Now kids in Kansas are eating vape cartridges. Like they say, you can't stop street drugs, there's too much demand. Time to stand down and let vaping do whatever the hell it's going to do to people -- just like street opioids and heroin.
You are correct, it is the lipoid pneumonia that is the issue, but it is being caused by vaping black market THC not the commercially available nicotine extracts that have been readily available for over 10 years. This pneumonia is a recent issue
Must be nice to be perfect right down to your dog food. Obama was a smoker, even hid the fact after stating he would quit if elected, (yet another broken campaign promise!). So you might have something there about the "stupidity" factor, but most people do have a fault or two, just not you, apparently.
Correct. It’s exclusive to the THC, not the nicotine ones. Disclaimer I’ll say is the THC is NOT DANGEROUS. No data. But the lipid nature of the compounds, in the vaping formula, should not be consumed habitually. Unrelated to the THC, but that formulation.
I certainly did in my life. My own stupid fault. Tobacco companies were wrong to market a dangerous and addictive product, but I share in the blame. That's all I'm saying. China may be wrong for the same reasons and the tobacco companies, but we're the market they're selling to, so we're as much to blame as China is.
Has anyone in the history of the world ever taken his first inhale of burning tobacco, and after turning green and coughing his brains out, ever not thought it wasn't good for you?
Don't forget the melamine in baby formula they sold around the world. If you've never watched a video of Chinese fish farms you should. A lot of organic food in the stores today comes from China. It is anything but organic.
What terrifies me is that many of our vaccines are made in China. They are more often than not contaminated with toxins which wreak havoc with neurochemical processes in the brain. These 'processes' damage the brain tissue leaving them with brains that look very much like the brains of people with autism. Since foreign countries do not have to abide by FDA standards, these drugs are passed on to the public without a word of warning. This is appalling. Babies are given these vaccines. BABIES. The Chinese are cheats. The world needs to take these cheating world-leader wannabes to task.
There is a benefit to getting in a car. There is zero benefit here. Your comparison is unreasonable and mindless. Maybe you were vaping THC when posting.
There is a benefit to smoking cigarettes and pot in some peoples minds .. or alcohol for that matter. Your missing the general point here .. In a free society the individual has the right to assume a reasonable amount of harm on themselves. It is not up to you to determine what benefit they place on some action and how that weighs into their personal risk reward equation. The question here is where the bar is. We know the risk of harm from cigarettes - Alcohol - Pot - sky diving - cave diving - skiing Who gets to set the bar - and on what basis ?
Why the qualifier on alcohol? You'd probably be better off chewing on marijuana edibles than you would be loosening up with a few drinks. Pay for concierge medical care and get diagnostic tests to catch treatable conditions early.
The latest report I saw said black market THC is the cause for 78% of the illnesses. Might need more research about the other 22%.
Nobody thinks that. Vaping is a HEALTHIER form of smoking, because it's not smoking. Anybody who doesn't want to understand the differences, lump it all in together, and scream about it with lots of !!!!!!!! is just an old man yelling at clouds.
Well there was no lipoid pneumonia issue for over a decade, the suddenly a couple hundred cases and some deaths. My guess would be something new added into the mix
IMHO, the other 22% are lying. Supposedly about 80% admitted to using THC vaping products. The other 20% said nicotine only. My guess is that they all used THC vaping products.
My guess as well. I think that if you really delve into it, all of them are probably related to black market THC products, especially since this is a fairly new thing.
The deaths were from aftermarket TCH pods. It would be reasonable to expect a product to be what you are buying. Thats where the bar should be set.
A good reason to legalize marijuana so it can be regulated. The black market has no such regulation nor any ethical standards.
Saying “Dont take illegal Drugs” is an ineffective response to the problem. The simple fact is that marijuana is demonstrably a far safer product than alcohol. I can back the claim with objective source citation if you like. People are going to use marijuana no matter if it is legal or not. Because it is a far safer alternative to alcohol in terms of a recreational drug and also far safer than many codeine based pain killers, it should be legalized and regulated which will do more to solve the problem than maintaining the status quo.
In a free market, it would only be easier to knock out the competition because there are no rules. All that does is get rid of the middle man. At least with government, the people have a chance to prevent it by electing officials who will represent them. It's not government's fault that the people rarely choose good candidates because they're more concerned with trivial nonsense and expect the government to run itself with only a little bit of input every 4 years. That's squarely on the shoulders of the voters.