How Christian Truth Became Hate Speech

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by XXJefferson#51, Aug 27, 2022.

  1. Cybred

    Cybred Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2020
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    A gun can be used to kill customers, being gay can't.
  2. Wild Bill Kelsoe

    Wild Bill Kelsoe Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2017
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    Bearing arms is a constitutional right. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land.
  3. Darthcervantes

    Darthcervantes Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Oct 4, 2018
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    Sorry to all ye old faithfuls but Religion needs an overhaul. Specifically Christianity/Catholicism I don't count ISLAM as a religion and as far as Judiasm, many of them prefer to stick with their own kind but I've NEVER had a Jew try and cram their beliefs down my throat. I have however had other Christians and Muslims do this to me. and I know WAY MORE Jewish people in real life.

    God giving the 10 commandments to Moses = 100% true

    Jesus having existed = 100% true

    Jesus being the son of God = not verified (but since Men can get pregnant now, the immaculate conception is 100% conceivable)

    Confession = BS (sorry, if you think the same God that reigned down the 7 plagues is gonna be like "oh cool, he talked to a priest for 5 minutes (that probably played with alter boys), he gets a full pass on those murders and rapes".....NOPE, not realistic, sorry. I do believe God forgives if the person is TRULY sorry and repents, but not if the person treats confession like a get out of hell free card. I think God favors good deeds over confession and IMO that is the true form of repentance.

    God doesn't give a crap about your sexual preference. Homosexuality is nature's cure for over population. The LEFT are the ones that turned it into "the cool thing to do". God created the mechanisms for EVERYTHING. Atoms, molecules, matter and its all part of his plan (I say "his" because its like saying "you guys" but I do not think God has a gender so don't start whining to me! Keep in mind though, if EVERYONE goes gay (and there's a good chance with the liberal education agenda for tiny impressionable children, this is very, very possible). We will need to make advances in genetics and what not. Maybe facilities with nothing but eggs and sperm in them. I don't care how female you FEEL, you will never get pregnant from buttsecks!

    God did NOT create us in his image. Do you really think God looks human? To even think to compare oneself to God is blasphemy. None of us will ever be close to that level, even in the after life (if there is one)
    This also is super cocky of people to believe. Trillions of planets across the universe and you think WE are the special ones? If anything, he probably favors whatever intelligent civilization popped up in whatever planet first.

    Adam and Eve is BS! Sure they might have existed but they evolved from apes like the rest of us because evolution was God's idea

    God did not create the earth in 7 days. God created the universe and laws of physics and then watched his creation evolve on its own. (without God there wouldn't be science because you can not make matter out of nothing). (I know Steven Hawkings said its possible but the evidence to back it up is not there)

    We are just a little ball of rock floating in space amongst many other balls of rock. Stop thinking we are special. We aren't.

    In all Truth, it shouldn't matter what religion we are because it doesn't matter to God. What matters to God is the 10 commandments. And we can ALL follow those. Even those overly hedonistic liberals. It can still work!

    "thou shall not covet they neighbor's wife" ( doesn't apply if they are swingers. there is no lying or deception there)

    "thou shall not steal" (thats obvious and not even a religious statement. We can all agree the rioting/looting of the left is just NOT GOOD)

    "thou shall not murder" DOH

    "thou shall not commit adultery" (It isn't adultery if you aren't doing it behind the persons back and you and the wifey are both on board with everything, or as the trendy superior liberals like to all this "ENM" "Ethically Non Monogamous" (I personally see nothing wrong with this but it sure sounds to me like the fast track for catching STDs)

    I'm not gonna go through all 10 of these. If people can follow the 10 commandments (even with using some loopholes), we can all get along pretty great!

    Also, with all of the stories I have read about Jesus, it doesn't sound to me like he was capable of intolerance. Heck, he wasn't even mad at Judas for screwing him over. That is one chill guy!

    Also, your kids will not go to hell if you don't dunk them in holy water because some woman ate a "forbidden" apple many, many years ago. Sure, do it for tradition, but if you truly think that, you might want to re-evaluate some things.

    I met a strict Catholic woman a year ago. She said Oral Sex is against her religion. Do you really think God is gonna strike you down with lightning because you did something that felt good (with a person of legal age of course)...i need to specify that because of the sexual indoctrination of young children that the left is participating in now. If you want to piss off God, you are doing a fabulous job with that!

    For folks still stuck in the ancient ways, I suggest you watch the movie "STIGMATA". Its about God possessing a woman and he's pissed about all the Church stuff! It's a really awesome movie no matter what you believe.

    Christians don't HATE gays but they are put in a rock and a hard place because they have been brought up to think its wrong and if you follow science, how can you blame them? Adam and Steve cannot progress the human race (because men on men buttsecks does not make babies), I had to clarify this as some of you believe thats possible. Also Eve and Evette cannot make babies together. No babies, no human race. You can't get mad at Christians for following the SCIENCE.

    Over the past 10 years I feel like people have become way more tolerant of "modern" things. Especially the right! Righties barely even complain about gay and trans stuff anymore, they just want you to leave the CHILDREN alone. Can you at least do that? Is that too much to ask?

    If we could just all follow the 10 commandments (which is not specific to Christianity) we can really make the magic happen. Even if some people follow their lose interpretations of the 10 commandments. No stealing, no killing, no screwing people over. OBVIOUS STUFF. Also you need to have half a brain and learn how to interpret some of this stuff!
    For example, thou shalt not use the Lord's name in vain. That isn't saying "******mit". That is just a WORD that people say and not directed towards God. Taking the Lord's name in vain is more like when you tell off the big man upstairs because you are pissed about a relative dying young, or something to that extent. One of God's greatest miracles was giving us brains, we should USE THEM!

    Ya'll should stop with the Christian bashing. They do many good things. They even have funds to help people in other countries, of OTHER RELIGIONS and I believe Jesus would do the same.

    I've seen the look of disgust in liberals faces when I tell them i'm somewhat religious. You know what? Them telling me they are atheists has never put a look of disgust on my face. Because if God was there, he would smack me up side the head and say hey "you believe what you want, they believe what they want, mind your own damn business!" Also, I respect Atheists that are good people despite not believing in heaven or hell. I shamefully admit that many times I chose to do the good thing over the bad thing, fear of hell sometimes has something to do with that. Which brings me to another topic. Whether its real or not, the concept of religion does help keep a lot of people in check.

    So even though I do respect atheists, it doesn't seem very scientific that they think matter appeared out of nowhere and there was no supernatural force to set in in motion.

    BIG BANG THEORY? Everything was condensed into something the size of a marble and then expanded? Sure ,the way mass works and what they have shown with telescopes, its plausible, but how did the marble get their in the first place? Did it just APPEAR?

    As I said, if we follow the 10 commandments and use just like 2% of our brains, the world could be a way better place!

    To those super Christians I offended, please don't preach to me. I'll never believe stuff like " a baby goes to hell if it dies without being dunked in holy water with the hands of a priest that just got done fondling an altar boy's privates". Don't push them on me and i won't push them on you. I go to church to make other people happy. The real religion for me happens when I pray to the ALMIGHTY.
  4. Cybred

    Cybred Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2020
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  5. Colombine

    Colombine Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Dec 5, 2005
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    There's a certain type of person who would be a bossy bigot even if religion didn’t exist. It's just that relgion makes it sooo much easier plus they get to feel a little better about themselves in the process.

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