This is a good read on the issue:
The OP is blaming China. I pointed out that there is another side to the problem. It's a supply and demand thing, and the demand side of this makes no sense.
It's like when I was about 15 and I started smoking just to be like those around me. It was an insanely stupid thing and it took me about ten years to break that habit. Since that time, I have wondered why people would voluntarily become addicted to something like that. I can blame the tobacco industry for advertising and all that, but ultimately, I am the fool who voluntarily lit that first cigarette.
I don't understand vaping. Smoke a freakin cigarette like a man. Puffin on some berry flavored piece of plastic is total pus
Why someone would puff on berry flavored vapor is beyond me. The physical withdrawal is over in a few days. The psychological stuff lasts forever. Every time you have that after dinner cup of coffee, you'll crave one, like you've never stopped
I'd say it took me close to a year to stop reaching for my shirt pocket after every meal. Total insanity.
Well, yeah, the mouth end is designed to receive solid food and liquids, and the south end is designed to expulse what is left after all the benefits of food and liquids have been taken into the bloodstream and then the internal environment of the body. It's a one way tunnel. The mouth end wasn't used for inhaling smoke products by Europeans until Columbus discovered tobacco and cultivation begin in Europe shortly after that. The beginnings prior to written history by tribesman is all wild conjecture.
Pretending one is going to live forever is even more stupid - IMO. Better to live a few less years but enjoy the that life - than to live a few more years of misery. Choosing the latter is "Damn Stupid" IMO.
Ima give e-juice another 20 years of voluntary human testing. Then we'll see. Til then, Ima stick with my all natural additive-free pipe tobacco (so long as it doesn't come from China).
In World War One, hydrogen cyanide was being used as a chemical weapon against the Central Powers by the French from 1916, and by the United States and Italy in 1918, but it was not found to be effective enough due to weather conditions.[53][54] The gas is lighter than air and rapidly disperses up into the atmosphere; this is in contrast to denser agents such as phosgene or chlorine which tend to remain at ground level. Compared to such agents it must also be present in higher concentrations in order to be fatal. These properties combine to make its use in the field impractical. A hydrogen cyanide concentration in the range of 100–200 ppm in air will kill a human within 10 to 60 minutes.[55] A hydrogen cyanide concentration of 2000 ppm (about 2380 mg/m3) will kill a human in about one minute.[55] The toxicity is caused by the cyanide ion, which halts cellular respiration by acting as a non-competitive inhibitor for an enzyme in mitochondria called cytochrome c oxidase. As such hydrogen cyanide is commonly listed among chemical warfare as a blood agent.[56] It is listed under Schedule 3 of the Chemical Weapons Convention as a potential weapon which has large-scale industrial uses, manufacturing plants in signatory countries which produce more than 30 metric tons per year must be declared to, and can be inspected by, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons. Hydrogen cyanide has been absorbed into a carrier for use as a pesticide. Perhaps the most infamous of these is Zyklon B (German: Cyclone B, with the B standing for Blausäure – prussic acid; also, to distinguish it from an earlier product later known as Zyklon A),[57] it was used in Nazi German extermination camps during World War II to kill en masse as part of their Final Solution genocide program. Hydrogen cyanide was also used in the camps for delousing clothing in attempts to eradicate diseases carried by lice and other parasites. The same product is currently made in the Czech Republic under the trademark "BLUE FUME".[58] Hydrogen cyanide was also the agent employed in judicial execution in some U.S. states, where it was produced during the execution by the action of sulfuric acid on potassium cyanide. Under the name prussic acid, HCN has been used as a killing agent in whaling harpoons, although it proved quite dangerous to the crew deploying it, and thus it was quickly abandoned.[14] From the middle of the 18th century it was used in a number of poisoning murders and suicides.[59] Hydrogen cyanide gas in air is explosive at concentrations over 5.6%.[60] This is far above its toxicity level.
It’s not about the harm. It’s risk vs reward. With a car, you can travel wherever you want, when you want. The reward is worth the risk for most people. With nicotine, you pay lots of money to risk an early death for a slight high, which is more of a deferral of withdrawal effects.
To some degree I agree with you with respect to stating that there is a risk reward equation in play. In a free country - except in extreme circumstances - that decision is left up to the individual. In a free society the individual has the right to risk a reasonable amount of harm to themselves. If someone wants to take the risk - in full knowledge of that risk - and smoke - knowing it will shave a few years off his life .. that is up to them. Is smoking as risky as cave diving ? - not even close.
Possibly. In the 60 page Registration Document, all I could find was: Manufactured for: Champion Crop Care P.O. Box 1501 Madison, MS 39130
Exactly. The only problem seems to be people using THC laced vaping liquid, usually with Vitamin E or some kind of oil in it.
Cyanide is in cigarette smoke also. And campfire smoke... exhaust, etc. So your web of logic is a non-sequitur. What is much more concerning about vaping, which I’ve done a couple times but stopped. Haven’t in over a year, is the possibility of inducing a lipoid pneumonia, which is a life threatening lung complication. So while I was a fan, and I think THC is a safe drug, the modality of vaping on a regular basis can have serious health consequences. THAT is real, relevant medical stuff... not cyanide.