I've done some, but you're the self-proclaimed expert. So where is the research disproving my proof? That is just utterly and factually wrong, we don't see the stars in the same position, save one. Have you ever looked at the stars? Go sit outside one night where you don't have light pollution and watch stars for several hours, and you'll see they don't stay the same place at all. Save one. You've claimed to have done all this research -- how can you be so utterly wrong about such a simple thing? You link didn't return a video. And this is going to prove my proof about Polaris is wrong, correct? Or are you just dodging again? Do you claim the Earth is the center of the universe and everything revolves around it?
I have given many forms of proof to you many times and you just outright lie in a very unchristian like way to deny it. You do the same thing with many others and you know it. now go pray for forgiveness for being so dishonest
Great. Until then, pardon me if the complete lack of proof for your belief, coupled with your complete failure to address, much less rebut, the many proofs of the spherical Earth that have been shown to you, causes me to be a flat earth skeptic. I do thank you, however, for your continued demonstrations. Your unrelenting faith based rejection of fact and reason helps me understand how we could have so many "birthers" in this country, and how charlatan like donald could get selected.
When I say the stars are always in the same position, I'm talking about from night to night, and how they repeat their movements on their circuits. If the milky ways is traveling at over a 1,000,000 mph, and space has more stars than anything, we should be seeing different stars and constellations every year, at the very least every other year. 1,000,000 mph is 876,000,000,000 miles in a year. Just think what that would be in a decade, let alone the beginning of man, because since then the stars have always done what they have seen back then, clear up to today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7nFwPDZF_Z8 They are in trouble, and it's about to be revealed. That's what all the scrambling from different countries is all about. Russia, China, and America are all scrambling to either keep this quite, or figuring out a way to reveal it in a manner that they think, the people won't hang them! It's coming! It's part of the revelations in which we are in. The lifting of the veil! 2017 is going to be one hell of a ride.
The world is not flat sorry the evidence is irrefutable you are wrong. But go ahead and post your revealing evidence. tapping foot waiting..............................................................................................
Prove your claim that stars have always been the same since the beginning of man. You're reasoning is faulty because: 1. Stars do change their position in the sky over time. 2. A million miles an hour isn't going to rapidly change the perspective of objects that are quadrillions of miles away. And your statement utterly fails to address my proof about Polaris and the fact that its position in the sky changes geometrically with latitude proves we are on a sphere. Ditto. Where is the rebuttal to my proof? You're a self proclaimed expert. Why do you keep dodging? Not to mention the many other proofs I and others have others have demonstrated. Great. Until then, pardon me if the complete lack of proof for your belief, coupled with your complete failure to address, much less rebut, the many proofs of the spherical Earth that have been shown to you, causes me to be a flat earth skeptic. I do thank you, however, for your continued demonstrations. Your unrelenting faith based rejection of fact and reason helps me understand how we could have so many "birthers" in this country, and how charlatan like donald could get selected.
Space is not more stars than anything. Space is more space ( or just nothing but vacuum ) than anything. The milky way and stars are two different things you do not seem to grasp what the word means. The Earth is also traveling along with the rest of the solar system around the center of the Milky way. The stars DO in fact change their positions relative to other stars over time. The distances involved are so vast however that it takes thousands of years to discern without technological aid. We are however able to measure and observe these changes. Sorry massive fail as always but go ahead and fire away with your claim of revealing evidence. So far you have presented no evidence of any kind
What's all this "WE" crap? Your an empty vessel, and science is poured into you, from there you simply regurgitate it, you have done nothing as to measure the movement of stars. So in fact it is "YOU" who has provided nothing of his own.
Science has measured the movement of stars and I have observed their measurements. You have nothing what soever and the evidence proves you wrong. Now produce this magical revelation you spoke of.
I'm not a flat earther but I've deal with them a lot on the flat earth society. Apparently there are really people who believe in it.
If you circumnavigate the earth faster than 48 hours a revolution in an easterly direction - will you become younger?
I did, but no worries she doesn't think it's flat, but finds the fact that the moon landings being faked requires there must be something else going on.
You're a flat earther and your offspring think the moon landing was fake. Wow, Xmas must be a hoot. Were mind altering substances part of a past?
When Sputnik was launched we took off for the beach on the east coast of KSA to camp out and watch it cross the night sky.. Very cool and very exciting. Wasn't Sputnik a first?
Sputnik Satellite 1957 In 1957 the Soviet Union launched the world's first artificial satellite, Sputnik 1. Since then, about 6,600 satellites from more than 40 countries have been launched by ten countries. According to a 2013 estimate, 3,600 remained in orbit.[1] Of those, about 1,000 were operational;[2][3] the rest have lived out their useful lives and become space debris. Approximately 500 operational satellites are in low-Earth orbit, 50 are in medium-Earth orbit (at 20,000 km), and the rest are in geostationary orbit (at 36,000 km).[4] A few large satellites have been launched in parts and assembled in orbit. Over a dozen space probes have been placed into orbit around other bodies and become artificial satellites to the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, a few asteroids,[5] and the Sun. Satellites are used for many purposes. Common types include military and civilian Earth observation satellites, communications satellites, navigation satellites, weather satellites, and space telescopes. Space stations and human spacecraft in orbit are also satellites. Satellite orbits vary greatly, depending on the purpose of the satellite, and are classified in a number of ways. Well-known (overlapping) classes include low Earth orbit, polar orbit, and geostationary orbit. wiki