Yeah, keep this up. I will never understand those that spend hours defending the FED, or why it is the same people spending hours in these 9-11 threads defending the status quo. I mean at some point wouldn't you tire of this. If you believe the truth is being hidden it is easy to understand why those that are attacking the official story would be motivated to continue to do so. Why these people spend hours on end defending the official story when according to them, you have to be an idiot to question this, is beyond me, and should raise a red flag for everyone with an independent thought in their head's!
I love it when self righteous truthers try to pretend they have independent thoughts. Nothing could be further from the truth. They are nothing but zombies regurgitating the same tired old lies that make them feel good about something in their miserable lives. Funny how they question those that stand up for the truth and try to honor the memories of the victims of 9/11 from those who would use their deaths for their own political ends. People like that make me sick and explain perfectly why I would hang around making a mockery out of their bull(*)(*)(*)(*) claims. It is fun. It is entertaining. And you get to (*)(*)(*)(*) off people who really deserve it. Who wouldn't enjoy that?
I answered your question but you are not going to hear it, you are incapable of hearing it because it will not fit your true belief so will be ignored as you have proven.
Yes, you answered one of my questions. I did not dispute anything, I just asked another question. I asked you to be more specific. You know, to compound on your answer that you had given me.
No you didn't. Jango, go ahead and quote your question, and then his response, so everyone can see the propagandist at work.
Right, so 11 years after 9-11, you spend your time debunking a idea you think only idiots believe......... O'really?
I agree. we do rationalize on our own. You are clearly a conservative which means you crave someone telling you how to think, and the comfort of authority.
The loss of life was used for political ends no matter what though. It was the loss of life that got us into Afghanistan. I'm in no way saying that we shouldn't attack after being attacked, I'm just pointing out that the loss of 3,000 of our fellow brothers and sisters, sons and daughters was used to one degree of political purpose or another. It still is in a lot of ways - fueling the War on Terrorism...or War on Terror...or whatever it is called these days (World War III by President Bush). Look at the attendance for the memorial services. People are devastated by 9/11. And I don't blame them. Regarding 'independent thought'...really? You're going to go there? YOU? And to top it off, you mention self-righteuosness. Look in the mirror, man. Look at your posts. Be open and honest with yourself for a change, Patriot, the All-American patriot that is anti-government but isn't anti-American (How in the hell is that even possible?). At least it is reassuring to know that you're down here in the bottom of the barrel with the truthers, huh, Patriot?
What about BullsLawDan? He thinks truthers are idiots as well but I have read other posts of his in different parts of the forum which illustrate pretty clearly that he is not conservative. The idea that truthers are idiots enjoys widespread bipartisan support. So much for your feeble attempt to pigeonhole posters.
Not to toot my horn because I suck at math and science, but what do you know of IQ? Your posts are never that impressive. In fact, your performance is the worst out of all the defenders.
I know enough about IQ to note that despite your insulting me,that you missed what was Ironic about the post.
Wonder what happened to the guy that claimed he could blow us out of the water since he worked in the aircraft industry but did not know that Aluminum was a metal?