Yes, KFC is truly a perfidious organiztion. They operate as an intelligence arm for NASA and are well trained in all sorts of malfeasance. From toppling governments to assasinations. They have also been connected through vast amounts of evidence to the slaughtering of innocent paleontologists and others who study the dinosaurs.
Yes, so you a admit that what you just said isn't evidence for your theory, it is just an observation. So why respond to a post asking for evidence with "it looks flat to me?" when it clearly isn't evidence.
Sure, how is big profit being made on this conspiracy? If you can't explain, why would you think that there is a conspiracy? What evidence is there of one? Why did you ignore the race around Antarctica?
They are not stationary per say, but we know where they are relative to the changing of the seasons, there is also polaris which never moves. If you could provide me with that photo and i could run it through a program that can detect doctored photos i would cosider it. I'm sorry you think mathematical evidence is inadequate? so the only evidence we are supposed to believe is a story you heard from some guy who keeps bees in Saudia Arabia. If anything mathematical evidence is by far the most trustworthy evidence I can think of. Please provide me with even a shred of the apparent loads of evidence that is in your posession of KFC's malevolent plot and their part in the slaughter of innocents.
It looks flat to me was submitted as a response. You are ruling out an odservation as being evidence? There is much more in the way of evidence.
There is so much evidence, from NASA being caught manipulating photos to the murdering of the man who was slated to be the first on the moon. It really goes on and on, there is no question of malfeasance. KFC's involvement goes back to Colonel Sanders role in the army stationed in Cuba. I have essays which lay much of everything out and attempts to pinpoint the major players. I really could go on and on so how about asking something specific that you are curious about. Nobody actually goes around Antartica.
Yes, as I thought you have no interest in serious questions. You simply wish to discredit what is obvious to many once they recieve enough information to notice.
I've asked serious questions, I just haven't been receiving serious answers. And your inclusion of Colonel Sanders into the whole thing... Jesus.
For short periods of time, they can be used as "fixed points." How do you think GPS works? Satellites.
Psuedolites and stratellites actually, its a great hustle. Short periods of time does not constitue stationary, which was what I was responding to.
oh good to see that gravity can now be a post-modernist construct of feeble brains ! Sorry to inform you that gravity is totally independent of the thought processes of us humans! The thing we describe and demonstrate as gravity predated us by ,FOREVER in the past and will post date us FOREVER in the future ! Or are you and your Post-modernist ilk ,freed yourselves in your Delusional Post-Modernist [subjective Idealist]stupidity from its effects? sorry that SCIENCE actually describes Natural phenomena OBJECTIVELY independently from whatever our individual concepts SUBJECTIVELY may or maynot be ! Gravity is not an IDEA ,its a SCIENTIFICALLY ,that is PROVED through EXPERIMENTATION and observation, a Fundamental force of the UNIVERSE ! We will put this down to a poor attempt at humour! Next thing you will start saying that God exists ?
This has probably been said before. But if you don't believe in gravity you can safely hop out the 20th story of a building...right?
Clearly there is a force which keeps things down. No body has denied that. The question is what that force is. The alternative I have offered has been explained several times by me for people like joe six pack who could not find the first three pages of this thread when I referenced him there. He wanted a link to page 1.
gravity is an effect of space that is believed to be caused by the "dent" that mass causes on the sheet that is the universe.
Einstien proved that when a star behind a star became visible because of the bend in space. I just wonder if its wieght or some electrical force that makes that dent. I'm no physisit, just chimmin in on what I heard. I hear there are 2 moons in orbit of jupitor that should collide every so often but swing around eachother due to magnetic forces.
It's really "intelligent falling" directed by a great omnipotent entity. This is called the 'God's Ass' theory of gravitation.
EXTRAORDINARY PHENOMENA ATTENDING THE ECLIPSE.--On Saturday evening, February 27th, 1858, at Brussels, the eclipse was seen by several English philosophers who happened to be present. It was attended by a very remarkable appearance, which Dr. Forster said was wholly inexplicable on any laws of natural philosophy with which he was acquainted. The moment before contact a small dusky spot appeared on the moon's surface, and during the whole of the eclipse, a reddish-brown fringe, or penumbra, projected above the shadow of the earth. Another thing still more remarkable was the apparent irregularity of the edge of the shadow. Three persons, one of them an astronomer, were witnesses of these curious phenomena, which no law of refraction can in any way explain." 2 "LUNAR ECLIPSE OF FEBRUARY 6TH, 1860.--The only remarkable feature in this eclipse was the visibility--it might almost be termed the brilliancy of Aristarchus. Kepler, and other spots, were comparatively lost, or at most, barely discernible, as soon as they became enveloped in the shadow; but not so Aristarchus, which evidently shone either by intrinsic or retained illumination." 3 p. 134 "The moon has sometimes shone during a total eclipse with an almost unaccountable distinctness. On December 22nd, 1703, the moon, when totally immersed in the earth's shadow, was visible at Avignon by a ruddy light of such brilliancy that one might have imagined her body to be transparent, and to be enlightened from behind; and on March 19th, 1848, it is stated that so bright was the moon's surface during its total immersion,, that many persons could not be persuaded that it was eclipsed. Mr. Forster, of Bruges, states, in an account of that eclipse, that the light and dark places on the moon's surface could be almost as well made out as in an ordinary dull moonlight night. "Sometimes, in a total lunar eclipse, the moon will appear quite obscure in some parts of its surface, and in other parts will exhibit a high degree of illumination. . . . To a certain extent I witnessed some of these phenomena, during the merely partial eclipse of February 7th, 1860. . . . I prepared, during the afternoon of February 6th, for witnessing the. eclipse, without any distinct expectation of seeing much worthy of note. I knew, however, that upwards of eight-tenths of the. disc would be covered, and I was anxious to observe with what degree of distinctness the eclipsed portion could be viewed, partly as an interesting fact, and partly with a view of verifying or discovering the weak points of an engraving (in which I am concerned) of a lunar eclipse. After seeing the increasing darkness of the penumbra softly merging into the true shadow, at the commencement of the eclipse (about 1 o'clock a.m., Greenwich time), I proceeded with pencil and paper, dimly lighted by a distant lamp, to note by name the different lunar mountains and plains (the so-called seas), over which the shadow passed. . . . During the first hour and ten minutes I had seen nothing unexpected. . . . I had repeatedly written down my observations of the remarkable clearness with which the p. 135 moon's eclipsed outline could be seen, both with the naked eye and with the telescope. At 1 hour 58 minutes, however, I suddenly noted the ruddy colour of a portion of the moon. I may as well give my notes in the original words, as copied next day in a more connected form: "'1 hour 58 minutes, Greenwich time.--I am suddenly struck by the fact that the whole of the western seas of the moon are showing through the shadow with singular sharpness, and that the whole region where they lie has assumed a decidedly reddish tinge, attaining its greatest brightness at a sort of temporary polar region, having 'Endymion' about the position of its imaginary pole. I particularly notice that the 'Lake of Sleep' has disappeared in this brightness, instead of standing out in a darker shade. And I notice that this so-called polar region is not parallel with the rim of the shadow, but rather west of it. "'2 hours 15 minutes.--Some clouds, though very thin and transparent, now intervene. "'2 hours 20 minutes.--The sky is now clear. How extra-ordinary is the appearance of the moon! Reddish is not the word to express it; it is red--red hot! I endeavour to think of various red objects with which to compare it, and nothing seems so like as a red-hot penny--a red-hot penny, with a little white-hot piece at its lower edge, standing out against a dark blue background; only it is evidently not a mere disc, but beautifully rounded by shading. Such is its appearance with the naked eye; with the telescope, its surface varies more in tint than with the naked eye, and is not of quite so bright a red as when thus viewed. The redness continues to be most perceptible at a distance from the shadow's southern edge, and to be greatest about the region of 'Endymion.' The 'Hercynian Mountains' (north of 'Grimaldus') are, however, of rather a bright red, and 'Grimaldus' shows well. 'Mare
present time is now trying to challenge einstein. it seems that something else is travelling faster than light. move over einstein. after sometime, it shall be the gravity that shall be put on the firing line. it is just a matter of time. polscie