So are there any troughers waking up to the inherent problems and world wide impact with the 911 false flag op yet? What a can of worms for 30 pieces of silver.
Simply amazing how that aluminum nose cone barreled through all those steel beams and popped out intact huh?
Its only BS to people who portray intelligence as madness. 12. In the summer of 2001, the Russian intelligence notified the CIA that 25 terrorist pilots have been specifically trained for suicide missions. In August, Russian President Putin told Russian intelligence to warn the U.S. government in the strongest possible terms of an imminent attack on airports and government buildings (MS-NBC interview, Sept., 15, 2001). I guess the only way intel really works in "some" gubbermints is if we do their job for them. .
So you do agree the US was attacked by terrorists from outside the country. Well, that's certainly a step in the right direction, Jojo.
buildings dont plant their own explosive devices and demolish themselves. where would you go to hire mercenaries that are not accountable to US jurisdiction?
once again; buildings dont plant their own explosive devices and demolish themselves. where would you go to hire mercenaries that are not accountable to US jurisdiction? So you are going to start out by ducking your own point.
Did I miss a report that came out that stated there were explosives at the WTC or Pentagon? AFAIK there is no evidence at all to support that there were any form of explosives at the Twin Towers or the Pentagon. In fact, there was even an indepentent analysis of the dust at the WTC that showed there was no sign of explosives at all. There was no thermite, TNT, etc. Nothing.
Only truthers can watch the immense destructive power of fuel laden aircraft destroying a building, the ensuing fires that spread throughout the day without any ability to fight them, and the resulting weakening and collapse of the buildings and come up with something entirely ridiculous to explain that away.
The 4 sides of world trade 2 within 2 minutes of its demolition Nope no fire over here Nope no fire over here Dang no fire over here either?????? Thats all 4 sides withing minutes of the demolition! Oh wait thats right we dont need fire for a demolition! What page is that on in the commission report that says we had a fire demolition anyway?
Smoke=fire.....<eyeroll> Besides the fires would be on the side where the most flammable debris was pused by the passage of the planes
yeh but the fire extinguishers were working and water a couple inches deep was pouring down the stair wells! and it was on the history channel no less! wat up wit dat man? this is the side that you "PRESUME" everything was pushed and suposedly with some kind of raging fire. Dang no fire there either! Now what? LOL
Wrong, Jojo. The quoye I was responding to was about Pilots. (read it for yourself.) Not mercenaries, not explosives - terrorist pilots. Read what you paste before you post it and you won't get caught with your pants down again.
thats no my quote, thats what was said on tv. We know tv does not get anything wrong or worse lie do we. The point to be made is that everyone knew something was going to happen except the gubbermint. pilots are not the subject here the fact the US had ample warning from literally the whole world much like pearl. Feel free to comment on that.