Gay Teen Suicide: A Range of Causes

Discussion in 'Gay & Lesbian Rights' started by Silhouette, May 26, 2011.


Do you think the scenario in the OP is a plausible cause for gay teen suicide?

  1. No, it's utter rubbish

  2. Possibly, I'd have to see more data

  3. Yes, I think it's possible

  4. Absolutely. I even know of such a case that is very simliar

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  1. Sadistic-Savior

    Sadistic-Savior New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2004
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    So Silhouette, is this poll going the way you expected?
  2. Sadistic-Savior

    Sadistic-Savior New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2004
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    Gay men can and have reproduced. I've dated several of them. My ex has a 9 year old daughter.

    Are straight molestation statistics a valid reason to deny adoption to hetero couples?

    What statistics show that children are likely to come to harm if adopted by gay people? Source please.
  3. stekim

    stekim New Member

    Aug 5, 2004
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    You are assuming the majority of gay teens want kids. Got any evidence of that? Because if you don't your theory is not rational, which is what you are saying we need to be.
  4. yguy

    yguy Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2010
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    If you are determined to convince me that you're an idiot, you're off to a jolly good start.
  5. Silhouette

    Silhouette New Member

    Feb 14, 2011
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    Yes it is. I fully expect as many advocate spammers as you folks can drum up. Actually I'm surprised that it's not more around 90% "total rubbish". Your network will get it there in no time.

    But the fact that there are people just ambling by and voting "yes" or "possibly" is troublesome for you. Just like with Prop 8, you may be able to control the illusion but the proof is in the pudding in the delivery.

    So many people "polled" were "in favor" of defeating Prop 8. And yet it won handily.

    Castles made of sand can slip into the sea quite easily it seems..
  6. Silhouette

    Silhouette New Member

    Feb 14, 2011
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    No, I'm not saying the OP applies across the board at all. I'm saying there are MULTIPLE causes for gay teen suicide. Not all of them are from bullying for lifestyle. SOME of them are about unwanted tampering and subsequent sexual compulsion that leads to angst.

    As long as SOME teen suicides are caused by this, we owe the subject deep introspection. Anything less would mean unneccessary loss of life and real negligence in our duty to protect teens.
  7. Sadistic-Savior

    Sadistic-Savior New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2004
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    If you really think everyone is against you, what was the point of starting a poll in the first place?

    Why would it be troubling for me? According to your poll the majority agree with me.

    If you really believe that, why are you starting threads about this stuff at all? Who are you trying to convince, and why?
  8. Sadistic-Savior

    Sadistic-Savior New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2004
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    Heh, apparently "some" is your way of saying "an infinitesimal minority".
  9. stekim

    stekim New Member

    Aug 5, 2004
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    So it's not Jesus? Darn.
  10. stekim

    stekim New Member

    Aug 5, 2004
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    I think we all know there are multiple causes. Duh. Your example being like, what, 1 in 500,000? Yet you clearly implied it was a common cause or maybe even the most common cause. You know full well what the most common cause is. You just don't like it for some reason. Also, what's the obsession with gay people all about? You start a lot of gay threads. Which is fine and all, but it seems you spend a lot of time thinking about where other people put their sexual parts. To each his own I guess......
  11. Silhouette

    Silhouette New Member

    Feb 14, 2011
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    If we knew already the multiple causes, then teen suicide would be a problem of the past. It's teens who aren't being understood who are the ones killing themselves.

    You like to put words in people's mouths don't you? Specifically what I said was that gay advocates would network to spam the poll, not that "everyone is against me". I know for a fact, like with Prop 8 "sure" to be defeated that "everyone" is not against me.

    Far from it. Prop 8 passed handily in spite of "everyone" being against it.
  12. Warspite

    Warspite Banned

    May 2, 2011
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    In my experience, the vast majority of angsty young people at bathouses tend to be kids from the South and Midwest that have been kicked out of their homes for being gay.
  13. stekim

    stekim New Member

    Aug 5, 2004
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    Well, it seems you found the cause! It's kids you are not being understood. Problem solved.
  14. Sadistic-Savior

    Sadistic-Savior New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2004
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    I did not misquote you.

    If you really believed that ahead of time, what was the point of the poll?

    Then what is the point of threads like this? Who are you trying to convince?
  15. Dave1mo

    Dave1mo New Member

    Feb 21, 2011
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    The OP is so fantastically ridiculous that even people "on your side" are voting against it.
  16. Sadistic-Savior

    Sadistic-Savior New Member Past Donor

    Jul 20, 2004
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    Thats just part of the gay network conspiracy.
  17. flounder

    flounder In Memoriam Past Donor

    Apr 14, 2009
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    This is an interesting point, I had thought the same. First off I did not take the question as ''THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED'',,I take it simply as it was intended, is it possible, and of course the answer would be Yes,,,but but there were not many yes's...:sad:

    What the hell, anyway many of the young people I knew that were GAY were usually strange to begin with. Now I am not saying all Gay people are strange, so dont take my head off, just many that I have encountered. Now in my day it was really Taboo to be GAY, SERIOUSLY..I'm 62. So,,right there could be the reason, they had to be terribly insecure, my friends and I pretty much ignored them, we never made fun of them directly.
    I had two cousins that were GAY, and we all figured it out pretty young. My older brother had two years on me, and told me about the girl, I remember I said something like...''That's nice'',,,HAHAHAH,,,He said no you idiot she REALLY LIKES OTHER GIRLS!!,,I said...Ohhhhhhh,,,WOW!,,who else knows? He said....EVERYBODY!!
    It's not fun to be the youngest cousin sometimes... :sad:

    As their life went on they were definitely strange, very nice people but just odd. I do not think it's like that anymore, or at least with most. My kids have Gay friends and they seem very well adjusted, quiet however. So I do think there is something else going on, and with some there are problems that already exist, of course this could be with anybody as well. I also think some are just fine with it and have no problems. You have to be a bit over the edge to commit suicide, I mean totally insecure mostly that's what I think. In today's world in general I do not think many are under that kind of pressure, many that are, also do drugs, once that enters into it it's anybodies guess...
    I mentioned to a few people here one of my sons friends just came out, but his friends had figured it out years ago, I am glad he came out. I asked my son, does it make a difference?, he said ''Nawww Pop, you kidding?'' I said I was glad, good kid my son and his friends. It's the way it should be.

    In the end, I do not ignore Gay folks anymore, I just treat them like anybody else, after all.....that's who they are.
  18. Silhouette

    Silhouette New Member

    Feb 14, 2011
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    I tend to find exactly the same thing. Two of my son's friends are gay. They all know it and don't care. These kids are like you say though "weird" and it's their weirdness that has put the boys off to one of them. While they are all content to play World of Warcraft or what have you, go for walks, motorcycle and so on, the one gay boy all he wants to do is look at gay porn and get them to look at gay porn with him. He tried to email all of them gay porn and sends them videos he's made of himself dancing half-naked to songs..suggestively..

    Several boys in his neighborhood are gay. So many per such a small area that the boys all consider it an anomoly. They talk about it often in wonder. That I looked online not long ago and found a registered pedophlie living down there doesn't come as a surprise. What really did come as a surprise is that this guy is a local celebrated business owner that you would never think was a pedophile. A lot of the kids down there undoubtedly were trusted to go and help this man with chores and what not. I've told a few members of the community to look him up online and at first they think I'm crazy and making it up. Then I see them later and they look very worried and don't like to talk about the subject much.

    Anyway, the gay boy who has been pushing gayness on the other boys has found himself isolated. They don't like having that shoved in their faces and only when that started happening did the animosity start towards this boy. The other gay boy does not do this and so far is more reserved. They still talk to him and hang out.

    I knew of a gay friend of my brothers when growing up. All his friends knew too. Same thing. It was only when he started hitting on them aggressively that problems came up. This guy was a good friend of mine, but he was always getting beat up because he was SO aggressive sexually with other boys. It's like a man chasing girls that don't want anything to do with him and so he forces himself on them or tries to drug rape them. It's just not going to be received well at all.

    There is something weird for sure. And it's that weirdness..that generational pedophilia stuff that I feel is responsible for a good share of gay teen suicides. And yes, studies have shown that boys who were molested grow up to molest also. The sexual aggressiveness is the FIRST SIGN law enforcement officials look for in children suspected of being molested. This also is heavily documented and is no coincidence in promiscuous gay men I'm sure. And what is very common in the gay male culture? *drum roll* Promiscuity... [and the HIV that comes with it].

    And, you know, they want to teach this all IN SCHOOLS TO YOUNG CHILDREN as "normal". Gawd almighty..
  19. Silhouette

    Silhouette New Member

    Feb 14, 2011
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    People who can reach out to suicidal gay teens. That should be fairly obvious. Trying to corral mental health professionals to only subscribe to the Agenda's one-size-fits-all gay teen suicide scenario is counterproductive to saving all gay teens at risk for this. ALL possible scenarios must be explored to prevent even one gay teen [or any other teen] from taking their life.

    I thought I mentioned that before?
  20. Warspite

    Warspite Banned

    May 2, 2011
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    Pshh, I call bull(*)(*)(*)(*). You're one of the "homosexuals can be cured" people.
  21. Johnny-C

    Johnny-C Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2010
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    Wow. That above was BOTH stupid and hateful. (2-for-1.)
  22. Makedde

    Makedde New Member Past Donor

    Apr 16, 2008
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    To the OP:

    Gay teens try to kill themselves because of a lack of support. They think they are worthless because people assume they can just flip a switch in their heads and become 'normal'. They are filled with self loathing because when everyone tells you are abnormal and sick, you start to believe it. They try to force themselves to change, to be like everyone else and when they fail at that, they start convincing themselves that they must have a disease and that everything is their own fault.

    They get beaten and bullied repeatedly and if people ignore it, they start to think they deserve it, that maybe being beaten and teased will make them 'change'. The lack of compassion from anti gay people and anti gay groups is what makes gay teens swallow a gun or put a noose around their neck.

    Its so blatantly obvious I don't know how anyone couldn't see it.
  23. Silhouette

    Silhouette New Member

    Feb 14, 2011
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    That's one of the causes.

    Another is molestation and compulsive sexual behavior. Unless of course you are making the case that compulsive sexual behavior is not the outfall of being molested. Experts tend to disagree:

    A bit about gay male [particularly] lifestyles from Clinical Psychiatry News: February, 2005.

    So saying that gay teen suicide is only from "not being accepted" is bunk. As I said, and with the Harvey Milk example of telling one of his former lovers [grown too old by then for him to be sexually attracted to] to not make a mess when he committed suicide, even in a "supportive community" if you're thought of as no more than a piece of meat, that may contribute to your depression. His homeless boy lover had outgrown his expiration date and Harvey Milk simply discarded the empty meat container in the trash.

    Now, read the foregoing and then the OP's hypothetical scenario again:

    Plausible or not?
  24. Colombine

    Colombine Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 5, 2005
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    Just to remind readers that:

    American Psychological Association
    American Medical Association
    American Academy of Pediatrics
    British Medical Association

    Have all agreed that research indicates that children are statistically at no greater risk from homosexuals than they are from heterosexuals.
  25. Silhouette

    Silhouette New Member

    Feb 14, 2011
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    Just a reminder that that straw men don't take away from the fact that the the psychiatric news article pronounced that gay male promiscuity, child sexual abuse, drug use and depression are intrinsically linked.

    And also just to point out, that "consensus" is false among the straw-man organizations mentioned in Columbine's post. There is dissention within the ranks. Readers are encouraged to independently verify the footnotes:

    This is SINCE 1973 and the removal of homosexuality from the DSM. This has to do with clients seeking to leave the gay culture. A thing they are literally not allowed to do right now. Their autonomy is tightly controlled by the gay militant forces that continue to put political pressure on the organizations mentioned to keep them "in line" with the Agenda's goals.

    After all, gays cannot get married if they are amongst the group of paraphilias still listed on the DSM. Or if they allow statistics that show at only 2% of the population, they molest children in 1/3 or more of all cases of molesation in the general population...
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