typically videos that have good sound tracks are trying to grab your emotional side not your logical side... I wonder why that is?
I to noticed how flat earth videos had taken their time as to grab the viewers attention. The way in which they present their case is strong with entertainment, there is no question I would agree with you on that. However I would say that if indeed the earth is flat, the attention of everybody must be gained. Thus it's both a good and a bad thing. For if the earth is indeed a ball, than it is because of the way in which this claim was presented unto me, that I was deceived, and I will admit that. Again, only if indeed we are walking, driving, flying, and sailing................ around a ball. Which would be rather crazy, considering the horizon is always flat, and water never takes form to the exterior of any shape. Black-magic of gravity, I don't thinks so. Rather density, buoyancy, pressure, and electromagnetism, no need whatsoever for gravity. This is why if it's denser than the air it falls down, and up if it's not.
There are several YT channels dedicated to flat earth, um...study. Some of it is actually entertaining. [video=youtube;TvSxaX-zMEI]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvSxaX-zMEI[/video]
Could you tell me what kind of work they are doing? NASA receives roughly 52 million dollars a day, 18.5 billion annually. That kind of money can be used to actually benefit humanity. 52 million a day, lot of starving and thirsting people out there.
Don't even try that angle. NASA's budget is dwarfed by that of the military, which is in the business of harming and killing people. You want to know what they're doing, check out their website, maybe watch the nice YouTubes they put up. You understand YouTubes, at least.
Your going to compare something we need, to something we don't. We don't need nasa they don't provide anything.
Obviously you have no way to understand texts... With today's technology people are shortening everything, like...lol, lmao, imo, etc. And your worried about "you're". I think you understood me just fine. LMAO!
That's not what I'm saying you DA. An entire argument on the error, there is nothing shorter about that.
Water is wet, it also lays flat. This is observable, demonstrable, to everyone. There is nothing one can do to make water take form to the exterior of any shape. You believe something that is not observable or demonstrable. It is because of this, those involved know they can make you believe whatever they want. And they do!!
Water obeys gravity the same as everything else. In fact, the Earth is round precisely because of its sheer mass and the gravity associated with it. We observe that all objects of sufficient mass are round, and of course it is abundantly clear from any vantage in or beyond earth orbit that the oceans follow those contours of the Earth.
Neil de Grasse Tyson says that earth is an oblate spheroid, and it's because the earth was spinning during it's formation, and like "pizza dough" as you spin it.....it flattens out. And that is why it is oblate. My question is, according to their theory earth was molten lava yet thinner because of the extreme heat, so as it's spinning why didn't it flatten out like a pizza when it was in it's liquid form for a billion or more years?
It spun more rapidly as well, and I suppose it might well have been more flattened out back then as a result of both that and the planet's molten state. As time went on and the Earth cooled and its rotation slowed (due to lunar tides in particular), it would have taken on an increasingly spheroid shape. Earth would be a more or less perfect sphere today if its own gravity were the only influencing factor.
Of course it's edited! What your going to watch an entire flight of that distance? All your alleged space images are edited as well, you have no problem trusting those.
Boats have their propellers pushing off a medium (water), airplanes have their propellers/jet engines pushing off a medium (air), what is the medium within space that is pushed off of to propel something in a desired direction? Also, within space what allows for combustion, if there is no oxygen? Now I know there are fuels with oxidizers, but that's not sufficient enough for combustion alone.
Rockets used in space bring their own oxygen--in terms of liquid rockets, it's liquid oxygen. Rockets don't need to push off something. They work by propelling gases. The act of propelling a gas causes an equal and opposite reaction which moves the rocket forward. Please don't post lies anymore. Learn something before you post. Also, why didn't he test a rocket? Rockets and fans work by different principles. Of course fans (propellors) don't work in vacuum. If you think this video proves that rockets can't work in space, you need to learn something about reality.
I have herd this argument before, but if the gases have nothing to push off of (medium), well than all you have is a rocket releasing it's gases without going anywhere. Please don't post anymore lies.