God has no beginning and no end. Belief in atheism requires just as much faith as belief in a higher power, but the difference is that those who believe in a God or higher power view life as special, while atheists view life as just an "accident" that has no meaning..
I actually disagree. I'm not an atheist though, I'm a christian. But I think there is no logical or scientific reason for concluding that there is a God. The bible itself says that we are to "live by faith." That doesn't mean trying to justify your beliefs with faulty logic. Btw, a lot of physicists also believe the universe has no beginning. The Big Bang Theory is actually not so much a creation, but a transfer of energy.
Suggested changes to society and culture: 1)The Holy Name of "Higgs Boson" must never be spoken in vain. Instead, the abbreviated name Hobos should be used to maintain respect. 2)A crusade against the infidel defiler particles must begin immediately, lest they corrupt the universe with their evil ways. 3)Muslims should have to face CERN while praying. 4)Money should say "In Hobos we trust", and the Pledge of Allegiance should contain the phrase, "One Nation, Under Hobos". 5)An inquisition must be formed, to ensure that all believe in Holy Hobos, and that no heathen particles are tolerated. ...other changes may follow.
The Big Bang Theory is a religious theory of creation espoused by a Catholic priest. If you actually think about it you will see that it's illogical.
I've noticed an increase in the use of the argument from design in the letters to the editor in the newspapers I read here in Australia after the announcement. But then I suppose anyone is perfectly entitled to miss the point.
I am very much in to science and frequent physicsforums.com a lot. I also believe in God. There need not be any conflicts or be at odds with each, unless you take the Bible literally and are a young earth Christian, then you might find science disturbing Regardless what you believe, in god or not. A infinite universe is just as impossible for us to grasp as a infinite God. That something can have no beginning or end is equally mind boggling. Also mind boggling that many atheists do not consider because the restrict themselves to traditional religious thoughts. God is beyond matter, material, energy, time, space, beyond our comprehension. There is NOTHING we can compare God to, except nothing itself! So it could be more accurate for you to think of God as nothing! Since God created everything, god must be outside of every thing and that would be nothing. So even if you say it's possible to get some thing from nothing, this does not dismiss God. Again regardless what you feel comfortable with, imagining infinity, or eternity or some thing with no beginning or no end is equally mind boggling with God in your model or without God in your model.
http://i.imgur.com/Y69cF.png How (*)(*)(*)(*)ing stupid can you be? I mean seriously.[/QUOTE] That's a really good question. Oh well, such is the state of education in our failing empire.
course Theism is the belief that a god just magically popped into existence and then created everything... so which would be more likely to just "pop" into existence, a god or energy that later became matter . .
The guy who thought it up, was a Catholic Priest. But when the Pope supported it, claiming it proved God made the universe, the priest said it was a scientific theory, not a religious one.
Nope, atheism isn't a belief. However, your graphic here is going out of its way to describe the process of evolution in a derogatory manner. There is nothing "magical" about the Big Bang, nor was it "for no reason." Neither did things "magically rearrange themselves," but rather obeyed the laws of physics to which they were subject. Did you know, for example, that the first stars not-so-magically cooked up the heavier elements out of the first elements through nuclear fusion? It's amazing to think about, but not "magical," and neither would any stupid god be required for it to happen. Everything that happens is for a reason, but those reasons aren't governed by some petty dictator god. So, on went the natural processes - the first stars eventually ran out of fuel, began to collapse in on themselves and then went supernova, releasing their payloads of heavier elements and compounds into the cosmos, which then began to collect into nebulae and eventually solar systems of newer, heavier stars like our sun with planets and other, smaller bodies forming from the remaining material. Among the heavier elements and compounds were what we call organic molecules, which can still be found lingering in asteroids today. The ingredients for life came about by natural processes and eventually gathered in planets and other bodies, and on this planet, they had the right environment some time after the planet had finished forming and cooling to begin to assemble themselves into life as we know it. Again, this is not "for no reason," but rather because of chemistry, because of physical laws. It happened because conditions were right for it to happen. In a universe this vast, it was bound to happen at least once that a planet would have the right environment for life to develop. In fact, the universe is so vast that it undoubtedly has happened, is happening and/or will happen many, many times. We may never be able to travel out to other solar systems to find and meet what develops there, but we can be reasonably certain that somewhere out there, even in our own galaxy, there are other planets teeming with life. The odds demand it.
Your god is very nondescript. I think it happens to be whatever you want it to be, and that you've chosen to place your god so far into the gaps that we can never hope to verify its existence. I also think that it's entirely irrelevant whether one actually believes in such a god, because such an entity, whatever it even is and how it "thinks," would not have been ordering around a bunch of desert tribesmen on Earth, ordering them to follow hundreds of religious rules, sacrifice animals to it and wage war on their neighbors.
i chuckled when I saw a admitted Marxist use the word "logically". That'd be like listenting to a kid with Down's Syndrome lecture others on Quantum Physics.
Why are you interested in my "imaginary friend?" Are you not so comfortable with your model? As I said, follow what ever your most comfortable with. Makes no difference to me. I am curious why it makes a difference to you unless your really not that secure in your model? Perhaps you were not aware that the scientist that introduced the Big Bang theory was a Catholic scientist? I am not Catholic but found it amazing when I learned that the Big Bang actually came from a Priest/scientist. But I'm sure some one as knowledgeable and logical as you already knew that
I hope the scientists who think they may have discovered the HIGGS BOSUN particle were not so blindingly stupid that they thought it was a good idea to nickname it the "God Particle"
It's had that nickname for quite a while already And physicists use "god" quite a bit differently than simplistic religious followers do.