A fan not working in a vacuum is supposed to disprove rockets working in a vacuum? Here: http://bfy.tw/BPGl
I have reason to believe that NASA is lying to all people of earth. So if your going to bring a source, please don't bring the liars as your source. It's the entire reason for the argument/debate. And no, the fan not moving proves there is no thrust in a vacuum, your claim is that thrust is not needed. Yet it is. It's the only thing that pushes the jet, boat, or anything applicable. The fins on a rocket is to keep it stable while in the air, due to the extreme amount of force and acceleration behind it. Those fins are put through friction and pressure on the air, which keeps it flying straight. What keeps the rockets flying straight in space, if there is no resistance on the fins of the rockets? If all you have behind the rocket is force, and no means to keep it straight how does it do it, why is it not just tumbling and turning?
Check with anyone from the ESA to Roscosmos, then. And please learn the difference between the possessive "your" and the contraction "you're".
You're and your are not much of a concern to me. If it's because you cannot piece together what I'm saying why you bring that up, then how can you understand texting?
You can't seem to work out the difference between the kind of thrust provided by a propeller and that provided by a rocket engine. Is it my job to teach you physics 101?
So your theory is, for every action there is not an equal and opposite reaction? A rocket can blast gasses out its tail without being propelled in the opposite direction? Isaac Newton was wrong, and you are right? We are in the presence of greatness!!
They are propelled backwards off the rockets. They push off the rocket. They don't need a medium to work against. I haven't posted a lie, unlike you who posted an outright lying stupid video. Please learn something. My question is why isn't your filmmaker actually trying to light a rocket in his vacuum chamber? That would be proof of something. He isn't even attempting it because he knows he's full of ****.
Just wait for Trump to come out and say the earth is round, then the flatearthists will gain the company of the entire left..
Rockets don't need fins in space, and that is partly why they don't have fins. The rockets work by basically spewing out gases from their end. When the gases are propelled, the rocket body is moved in an equal and opposite direction. the gases just need to push against the rocket body, not against anything behind them. It's basic physics, that you should have learned in about the 7th or 8th grades.
Trump would side with the flat earthers if he had half a mind to devote to cosmology, because half a mind is all he can ever muster.
No, you can't seem to work out how a medium is required for thrust. Notice what it says in the very beginning, and take careful notice. Also Thrust is the force which moves the rocket through the air, and through space. Thrust is generated by the propulsion system of the rocket through the application of Newton's third law of motion; For every action there is an equal and opposite re-action. In the propulsion system, an engine does work on a gas or liquid, called a working fluid, and accelerates the working fluid through the propulsion system. The re-action to the acceleration of the working fluid produces the thrust force on the engine. The working fluid is expelled from the engine in one direction and the thrust force is applied to the engine in the opposite direction. So what keeps the rocket flying straight, or in the desired direction? And yes, I am curious to know what Trump meant when he said he was going to get to the mysteries behind science.
Read that bit through. Understand. What the rocket expels applies force to the rocket itself; it therefore does not need a medium such as air or water to propel itself.
I understand all that, my question is what keeps the rocket flying straight. Here on earth it needs fins so it don't just flip around going in all different directions. So in space with the rocket working as you claim, what keeps it flying straight?
I've not studied rocket science, so I can't comment on the intricacies of how rockets perform. If it interests you, research it.. Troll..
Ask yourself what keeps the rocket from NOT flying straight on earth. And then you realize why the space rocket uses rocket engines instead of fins.
The direction of thrust keeps the rocket flying straight. Also some spaceships have small rockets aimed at right angles to the main rocket for steering.
The Apollo modules had a bunch of little nozzles for just that purpose. Like in this image: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c0/Apollo_CSM_lunar_orbit.jpg They can be seen in little clusters, pointing in four directions. Little metal cones.