Today the UK's "Interfaith Week" starts. Numerous events are scheduled. Seeing how many wars have been fought in the names of religions and how much interreligious bickering goes on in the world in general and this forum in particular I'm really pleased to see that are plenty of people who strive for a friendly interreligious dialogue and cooperation. The interfaith week's aims are stated as:
What England needs is a return to the Christian faith, not a celebration or union of other faiths. Quantrill
Or they can let people worship whomever they want and leave them alone....And if those people wish to work together and put aside their religious differences, than so be it.
Is that what Jesus (PBUH) would do? Why in the world you somebody by against the union and celebration of the 3 Abrahimic faiths? Salam
It is healthy I think. To better understand one another can lead to spreading the message in a possitive manner. There have been many times where our faith has not been welcomed with open arms. persacution comes about often times becuase people are scared of the unknown.
Jesus (PBUH) and you are pretty good friends eh? But do you listen when he talks? Because if you did, you would realize all 3 religions follow the same God and he isn't God. Please, crawl out from under your rock. There are dozen of faiths. Hundreds of Gods. It's up to you as a person to believe in one, two, ten, or no gods and which faith, if any, you wish to believe and follow. Your الله is my God, and my الله is your God. If you don't like it, I recommend converting out of the Abrahimic faiths, because it's also the same for Judaism. Gotta love religious intolerance. Always good for a laugh. Salam
I think Jesus is saddened by those right-wing evangelical fundamentalists who keep ignoring His teachings which recommended NOT to be a self-righteous bigot.
Yes, I know Jesus Christ. No, thats a lie. There is only one faith in God. All others are false. Your god is not my God. Your jesus is not my Jesus. Yes, I am intolerant of others trying to combine Christianity with their false religion. Chile Con Carne. Quantrill
Where did you two meet? No, there is dozens of faiths involving hundreds of Gods. Look it up, many are before Christianity too. That's not intolerance that's just being an idiot lol... Sorry no nicer way to put it. Why do you hate Jesus (PBUH)? Salam
It doesn't matter how many so called god's are worshipped. There is only One, and only one way to worhship Him, and only One way to Him, through Jesus Christ. No, its refusal to allow the false religions to have an affect on the true worship of God, Christianity. Quantrill
It does matter, because other people matter. Yes, there is only one God. But there are hundreds of gods. And there are 3 ways to worship الله: first through Judaism, second through Christianity, and third through Islam. I repeat, why do you hate Jesus (PBUH)? Please explain. Salam
Pay no heed to the Quaint-troll , He talks abt Christianity as if its the same relgion , which it certainly NOT. A Roman catholic wouldnt be seen dead in Quaint-troll's church . IN Nothern Ireland , as in past centuries throughout Europe - Catholics would burn Protestatants alive at a stake. Quaint-troll is from Texas - not the most intelligent Americans, spent most of their time in the company of + talking to cows . LOL .
I've had the pleasure of already having a conversation with him about religion. So I know what to expect. Aha... So true. Rednecks... I just would like to know why he hates Jesus (PBUH) so much. Salam
Then other people better turn to the true God. The God of the Bible, and Jesus Christ. No, only one way to worship the one God. Christianity. Islam is false. Judaism is false. The only Jesus I hate is the jesus of islam, which is a false jesus. Why do I hate him? Because he is nothing but a lie of muhammed. Quantrill
These are great initiatives because they get everyone to realize that despite all the different views, opinions and backgrounds, we are all equally beings with a consciousness and a simple interest in expanding our happiness.
But there is only one God, and Jesus (PBUH) doesn't say he's God. Says who? So you admit you hate Jesus (PBUH). But why? Does Mohammad (PBUH) have that much influence over you he can make you openly admit to hating Jesus (PBUH)? Why would a Christian hate Jesus (PBUH), maybe you aren't much of a Christian. Infact, the anti-Christ also hates Jesus (PBUH). Salam
The Jesus of Islam(and no, not PBUH), isn't the Jesus of the NT. According to Islam, who hung on the cross as a Penal Substituiary Atonement for the sins of the elect?
Pointing out the errors in your scripture knowledge is not bigotted. Self righteous also doesn't apply because if you're evangelical, then you realize that your righteousness is an alien righteousness, because it is applied to the christian, upon the rebirth of his soul, through Jesus. It is an Imputed righteousness.