you are entitled to your opinion on this matter. however the manner of destruction for WTC1, 2 & 7 for starters, and of course you see no evidence of controlled demolition. The evidence has been presented, its just that some people are resistant to recognizing it.
There is of course two sides to this, and the faction that refuses to recognize the fact that there is evidence to support the inside job position, simply places itself in an untenable position. There is LOTS of evidence pro / con, and people need to recognize that fact, and examine as much as they can find, and then in the final analysis the decision is a very personal one, do you get it, or do you not?
You insist that the "evidence" supporting the hijacked airliners fiasco, is "airtight" ..... like the phone calls from the planes? like the total destruction of WTC1,2 & 7, What is it that makes your case, what makes you actually believe there were even any airliners at all?
Phone calls came from airphones on the planes and when they were flying low enough,from cell phones And I KNOW there were airliners,there was physical evidence to support that fact.
Physical evidence like the "95%" of FLT93 that was allegedly accounted for but there is no documentation for? Like the fact that the "FLT11" & "FLT175" flight data recorders were never found? Like the flight path discrepancies in the alleged FLIGHT DATA for "FLT77"? at least one of the airliners used ( or alleged to have been used ) in this fiasco, is known for certain to have NOT had "airphones" installed, and so no airphone calls were possible from that flight. The whole cell phone calls bit is really reaching, in that for some of the calls, at least according to tracking data on the aircraft, the airliner was above 10,000 ft when the calls were made, simply not possible to engage a cell tower from that altitude. Bottom line here, the "news" has fed the public a load of crap the Pentagon hit is IMPOSSIBLE to have happened the way that the official story tells it.
>>>MOD EDIT Off Topic Removed<<< Oh by the way ,all four airliners had airfones,and the people who used cell phones had varied amounts of success
BTW: David Ray Griffin addresses the phone calls from the planes issue in "Debunking 9/11 Debunking" youtube video part 5, 2:30 into it..... check it out, & yes, I trust his research.
I don't...he has books and videos to sell,as well as speaking engagements with the truther faithful...
So what you base your distrust upon, is the fact that he writes books and speaks in public? Have you actually checked any of his work?
Unbelievable....Of course I've checked it out And It's not JUST the fact he writes books and gives speeches,It's the SUBJECT he invariably covers
so, since you have checked it out, have you found any specific instance where his findings are inaccurate?
Oh yea, little bits like the obvious demolition of WTC1,2 & 7 the obviously fake airliner hit to the PENTAGON ...... just little bits like that.....
Just because some people choose to accept the fairy tale about suicidal hijackers .... ( etc ..... ) doesn't mean everybody should fall for that ridiculous story.
and the fan-club of the official story has yet to prove that WTC1,2 & 7 could have collapsed into total destruction in the manner observed without the use of explosives. Why is it that you refuse to even discuss alternatives to the total collapse scenario? There are a multitude of possible outcomes, and total destruction is among the least probable of all.