That is the most important message in the entire Religion forum IMO. Religions need to co-exist with each other for the better of the world. And even Atheists should be rational enough to recognize that a) Religion is here to stay and b) the world would be better of if the religious communities - mainly of the 3 Abrahimic faiths - begin to co-exist with each other and work together to make the world a better place. The true, pure teachings of Islam, Christianity and Judaism are all similar because we all worship the same God, the one and only God, and it was God who sent Moses (PBUH) the Holy Torah, Jesus (PBUH) the Holy Bible, and Muhammad (PBUH) the Holy Quran. Co-existence and co-operation is possible because of this. سلام (Salam = Peace) الله اكبر (Allahu Akbar = God is Great)
But Jesus (PBUH) never said "I Am God", did he? Explain how Islam is a perversion of the truth. What if the parts of the Truth have already been perverted before Islam? For example "salvation is of the Jews." why? Jews don't believe Jesus (PBUH) is God. Jews tried to kill Jesus (PBUH).I think you said yourself, Jews have distanced themselves from Jesus (PBUH). So why would he say something like "salvation is of the Jews." one thing I read about this was Jews was put in place of Yahweh. Yahweh is Hebrew for God, right? So maybe Jesus (PBUH) really said "salvation is of Yahweh" which would make much more sense than the people you believe killed him. And if this was the case, why aren't you Jewish? Salvation isn't of the Christians, instead the Jews. According to you. So hurry! Convert to Judaism to be saved! I disagree. There is only one Jesus (PBUH). You fail to understand, the Bible has been altered throughout it's history. This is no conspiracy theory, look it up. A good example is the "salvation is of the Jews"... Why Jews and not God? Yes, because, no wait for it this might blow your mind, but Islam wasn't around during the time of Christianity. I know, this is a crazy concept to grasp, but since Islam wasn't around how could Jesus (PBUH) know about it? However the Quran mentions all of the above, including Ishmael (PBUH). Can you guess why? It might have something to do with Islam being started after Christianity. Another example of man twisting Jesus' (PBUH) words is you. Did Jesus (PBUH) actually say God is not the God of Ishmael? Or was Ishmael never brought up because this was before the time of Islam? You yourself have just put words in Jesus' (PBUH) mouth. If you can do it, anybody can do it. Don't mentioned the covenant because that has nothing to do with Jesus (PBUH) as that was before his time. Yes, I am a Muslim. Good job but I love Jesus (PBUH) as much as any true Christian does. Mary (PBUH) is the greatest woman in Islam. Jesus is one of the most respected Prophets of الله SWT, along with Abraham (PBUH), Noah (PBUH), Moses (PBUH), Ishmael (PBUH), Isaac (PBUH), and the list of Prophets of الله SWT goes on and on. I don't need to convert to Christianity to love Jesus (PBUH) Islam provides me with everything I need. But I appreciate you showing concern. الله اكبر سلام
I didn't say salvation is of the Jews. Jesus did. John 4:22 Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews. " See, you ask how islam has perverted the truth, then you deny that Jesus said this. I guess Jesus didn't really say the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob either. The Christian comes under the salvation of the Jews as Jesus is a Jew of Abraham and Isaac. And we place faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour. Yes there is only one Jesus Christ. And He is not the one of islam. He is the One revealed in the Bible. Islam worships a false jesus. Yes, I am aware Islam came later. Much later. So? When Jesus Christ uses the common phrase, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, it shows the direction and line of the promises of the Abrahamic Covenant. Through Abraham, through Isaac, and through Jacob. Not through Ishamael. Not through Esau. You love jesus of islam. Not the real Jesus. If you loved the real Jesus Christ you would throw the koran away and turn to Christ for salvation. Quantrill
Those who dream of b) may be rational enough to recognize a), but it would be even more rational to realize that if a) is true then so is c): Religious conflict is here to stay.
I didn't say you said it, I said Jesus (PBUH) didn't. That had nothing to do with Islam. Seriously, ask yourself would it make more sense that Jesus (PBUH) said "salvation is of Yahweh" instead of Jews? Also, I didn't say he didn't say that, I clearly said he left Ishmael out because Islam wasn't started during his time. You're not a very strong reader, ate you? So there is only salvation with the people you believe crucified him and don't even recognize him as being God, rather than God himself? Interesting.... He is the same one. Period. Lol you're acting like a 5 year old. So? So why would Jesus (PBUH) talk about Ishmael (PBUH) when talking about other Prophets if it was before Islam? Jacob (PBUH)!was now part of the Covenant? the Covenant has nothing to do with Jesus (PBUH) but rather God. You are now assuming things, nothing more. Unless Jesus (PBUH) clearly said this? Nah, didn't think so. Tell me, is it considered a sin to distort the Bible an twist Jesus' (PBUH) words? We've been through this with the Covenant before and it was a huge waste of my time. You are extremely ignorant. Lol I love how you don't capitalize "Jesus of Islam"... Great display of your maturity right there. Do you pretty much avoided very thing in that post, thank you for the thoughtful response شبام
Of course. There will always be hateful people on this planet. It's not a religion-exclusive thing though. سلام
Indeed, religion is not necessary to incite war or conflict. It's just a convenient container to toss liability into, is all.
Yet I just showed you where Jesus said it. John 4:22 Jesus left Ishamael out because Ishamael was not the child of promise, the one in whom the promises of the Abrahamic Covenant would be passed. No, islam's jesus is a false jesus. Not the same. The Abrahamic Covenant has everything to do with Jesus Christ. Christ is the promised 'seed' of that covenant, through Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Yes, your wasting your time. Quantrill
We finally agree on something. And I feel like ending this back and fourth with that... It's too bad you're mind is locked shut. For you, not me. If you ever find the key, be sure to let me know though. سلام
That depends on what you mean by that. Undoubtedly all religions search for the divine. And also undoubtedly no religion will ever be able to fully grasp and describe it, for the simple reason that the divine is divine and we are mereley human. All religions have probably found some nuggets of truth and wisdom concerning the divine. But the only religion whose wisdom and truth I can feel and believe is the one I've been brought up with. If you want to put it in the terms of the story of the blind men and the elephant it's the elephants leg I as a blind man hold on to and thus it's the only way to God that's open to me. Or to give you another example: From my Protestant point of view the Catholic practice of praying to God via Saints and the Holy Virgin is close to polytheism and almost blasphemous. I could never engage in that kind of thing. But having grown up among Catholics I can understand the practice and can certainly see the spiritual beauty it can hold for people. Thus it would be far from me to run through Catholic churches and destroy all their statues (as happened in the European Thirty Years' War that was ended by the treaty that's shown in my avatar.)
Jesus (peace be upon him) is respected and regarded as one of the great Prophets in Islam, though we clearly say that he was not the son of God but the servant of God as he has said himself (Mark 2:10), refer to the book: Jesus (PBUH), The Truth revealed
He also said, before Abraham was born I AM... John 8:58-59 (NKJV) 58 Jesus said to them, "Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM." 59 Then they took up stones to throw at Him; but Jesus hid Himself and went out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by. They knew what Jesus meant when He used the Greek word Eimi, meaning I exist. In the Old Testament God addressed Himself the same way in the Hebrew word HāyĆ¢....the I AM, which means I exist. Jesus was saying I AM the God that you read about in the Old Testament.