestapo was meant to be, for my liking. You just do not do it. Whatever I may THINK you have done, or may plan to do, it makes no odds - you cannot have a thought crime, if do, you are on the point of no return, and any other NEEDS you to have a fair trial, with evidence, witnesses, all the things I was born and raised to believe in, and do so, more than ever before. I do not trust these bastards, Jews or otherwise, to be rendering ANYONE. No one should have that amount of power.

    You say torture was outlawed in 1999, I take it you mean by Israel. I don't believe it. Not for one second. Even if they have done so offiically, I just cannot accept that they have, in practice. What I have read and know would have to be entirely rejected, for it to be true, in practice. Moreover, I was not aware that Obama had outlawed the use of torture, or what you call "enhanced interrogation techniques". See- there is that Orwellian speak again, so let us call it what it is - torture. Remember that torture camp that was in Iraq, the prison that made all the headlines. Remember the brain dead little grunts whose pics went all over the internet? You know, those disgusting excuses of humanity, and a waste of sex? Them. Well, they were just the fall guys, sure they did what they did, but it did not just accidentally happen, one day.

    They were induced/ordered/encouraged. As these things always are. I recall the day I saw some of those images. And those are just the one's that have been released, but that was enough for me. That was when I knew I was dealing with the sickest of people, with no peers. Anyway, who induced the stoopid grunts? Well, it is actually illegal I believe, for say the US to bring in agents of a foreign country, in that situation. So, as a far instance, if the US had wanted to bring in Shin Bet agents to conduct this, I believe to do so openly, would be illegal. I'd need to double check, but pretty sure it would be.

    However...no problemo...simply create a 'private contractor' company, staff it with 'dual nationals', and you are good to go. Try Googling the name of that prison + torture + the name 'Johnny Israel', one night, when you want something to read. Then come back, tell me what you think.

    I also do not believe that Obama has abolished secret overseas prisons. Not saying I disbelieve you, I disbelieve 'them'.
  2. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    If someone had mentioned the term ZOG to me 20 yrs ago, I would have thought that they meant it was something to do with a sci fi planet, or whatever.

    If someone had mentioned it to me 10yrs ago, I would have known what the words meant, yet not understood the words.

    If someone had said it to me 5yrs ago, I would have related it to some of those comical 'white power' buffoons, that are often presented to us as being like some sort of true representation.

    If I hear the term now, I see it only as a description of that which is true.

    And I see how it is more that possible to fairly use the term, without it meaning you are a goose stepping pseduo Nazi, or any such thing.

    It simply means what it means - any Gov which can be shown to be occupied by Zionists.

    I could invent another term for it, but it would still be what it is.

    IPAC are not registerd as foreign, and they should be. And they do not just have 'some influence' on Congress, they tell Congress what to do, esp in maters international.
  3. Abu Sina

    Abu Sina New Member

    Oct 13, 2010
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    Didier Drogba you traitor :mrgreen:
  4. Jonsa

    Jonsa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 26, 2011
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    Except there are on governments occupied by zionists in the imaginations of jew haters. You see number of jews in influential positions and immediately they are "occupying that government on behalf of zionists". You continually question a jews national loyalty and assume regardless of their religious persuasion that they must be loyal to the zionist cause.

    Except the zionist cause can mean something totally different from one person to another. I know some jewish people who consider themselves Israeli supporters because they have bought a few trees the the JNF and that is what zionism means to them. Israel existing and flourishing. They are Canadian thru and thru.

    Aipac is not registered as foreign and can legally recieve foreign funds thru american subsidiaries thru a loophole that a number of countries take advantage of.


    While current law forbids foreign nations from contributing to federal, state, or local elections, loopholes allow American subsidiaries of foreign corporations to establish so-called separated segregated funds or SSFs to raise money.[136] According to one view, the definition of which firms are defined as "foreign" was unclear, and the lack of clarity undermines the ability to regulate their activity. Foreign-funded lobbying efforts include those of Israel[citation needed], Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Egypt, Pakistan, Libya, and China lobbies.
  5. trout mask replica

    trout mask replica New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Awkaaaaay, Jonsa she's a "suspected" war criminal, if that makes you feel any better.
  6. trout mask replica

    trout mask replica New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Awkaaaaay, Jonsa she's a "suspected" war criminal, if that makes you feel any better.
  7. KSigMason

    KSigMason Banned at Members Request Past Donor

    Jun 11, 2008
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    Okay, maybe I should have said, "Why should anybody care?" Just because he's famous doesn't make his opinion any more correct or incorrect than the average Joe.
  8. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    It doesn't make it 'more correct' - it makes it more high profile.

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