Because when a nation turns to God, the true God and Father of Jesus Christ, as England did in the past, then that nation will be doing what is right concerning God and will come under His blessings. To place the true faith of Christianity on the level of false religions, is to deny the true God and bring His discipline and curses. Quantrill
Yes He does. 'Before Abraham was, I am'. John 8:58 God does in the Bible. There is only one God. Only one place in Israel to worship God, which was given by God. Only one way to worship and come to God now, which is through Jesus Christ alone. Yes, I hate the jesus of islam. Its a false jesus. No, I am a Christian who worships the Jesus of the Bible. Not the false jesus of islam. Quantrill
Western society is plagued with secularism and so far this has led to two world wars and a love affair with socialism, which makes false promises of an egalitarian paradise on Earth. Only if the West returns to faith in Christ and his church will it have the strength to fight off the aggressive invasion of the Muslim menace. But the Romans must have had their warnings, and they did not heed it. The last straw was when the Emperors put barbarian mercenaries in charge of the Empire's defense, and then failed to pay them. Rome was sacked and the Empire fell. Our fate will be the same if we do not turn from the path we are on.
How so? When England did do that it was marked by civil war. If they are the "blessings" you speak of, I dont want them and I'm sure most English people dont either. How so? Yes, we know, we can see your username above.
You mean, enhanced by it. Epic fail. Explain how secularism, as a political ideology., led to World Wars and socialism. By that logic, the Founding Fathers inspired such event,s since they were clear secularists. Absolute tripe. No such "invasion" is occurring and no such "strength" comes form Christianity, just delusions of grandeur which you describe. Wars fought in the name of Christianity have been just as bloody as those fought not in its name. Incidentally, most people participating in the world wars were Christians. Clearly Christianity is not a force for peace in and of itself. Epic fail. Constantine, a Roman emperor, was the guy who essentially made Christianity as it is today by adopting it as the state religion you describe. The Byzantine empire still came crumbling down though. These barbarians are what we know call "knights from Europe". What about Constantinople? That was where the Romans did everything you said and still failed. You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Ignorance is a terrible thing - it is the only thing we need combat or fight against. It is the ONLY cause of the atrocities mentioned above - not religion, or a lack thereof.
As a Christian you're expected to love your enemies. You can be sure that all Christians taking part in the interfaith week worship the Biblical Jesus whereas all the Muslims taking part in it worship Jesus as He is seen in Islam. And both groups are so steadfast in their beliefs that they can discuss them and inform each other on them without being in fear of losing their own religious identity. Apparently Christians of your ilk don't have the calm self-assurance needed for such a dialogue. Probably because they only worship Jesus with their mouth while ignoring those of His teachings that they find inconvenient: i.e. basically all of them. That's the thing that's always struck me as weird about some right-wing evangelicals: They loudly profess to believe that nobody will come to the father except through Jesus, who is the way and the truth and the life, but stubbornly walk in the opposite direction than the one Jesus points to. Jesus talked to everybody and when asked about an example for loving conduct He chose a Samaritan; the Samaritans being a group of people that His audience despised for their heretic religious practices. So if Jesus tells us that we can learn something from somebody who holds different religious beliefs to ours, who am I to argue?
Really? Give reference historically to what your saying. A nation whose people worship the true God, does not exempt it from war. Read the Old Testament. Because Christianity is the worship of the true God, and all others are false. Quantrill
You believe Jesus talked to a Samraitan woman? Why? Why don't you believe what else Jesus said? Oh, your just ignoring all His teachings and only use whats convenient. Handy, and hypocritical. Quantrill
Are you serious! There were wars all over Europe before England got on the road to secularism - same for Europe. In both cases, once such a path was pursued the violence died down considerably. Read up on Elizabeth 1. You will note how her leadership as a Christian Queen did not stop war based on religious affiliation. If you look at Germany you will find exactly the same. History shows being a Christian nation does NOTHING to secure peace or "blessings" from God. Prove it. Bahaha you cant! epic fail!
Kind of like how you say "only Christians can know God" yet this is completely contrived - Jesus himself never said this.
Those who are true Christians as defined by the New Testament there will never be a union or agreement with what they believe and others believe. Its one of the reasons why Jesus said He never came to bring peace but a sword. Meaning, that His true ones will never compromise what they believe just for the sake of getting along. Matthew 10:34-38 (NASB77) 34 "Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. 35 "For I came to SET A MAN AGAINST HIS FATHER, AND A DAUGHTER AGAINST HER MOTHER, AND A DAUGHTER-IN-LAW AGAINST HER MOTHER-IN-LAW; 36 and A MAN'S ENEMIES WILL BE THE MEMBERS OF HIS HOUSEHOLD. 37 "He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. 38 "And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. But it does not mean they go out and wage war against those they disagree with ..only those who are Christians in name only will and has done that. But it will be others that will go against Jesus' true brothers and sisters. This is how it was in the past and this is how it will be in the future.
So you hate Jesus (PBUH) too hey? I wonder why so-called Christians such as yourself and Quantrill hate Jesus (PBUH) so much you say things like there is more than one, and "no, not PBUH"... Why would you wish anything but peace for Jesus (PBUH)? Could it be Muslims love Jesus (PBUH) more than the radical, irrationally Christians of America? What does that mean? God was around before the Bible and Christianity. Judaism was the original faith of الله SWT. You hate Jesus (PBUH) and continue spreading lies while admitting your hatred... Yet claim to be Christian. Why? Why do you claim Jesus (PBUH) is false? You say you worship the Jesus (PBUH) in the Bible, but in the sentences before and after that you say there are multiple Jesus' (PBUH) and that you hate him... I think you are confused. You don't even respect Jesus (PBUH) enough to capitalize his name, or say Peace Be Upon Him when mentioning his name... Instead you mention his name in arrogance, ignorance, hatred, bigotry and blasphemy. Everything Jesus (PBUH) was against, was he not? I love Jesus (PBUH) more than you do. How does that make a so-called Christian such as yourself feel? الله اكبر سلام
It means Jesus Christ identified Himself with the I Am who was Jehovah. The Jews have turned away from their faith and thus Judaism today is not following God. I hate the jesus of islam. Its a false jesus. The jesus of islam deserves no capitialization. Neither does islam. Doesn't affect me one way or another. The jesus you follow and love is not the Jesus Christ of the Bibile. Quantrill
How do you know "I Am" is Jehovah? Yes, and the Christians did the same thing which is why الله SWT sent down the Quran to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The disrespect for Jesus (PBUH) and one of God's religions... It does nothing but show your hatred for Jesus (PBUH) and God Almighty. Why do you consider yourself Christian when you hate Jesus (PBUH) and our God? The Jesus (PBUH) of Islam is the Jesus (PBUH) of Christianity, and vice versa just like the الله of Islam is the God of Christianity. I love the one and only Jesus (PBUH). I wouldn't disrespect him by claiming there are other Jesus' (PBUH) and I hate him because he is mentioned in Islam. There is only one Jesus (PBUH) like there is only one God. It shouldn't bother you, because you are Christian by name and not practice. I mean, Jesus Christ (PBUH), I'm probably a more practicing Christian than you are... But you should claim to be Christian in the same post you openly admit to hating Jesus (PBUH) and God. الله اكبر سلام
You seem to be cherry picking your scripture. Jesus only seemed to attack the religious leaders of his day. So when Christ stood among the religious leaders and made an open show of them, calling them a brood of vipers, how exactly was he bringing religion together again? As for myself, I could see Jesus using the Muslim in place of the Samaritan in his parable. Basically, you are to show love to those who are your enemy, whoever you may percieve them to be.
Exodus 3:13-14 No. Islam is a perversion of the truth. It contridicts the truth. It changes the Bible. Muhammed is no prophet of God. Salvation is of the Jews. No, you follow a false jesus. Jesus Christ in the Bible said salvation is of the Jews. Do you believe and follow Him in this? Jesus Christ said He was the Son of God. Do you believe and follow Him in this? Jesus Christ always said God was God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Not Ishamael. Do you believe and follow Him in this? No, your a muslim. Not a Christian. If you want to be a Christian you need to denounce islam, throw the koran away, and come to Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Quantrill
Nice to see that we~re interpreting the parable in exactly the same way. So how does quoting it make me cherrypick the scripture?
Nice to see you remembered the Samaritan woman whose charmingly naive literal understanding of Jesus words reminded me of fundamentalist Christians understanding of the Bibe once. I did however refer to the Parable of the Good Samaritan in Luke Luke 10:25-37 If Jesus was preaching to your congregation he would probably make the people going past stout Christians and the person who shows true love a Muslim, Hindu, Atheist ... Again in this thread it is you who ignores quoted teachings of Christ and rather than reaching out to followers of other faiths showers them with displays of your contempt. Like any other believer of any other religion you may of course believe that your faith is the only one that leads to salvation / but the tone of your posts is not exactly going to convince people of its benefits, is it?
You seem to imply that religions should be brought closer together when Christ ravaged the religious leaders verbally. Simply put, there are elements in religion that deserve our venom, it is what poisens the well.
Jesus was a Jew and criticized the Jewish establishment and leadership of His time, yes. And I am sure there is plenty of "venom" as you put it for Him to criticize in the institutional establishment of todays Christian Churches. I am also sure that to strive for interreligious dialogue and ecumenical understanding would not be one of these points, quite the contrary. And please let me clarify what I mean when I imply that religions should be brought closer together. I am a Christian and I am not going to become a Hindu, a Muslim or a Jew etc. And even though I am all for ecumenical work I am a Protestant and I am not going to become a Catholic. But I do think it is important to have respectful interreligious and interconfessional dialogues, to reach a better understanding of each other and to work towards common goals, namely the one of people of all creeds living in peace with one another.