For Israel, Two-State Is No Solution

Discussion in 'Middle East' started by HBendor, Nov 5, 2014.

  1. RiaRaeb

    RiaRaeb Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 18, 2014
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  2. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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  3. Ronstar

    Ronstar Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 19, 2013
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    oh, spare us the hysterical hyperbole.
  4. RiaRaeb

    RiaRaeb Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 18, 2014
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  5. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    They lived with a majority of Jews in Jerusalem and were in propinquity with <Human beings> and not savages!
  6. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    Anyone making a statement like this should look in a mirror when they talk about hatred.
  7. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    I agree.. pretty gross.
  8. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    I agree it is pretty gross at the surface, but these so called Arabs have had their 'Self Determination' in 21 x created Arab countries this past century. Yet, they are undermining my coutry and killed thousands of Civilians for the sake of killing Jews.
    I am sorry for the outburst I could not contain myself!
  9. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    Sometimes we're all subject to outbursts and make statements we really don't mean to make. Sadly often these outbursts really express what we really feel or believe but in our hearts we know we shouldn't feel or believe that which we've said. Sometimes I express hatred for political ideologies like Zionism but I know I shouldn't "hate" Zionism but should condemn it without hatred. If I do that then please forgive me. It's very hard to not express hatred when you really dispise something as being wrong.

    With that said I will address (without hatred) that which is said.

    The Arabs in the occupied territories are not citizens or residents of the "21 x Arab countries" countries. Palestine is their homeland just like Israel was the homeland of hundreds of thousands of Arabs that were forced to flee as refugees by acts of terrorism and murder committed by the Zionists in 1947-49.

    The European Zionists, starting at the end of WW I, demanded a homeland of their own but seemed to ignore the fact that the land they wanted was already someone else's homeland. These Zionists didn't want just a part of Palestine but always wanted all of Palestine as a Jewish homeland and they were always prepared to do whatever ot took to make this goal a reality.

    Every action of the Zionists has been to ulitmately achieve the goal of all of Palestine becoming Israel and that requires the eviction of the Arabs by any means necessary. The rationalizations and propaganda by the Zionists over the years has been nothing but a cover for the ultimate goal of the Zionists to ultimately control all of Palestine. For years the Zionists have spread the propaganda that the 6-Day war was a pre-emptive strike to prevent an invasion of Egypt but we know that's a lie. The goal was to acquire the territory of Palestines that was under the adminstrative control of Jordan and Egypt. Every action since 1967 by Israel since then provides the proof that the ultimate goal of securing all of Palestine has always been the motive.

    The "illegal" annexation of E Jerusalem and the "illegal" immigration of Israeli Jews into the occupied territories was always about the goal of ultimatelly ejecting the Arabs and making all of Palestine a part of Israel.

    In almost 100 years the goal of the Zionists has never waivered one iota and once people understand to goal of Zionism (i.e. the take-over of all of Palestine and the ejection of the Palestinian Arabs from their homeland by any means necessary) then they can see through the Zionist propaganda.
  10. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    It seems that each time someone errs like you do above I have to explain from a defensive position. Well today, is a fresh day and once again I will tell you that your terminologies aren't honest and this goes once more against my fabric.

    a) 'Zionism' is the national and International political movement of world Jewry.

    b) The Land of Israel from 'time immemorial' was partially taken over by Arabs who squatted on it, figuring Jews are too busy making a good living in other countries and they will never come back to live in their Bible homeland.

    c) In history a 'LAND' is taken over when the indigenous people of this Land are decimated, have become a minute minority or on the verge of extinction i.e. Egypt, Mesopotamia, Assyria, the Incas the Mayas and many of other people. The Land of Israel cannot be taken over for the people of Israel are alive and well and trickling back home.

    This is a faux scoop prearranged in such a fashion that you want it to sound ligit, but it is not. The 'Land of Israel' is the Land of the Jews from the time of the Bible and those that do no recognize this are doomed to repeat it in other countries. The Jews have returned home to repopulate it and the Arabs were handed 21 x Countries this past century for their self determination... We have one country that does not threaten anyone but those that attack it.

    Yes the goal of Israel is to populate their country and those that have no <Legal> attachment to it to make their own decision... We will not evict anyone but perhaps some murderers, terrorists and other characters that are undermining the integrity of the Jewish people.
    The 6 day war was <preemptive> and I did participate in it. The Fact remains that the Sinai was given to Egypt and we have withdrawn from Gaza prove that what you wrote above is not real. As far as ex Transjordan, Jordan today... the Land they acquired in Judea and Samaria in 1948 when their Legion lead by British officers managed to take over... They tried to annex that during their 19 years rule and only two countries recognized this annexation. (Mind you not a single Arab country recognized this illegal annexation.) Yes the intention of Israel is to be independent and right now 20% of the Arabs living in it are proud holders of Israeli ID cards and serving in the IDF.

    There is no illegal annexation of E Jerusalem for Jerusalem is the Capital of the State of Israel forever... There is no occupied territory for the owners of that land control it... and the Land belong to the Jews since the time of the Bible... all attempt to deny this will be fruitless.

    I already explained above and since I do not want to sound redundant I would kindly ask you to reread what I wrote
  11. RiaRaeb

    RiaRaeb Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Feb 18, 2014
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  12. Shiva_TD

    Shiva_TD Progressive Libertarian Past Donor

    Aug 12, 2008
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    Let me just address these points.

    First of all Zionism does not represent the Jewish People. Orthodox Jews reject both Zionism and the State of Israel.

    As a point of fact there are more non-Jewish Zionists than there are Jews worldwide and many support Zionism because they're anti-Semitic seeking to export all Jews from Europe to Israel just to get rid of them. Much of the support for the British Mandate for Palestine came from anti-Semites seeking to purge Europe of the Jews.

    Next is the fact that few European Jews have any historical linkage to the Near East (area of Judea). Genetic studies have shown that 80% of the Ashkenazi (Eastern European) Jews did not come from the Near East based upon their maternal DNA (Judaism is based upon matriarchal descent). The claims that the Jews occupied Near East 2000 years ago are equally false.

    That's the problem for the Zionists. The Zionists start with lies and propaganda expecting people to believe them without questioning the claims but we do question the claims and find them to be false.

    One thing that cannot be denied is the fact that since the Zionist movement of European Jews began at the end of WW I the sole purpose was to take "Palestine" away from the Arabs that lived there. The goal has not changed one iota since the 1920's and the Zionists have demonstrated they will do anything, including terrorism and murder, to achieve their ultimate goal of ejecting the Arabs that were born and raised in Palestine from their homeland.

    That it why there cannot be peace between the Palestinians and the Israelis. The Zionist would never accept peace because it would require them to give up the ultimate goal of ejecting the Arabs from their homeland in Palestine. The OP of this thread reflects this goal of ejecting the Palestinian Arabs from their homeland and that is why there can be no peace. The Zionists don't want peace and never have wanted peace. The sole goal of the Zionists is to take over all of Palestine and everything is just propaganda.
  13. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    Independence day of ALL Arab Countries

    1) Egypt 2/28/22
    2) Algeria 7/05/62
    3) Sudan 1/01/56
    4) Iraq 10/03/32
    5) Morocco 11/18/56
    6) Saudi Arabia 9/23/13
    7) Yemen 11/30/67
    8) Syria 4/17/46
    9) Tunisia 3/20/56
    10) Somalia 7/01/60
    11) UAE 12/02/71
    12) Jordan 5/25/46
    13) Libya 12/24/51
    14) So called Palestine
    15) Lebanon 11/22/43
    16) Oman 11/26/14
    17) Kuwait 2/02/21
    18) Mauritania 11/28/60
    19) Qatar 12/18/71
    20) Bahrain 8/15/71
    21 Djibouti 6/27/77
    22) Comoros 7/06/13
  14. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    It represents it and how!!!
    ... minus of course the rabble rousers 'Neturei Carta - Satmar' (approximately 10,000 (air heads) worldwide) making noise that 10 million people would have done... These are extremists Jews (I call them cursed) that state that an independent Jewish Nation should not be rebuilt until the return of the Messiah... This is their invention and this is not written anywhere. <------------ Exactly this 11th Century backward morons.

    You do not know anything here... and please keep away from the similitude... Appearances are deceiving.

    No substance, no realism nothing but hocus pocus... If they got you that means their inane propaganda has reached the naive and those that believe in the tooth fairy.
  15. alexa

    alexa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 10, 2008
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    Here Bennett is talking and answering questions about the subject of this thread. A few things. He does not understand International Law and believes that just because he wants to claim the land it is his. He cares not at all for International law or the International community though he is prepared to admit he has some support in the US. He speaks about how his party have managed to impose their views on he says 'most' Israeli's - very concerning when what he wants is not even possible by International Law never mind it's other flaws due to lack of ability to see the Palestinians as human beings with rights.

    Several times he is asked how he is going to cope with the consequences, that is the loss of trade and everything else with Europe. First couple of times he ignores it and the third time he describes Israel as being the giver of everything, a country from which it would be impossible for Europe to do without....silly boy.

  16. HBendor

    HBendor New Member

    Oct 24, 2009
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    Thank you for making the readers aware of the Video.
    I personally thank you for without you I would have missed such a good give and take.

    I am happy Martin Indik was the narrator BTW Indik in Yiddish means 'turkey'

    All in all I must say that the Video was also a revelation to me on very many aspects of the Israel Arab relations.

    He mentioned that the creation of a Palestinian State in the heart of Israel will negate Israel existence and I concur with him on that. Once more thanks for the Video.
  17. alexa

    alexa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 10, 2008
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    Yes, but what he says is not necessarily what is. I appreciate that it is often very difficult when people live in a somewhat isolated community which Israel is where every criticism of Israel is called antisemitism to keep an open mind. What you missed was the reality that through the current policies of Israel she is losing her strongest supporters. She is stepping over a line where even her strongest American supporters will need to move back. You did not notice a very important thing - them mentioning to Bennett that he was out of touch with reality.

    Here is a good summary of what happened from Mondoweiss

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