You don't understand the atheist position at all. Requiring evidence in order to base one's opinion on anything is not a faith based belief. Atheists are for the most part, indifferent, in the sense that there is no proof that god does or does not exists. Leading atheists simply say that the probability of god in the sense of a divine being is highly improbable. It is more probable that our evidence based theory of the non existence of god is true, rather than a faith based belief of his existence. It is a totally rational line of thinking. Also very untrue and shows you do not understand an atheists point of view at all. Atheists believe this is our only life. There is no afterlife. Instead of doing good things based on the promise of a good afterlife, atheists do things because they actually want to do them. Atheists don't need a reason to do good things which means they are genuine in their good deeds. Also, because we believe this is our only life, we cherish it more and make our decisions based on having only one shot at getting it right. We look at the world as a gift and one in which we will only be able to enjoy for a short period of time. Life is a gift. Just look at those who are almost killed in accidents and survive. They change their lives almost instantly because they realize how special life is. That is basically what an atheists believes, accept we don't have to have a near death expirience to change how we live life.
God don't need no particle named after He big godly bottom to prove His divine victory. He has been divinely right for a hellavalong time - like infinity or whatever. I know it looks like the bible is a bit shaky at times, but with valiant defenders (such as myself) as its ward, who can touch it? GO BIBLE DEFENSE!