My name comes from playing the pinball game that used to come with Windows at 4am at my buddy's house in high school in the late 90s. I was chasing a high score, and so every time I wouldn't make it and have to type in my high score, I'd just type in random word combinations(it was late, so it amused me). My first AIM name was PoemFlower. That got created that night too. Junkieturtle was another one of them and the name stuck in my head and I kept it as my first email address.
No one rules me and tells me what to do. Only I rule me. Henceforth, autonomous. The government has too much power. It needs major downsizing measures and soon.
Is this the pinball game you're talking about!?!?!!? I loved that game!!!!!
I was a bad dude and I ran a bunch of bad boys, and back in those days -- you see, things have changed -- one of the things you had to use if you used Pomade in your hair -- you had to wearing a bathing cap. One day I forgot my bathing cap and some racist called me a name. He insulted me by calling me a white woman and told me to get out of the pool or he was he gonna drag me out. I had experienced racism all my life and I wasn't about to let this racist threaten me with violence and get away with it. I told him I'd catch him outside. When this racist was in the parking lot I approached him with some friends and he apologized to me. So I left him alone and went home. But, for some reason this racist, who I forgave, calls me Corn Pop and ever since then the bad boys I ran with kept calling me that.
I stole my name from another member here when we were both on the same forum. I got banned for not being a Trumpie.
In real life I am a Brazilian jazz composer. I am not Brazilian I am of Irish descent. I was born in Texas. Some of my music has over 150,000 plays on Spotify, but, on Spotify, that's not fame. Fame is like a billion spins. My spins only earned me about two dollars. Yeah, songwriter royalties are paid squat, thanks to some judge's "consent decree". Each spin is something like 1/5,000th of one cent. The free market for everyone else, but not songwriters. Sorry for the rant.'s a hobby (involuntarily). I could think of no name more Irish than Patrick. The language of Brazil is Portuguese and in Portuguese Patrick is Patricio. It's also the same in Spanish. So Patrick, because it's the most Irish name I can think of, and I translated it to Portuguese, viola; Patricio I am. The Irish/Brazilian Jazz Composer. I found out that there really is a Brazilian composer, though classical, whose name is Patricio Da Silva, but he is not me. I wanted a last name so I picked the most common last name in Portuguese which is equivalent to Smith in English which is Da Silva. Note that it does not translate to Smith in Portuguese it's only as common as Smith is in English. This is how I arrived at Patricio Da Silva.
About 15 years ago I help organize a jazz jam at a local theater in town with help from the head of the music department at the local university. The idea was to organize a "house band" that would anchor the whole thing so I got to thinking that band should really have a name. So I came up with "Pieces of Malarkey". It's a combination of two things. First, like my Dad I've always loved the old comic strip "Pogo" (I've got a collection of all my Dad's old comic Pogo books). In there is a character named Simple J. Malarkey. The character is a mockery of Senator Joe McCarthy and he's an evil, unshaven, country bumpkin sporting an ever present shotgun over his shoulder. The second is the old movie "Small Soldiers" which my son loved when he was a kid. In the movie, the leader of the evil soldiers is Sargent Malarkey. He and all the other bad soldiers die when the electric transformer outside the house they're terrorizing explodes frying the control systems in the toys with an EMP pulse. The good guy Gorgons are under a fallen satellite dish and survive. So one day we were driving somewhere and he started riffing on Sgt. Malarkey declaring loudly that he ended up as pieces of Malarkey. Boom! I had a band name. So I created a Facebook page for my "band" called Pieces of Malarkey. That idea never really got off the ground but the FB page seems to be eternal so I'm using it now as an experimental band page for some things I'm working on in my basement. Since I created the name and never seen anyone else use it for anything else, it's defense-able as copyrighted material so I use it whenever a pseudonym is appropriate. By the way, the affiliated graphic is a drawing that my Dad did for me in the 80's when I needed a business card for trying to be a real musician. He was an architect and we were talking about it and he whipped out his velum pad, mechanical pencil, a couple templates, and free handed it. It's an artists representation of my guitar (no, he wasn't looking at it when he did it). A friend of mine digitized it for me years ago and now Pieces of Malarkey has gone upscale with a permanent logo. Movin' on up!
As you can see from my avatar pick my name comes from the fictional detective Nero Wolfe who lived at West 35th Street in New York
I'm a jazz geek, so I'll let you do the math. InWalkedBud was my 2nd choice. PF won't permit my preferred nic: Sl@nt Eyed Pol@ck.
John Hamilton was a character actor who had small bit parts in well over 100 movies in the 1930s and '40s. He was always a gruff police commissioner, DA prosecutor or some other similar character. He found his ultimate role in the Adventure of Superman series that was made from 1951 to '57. It stared George Reeves as "The Man of Steel." Hamilton was the the no nonsense newspaper editor, Perry White. Watching this series on TV was a big treat when I was a child. Hamilton died soon after the series ended. To me Hamilton was the best ever for the role. The late Lane Smith, who played Perry White on the Lois and Clark, the New Adventures of Superman was second.