yeh its tough to find fire in the last 5 minutes. troughers rerun earlier pics nope no fire over here nope no fire over here either nope just cant find no fire
Actually, According to truthers the people who jumped to their deaths were actually ballistic gelatin dummies that were thrown off the tower by Jewish spies posing as artists. These artists then, apparently, flew off in their invisible Jew helicopters prior to the deployment of the hurricane powered space laser that vaporized the steel in the towers. They then hid their 'copter and attempted to speed off in a crappy moving van. If they hadn't stopped to celebrate before the towers collapsed we never would have caught them.
I'm not sure if you meant it as a joke or a Poe, but I see fire in all those photos. Every single one of them.
It is not a joke. It is just one more piece in the (*)(*)(*)(*)ed up story koko likes to pretend is real. It starts with no plane hitting the buildings. Never mind the witnesses. Apparently not one of them can be trusted, but koko can neither explain how these people can't be trusted nor can he explain the complete absence of witnesses that did NOT see a plane hit the towers when they were looking right at the tower. Cameras? The government has some technology that can instantly insert CGI (computer generated imagery) from any angle into any video feed in real time to perfectly coincide with an explosion in the building. This same technology somehow altered the video on every video camera owned by anyone filming the towers. The "fires" in the buildings weren't really big fires, but koko can't explain the witnesses who saw fires, the videos that clearly show fires, or his own pictures that show fires. He can't explain why people from the upper floors couldn't get past these non-existant fires, nor can he explain the rational behind a person taking their own life when, according to him, there was only smoke. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't jump to my death unless I was (*)(*)(*)(*) sure the only alternative was fire. Apparently in koko la la land, people are really REALLY afraid of smoke.
Well then that settles it all 911 debates are hereby moot! plague sees fire. So how long have you worked for nist? Thats exactly what they said. How could any building withstand that kind of inferno?
Well then, there we go. We're done here. I don't work for the NIST. I do computer related work. Is this relevant? May I inquire as to what your credentials are? Do you have any? Can you prove what you say is true? You'll find this is a common occurence among those with an IQ above the state requirement line. They agree when rational explanations are given. Uhm, it can't. That's why the buildings fell. Well, the inferno and the fact that 2 airplanes crashed into them igniting the fires and destroying the majority of the buildings structural support. So you're statement is a blatant lie because it wasn't just the inferno.
Dont forget that the aliens farted and the sun was on the left and it was raining in portland. All these are the making of a successful invisible inferno. Dos computer work include being delusional?
You are insulting my IQ while at the same time completely incapable to spell or punctuate properly. As far as my job, I don't do anything related to 9/11, nor do I work in a field that is relevant to 9/11, so I am not going to give anyone any other impression. All the knowledge I have has been gained by independent research due to my curiousity of the events that transpired. Once again, not sure what Dos means, but no. It doesn't include it, I believe it's optional on a rent to own status though. I'll have to check with my HR.
fwiw a judge just said the average iq in the us is 70. the fact that troughers are not swinging from a tree proves it.
Thanks for proving your point about IQ. I would guess you think you are smarter than the people at Purdue or MIT. One of the things that is apparent about people that are retarded is that they don't know they are.