the reason as to why rocks including this planet earth are floating is not because this claim of gravity. they float because they sit on a very thick compressed mass of unimaginative layers and layers of atom. this compressed mass of unimaginative layers of atom is so thick that it has the full power to hold any growing rocks. no gravity is at play. polscie
So on what does the "Unimaginative "sic,mass of a imploded neutron star called a black hole sit on as it is mass at infinite density of Atoms? or a singularity?????as long as you reject the God crap you can still be saved. one other thing Light exists as both WAVE [Energy] and Partical [Mass]at the same instant in Time!
It isn't a theory. It's been proven over and over again. You just refuse to accept it, for whatever reason (presumably to feel unique or "special")
Presumably? To feel special or unique? I have explicit documentation which is a collaboration of material from scientists and others, as well as input from myself which clearly demonstrate the nature of the earth. If you suspect the shape and nature of the earth has been proven as ellipsoid and wish to do more than troll these fora, I suggest you take your 'presumtions' elsewhere and get to something of substance old sport.
Ill take thousands of years of observation (including direct observation) over your input every time. Let's say that it hasnt been proven the earth is more or less spherical in shape (it has). What you suggest, is to throw out a model of the universe that fits almost perfectly to what we observe, for a hypothesis that is full of logical problems (universal acceleration).
You are right, thousands of years of observations pointing towards two diametrically opposed worldviews concerning the true nature of the earth. Then you shouldnt have any difficulty here and would have no need To (*)(*)(*)(*)(*)foot around and just get to this proof. I too, have proof, only it demonstrates the true nature of things such and standing water and proves the earth to be a plane. Incorrect. Maybe to what you and others have observed. Others who ignore principles and theories which many who developed them say themselves they will never necessarily be proven, have observed otherwise. There are no such problems. For a person first hearing this idea it is a bit 'hard to swallow', it would first appear that there are simply too many inconsistencies. Nothing could be further from the truth good fellow.
If the earth is flat, then why is it dark in Asia, when its light here? If the earth is flat, why can we track the movement of the sun across the sky smoothly, with no disruptions. If the earth is flat, then why is it warmer closer to the equator, and colder closer to the poles? If the earth is flat, why do we have a magnetic field? If the earth is flat, why do we have low tides? If the earth is flat, and our perception of gravity is actually caused by UA, why is everything else out in space governed by a different model? If the earth is flat, then not only has there been some vast international conspiracy (USSR and USA couldn't agree on anything other then conning everyone into believe the earth is spherical) for the past 2000 years, but he universe itself has to be playing some sort of trick on us. It makes zero sense, and despite your attempt to play the two off as theories on equal footing, they aren't. Flat earth is a refuted hypothesis that hasn't been considered credible for thousands of years, while spherical earth is proven scientific fact.
The earth is round like a ball not flat like a book. Gravity is caused by mass warping spacetime. As for universal acceleration causing gravity why does a rocket have to accelerate to 17,500 mph to free its self from gravity? How after a spacecraft is in micro gravity stay there if it maintains a speed as it circles the sphere of the earth? If you want we can get a bit more technical? Top 10 Ways to Know the Earth is Not Flat Rev A
You didn't answer the questions I asked in that thread. Maybe I missed them, but if you want to have a discussion HERE, then you have to answer my questions directly. Perceived problems with standing water or whatever else aside, the earth has been DIRECTLY OBSERVED as an ellipsoid, so any argument otherwise is laughable. More than anything, I would like you to explain the magnetic field, and why everything else YOU can see in the universe (buy a telescope) is spherical and bound by gravity.
The majority of the questions you have asked have already ben answered on this threa and one or two others. While I do not have any major problem going over them with you again to save you time trying to sort through pages and pages of material I took a slightly different appraoch. In attempt to avoid repitition, I directed you to a question I have which directly observes the alleged ellipsoid as being flat. I could rightly say that any argument which goes against this is laughable as well. Taking the circumference at the equator, we do not observe any such declination. Ships allegedly going downward as the progress out into the sea has been adressed in the thread I directed you to. I have a telescope and have personally observed nothing which runs contrary or prevents the earth from its true nature. Your understanding of how things work simply cause you to suspect there are serious problems with this whole concept when in fact, everything works out quit well.
I have already viewed this elementary approach in attempt to prove the earth round. UA has the exact same effect of said gravity. Just because you understand how gravity is said to work does not mean that this is how the world works. I understand how that movie "never ending story works", but thats a fairy tale.
I was a believer in UA nearly 30 years ago, as a young and naïve boy. That is until I decided to go to school and learn the basics. You should do the same. Thanks for your invitation but I have a policy not to debate some ideas because I have already fully studied them and discarded them as, well, with all due respect, unworthy of further discussion. Of course if there were new emerging hard evidences I would take them into account, that has not been the case for over twenty years. I suggest you buy yourself a telescope and enjoy the night sky, and discard such rubbish as UA and other flat earth fantasies. Its a waste of your time and life IMO. Rev A
Incorrect, have you considered the nature of standing water, the earths alleged circumference at the equator, and the table of what would most certainly be visible declination?
Sorry, I was going to read all the posts to see if someone said what I was going to say, but I got bored. I don't either, I think that the earth sucks.
Isn't it the mysterious Higgs boson that renders matter the property of gravity? It fits neatly into the particle tables and symmetry rules (i.e. 6-6-6 rule --->>> 6 of leptons and 6 particles in each particle class, but only 5 bosons (bosons = force carriers) have been discovered to date) but because possibly due to its extreme mass, the current particle accelerators are not powerful enough to detect it yet.
You have 6 quarks, 6 leptons, but only 5 bosons. This violates the symmetry rules. Higgs boson may hence be the elusive graviton. This may offer a much simpler explanation for gravity than all the complicated models involving space warping and such. Space may hence be Eucladian afterall rather than warped, as was demonstrated by shooting lasers into deep space where no warping was ever detected.
Now that is what I am watching! In a way I hope the higgs does not exist. That would mean we would need a new physics, and that science has again been incorrect in the order of decades. And it may provoke a the quest for physics built on the REAL truth i.e. a physics built with metaphysics. Rev A
Want an interesting read ... ? The Emperor's New Mind: Concerning Computers, Minds and The Laws of Physics is a book by Sir Roger Penrose, a mathematician and physicist with a flare for writing. It can be heavy going but it has been written for both intellectual as well as academic. In it he postulates that there must be some science, some physics, that is at present beyond our imagination. History shows us that scientific arrogance is something we need to put away. The moment we think we know the answers is the moment we know the least. Bring on a new physics, for it will bring new truths, hopefully better science, for a cleaner, safer and more humane existence.
Uncle Ferd says most people don't realize the gravity o' the situation - when dem gravity waves hit earth, dey gonna fling ever'body off the face o' the planet... Gravity waves spotted from white-dwarf pair 29 August 2012: Researchers have spotted visible-light evidence for one of astronomy's most elusive targets - gravity waves - in the orbit of a pair of dead stars.
I believe that in the beginning there were nothing so big, like the size of the earth. If this is the case, then every floating rock or planets started from the smallest particle, which is Atom..quark or sub quark. so if this the case......are you saying that this smallest particle itself is gravity? I refuse to believe in GRAVITY.
Hey my friend! I plan on reading that fine book in full soon, hopefully on a radical sabbatical camping trip, the only place I have time and no interruptions to read the printed word! I use many of Penroses quotes to support my contention that God exists and there is evidence to lend credence to that claim. One of the most convincing claims in that book is where Penrose calculated the odds of the universe coming about in the form we see it in today by random. The odds were something like ten to the one hundred and twenty sixth power to one against the universe being as it is! That means the universe most likely had help, lol! Thanks for the suggestion! As for the new physics Hawking spoke of, yes it would be exciting but where to begin? The classical tools would be useless, lol. However no worries it seems the Higgs has been found. Sorry to all for the belated reply. reva