Cyanide is not good for people. Ingesting vitamin E may be good for you, however, inhaling vitamin E and coating the tiny alveoli air sacs in the lungs, robbing you of oxygen is not. This is not Juul or major companies putting out defective product; it's black market mainly from the USA's worst enemy, China. If the front of the store looks like something out of a goofy comic book, watch out. Remember all the pets and humongous vet bills from when China was putting formaldehyde in pet food. China is our enemy.
Well! Stupid is as Stupid does. Anybody who thinks Vaping was a HEALTHY form of smoking was in for a rude awakening. Don't SMOKE, Don't VAPE, Don't take illegal Drugs, Don't drink Alcohol excessively, Eat healthy and exercise and you should be able to go through life relatively fine and healthy. Damn! people are STUPID! Oh! and I don't feed my dog any of the **** that comes out of China.
And it's not just China... Blame usually starts with ourselves. Why on earth would anyone want to suck on those nasty things and become addicted to them is beyond explanation.
"Why anyone on earth would want to risk harm to themselves by getting into a car is beyond explanation" The above statement - which mirror's yours - is equally silly.
You made an argument based on potential harm. Further - you apportioned blame on this basis. While someone smoking or vaping risks a certain amount of harm to themselves - that risk is increased by the product having a substance that is more harmful than what was advertised. Say we are talking smoking pot. We can blame the person for taking a risk that is normally associated with Pot. They however are not to blame for the increased risk of smoking pot laced with fentanyl - if they did not know the stuff was laced with fentanyl. Your bewilderment with respect to risk taking behavior is hyperbolic. People smoke because it makes them feel good. They do this despite the risk of harm "becoming addicted". You claim "this is beyond explanation" - yet People risk harm all the time on the basis of feeling good or for other reasons - because they like doing something (which is just a different form of feeling good). YOU - in fact risk harm to yourself on the basis of feeling good. Ingesting Sugar, Fatty foods, riding a bike, taking a fair ride, boating, getting into a car, or merely rising from bed in the morning. Obviously - some behaviors are more risky than others. On that note - were you aware that getting out of bed in the morning and going for a walk carries 400 times the risk of harm than the risk of being involved in a terrorist attack.
It is all an integral part of the human condition. The species conducts itself in a manner that suggests an ingrained desire to see itself killed off.
China is dependent on exports, and will never hurt itself. These things are done by small manufacturers in China to increase their own profit and they end up destroying China's reputation and hurting the whole country. China has put in some very harsh laws because of them. It might even be a capital offense. As for the e-cigarettes, I read that the tobacco companies are losing large sums of money because of them and they can't cover the costs of all the cancer law suits. The States had given a guarantee that if the companies can't cover the costs, they will cover them. So the States have now panicked and are forcing people to go back to smoking cigarettes - which is more harmful. What should be done of course, is to have E-cigarettes regulated. I'm very suspicious though, and believe there's more too it than that. I noticed over the years how corporations will open one store after another in the same neighborhood to knock out the individual owners. Also if a new product and store is successful, they will offer them a large sum to buy them out and take it over. Is this what is going on with the E-cigarettes? Are they forcing the manufacturers and store owners to sell so they can be taken over by the tobacco industry?
FYI apple seeds contain amygdalin, a cyanide and sugar compound that degrades into hydrogen cyanide when ingested. Let's uproot all those apple orchards and pull the apples from supermarket shelves ASAP.
I just found out all the multinationals are in on it. Their product just got approved by the FDA and will be coming out in January. Knock out the small business' in anyway they can, that's their game.
Funny thing is, the problem has nothing to do with the non-black market product, but idiots are freaking out anyway
FoxHastings said: ↑ Does RoundUp (the weed killer) come from China? Why did you think that was an answer to my question?
Is glyphosate put in the vape? Not that I've heard. Roundup is not an insecticide but rather a herbicide.
FoxHastings said: ↑ Does RoundUp (the weed killer) come from China? I guess since no one can answer my question I'll quit being so lazy and look it up myself....