I choose Andrew Yang and his Forward Party because he got nowhere in the 2020 election from lack of name recognition so I thought I'd help out a bit. But then Biden got elected and got the conflict in Ukraine escalated and I discovered Yang favors 'Ukraine' (meaning West and Central Ukraine, against Southern and Eastern Ukraine) and realized Yang knows nothing about International Politics, but now I'm stuck with his name in my user name. Maybe I should change it to gangforward...
Talk to the moderators, they may take pity on you. Kind of like a tattoo with girlfriend/boyfriends name.... embarrassing down the road if things don't work out.
"I'm not really here" is the title of a book by Tim Allen. Parts of it were about the nature of reality. I'm not certain how much of it was tongue in cheek, but it helped me over a serious hump. Anyway, it seemed appropriate, this being a virtual space.
I am conservative on most social issues because I am pessimistic about human nature and human potential. So was Edmund Burke, whose portrait is my avatar. I am a democrat because I think the government has an important role to play in American society. More specifically, I am liberal on economic and environmental issues. The Democrat Party I really like is the party that existed from the inauguration of Franklin Roosevelt in 1933 to the assassination of John Kennedy in 1963. I think the civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty passed after 1963 were well intended mistakes.
My online name comes from "After Action Review", a military training technique discovered quite by accident by BG S.L.A. Marshall on Makin Island in WWII. It is used today in training at such prestigious facilities as the Navy's TOP GUN, the Air Force's RED FLAG, the Marine Corps' 29 Palms and the Army's Combat Training Centers. I heard that Harvard is using it in a more academic environment.
I was listening to a song called "Release the Kraken" by a group called Clutch. And during a drum interlude he talks about how Perseus used the head of the Medusa to turn king Polydectes to stone there was a noticable emphasis on Polydectes. So thinking of a screen name that's all I could think of
I guess my user name is obvious. I greatly admire Thomas Jefferson as an intellect, writer, patriot and thinker. I admire other founders as well. I'm a conservative libertarian because I believe in protecting the concept of Natural Rights enshrined in our founding documents, and believe that these precepts are the best chance for mankind to attain the most liberty possible. I believe our constitution was well thought out given the histories of governments, and the limitation of late 18th century circumstances. As circumstances changed, so did our constitution. Capitalism is the natural partner to our founding documents, because it embodies human nature resulting in the most prosperity for the most people. No system is perfect, but none has been found better than the American system.
19Crib? If you play cribbage, you know that getting a score of 19 is impossible, thus I used it in FPS gaming. (Impossible to get. Get it? ) I get a lot of satisfaction from finishing in the middle of the pack of a bunch of teenagers and 20 somethings (and on up), and I'm right in there guns and knives a' blazin'! I don't do no stinking sniping!
Been using it for a long time, its a shortened version of a nic for one of the best all around flies for fishing in freshwater.
You should try reading Thomas Paine too. In many respects he was the intellectual leader of our revolution and even contributed to European movements as well. His books are works of philosophical genius IMHO.
Mine is because I umpired "adult" softball and other sports for 20 years. Lord knows how many times I heard "You're killing me Blue!" (Blue being the principle color of our uniforms). Yet somehow I was good enough to do many a state tournament and even a national regional. I have no idea how many times I did title games.
The Hebrew origin meaning is “God is my light”. Uriah is a Hebrew name emanating “my light is Yahweh”. It is interesting you chose Uriah because the story of David, Bathsheba, and Uriah highlights a few important lessons for society and leaders. David was the most powerful man in Israel with the ability do do almost anything he wanted. His power led him to believe he could act with impunity, without regard for the consequences of his actions. This reminds me of a certain ex-orange-president who abuses his power and harms individuals and society without regard to the consequences of his actions. David impregnated Uriah’s wife while he was off fighting David’s war. David arranged for Uriah to be thrust into the most dangerous of battles in the hope he would die so he wouldn’t know of the pregnancy. He died trusting David. Uriah wasn’t powerful. He was an honest man who put his trust in a lying deceiving sack of poop. So perhaps, your user name is appropriate.
There are six men named Uriah in the Scriptures. Uriah also means "Flame of God" in Hebrew, I'm satisfied with either one. As John Wayne said: "Life is hard. Life is really hard when YOU'RE STUPID".