The show-off, know-it-all or blabbermouth troll A close relative to the persistent debate troll, the show-off or blabbermouth troll is a person who doesn't necessarily like to participate in arguments but does love to share his opinion in extreme detail, even spreading rumors and secrets in some cases. Think of that one family member or friend you know who just loves to hear his own voice. That's the Internet equivalent of the show-off or know-it-all or blabbermouth troll. They love to have long discussions and write lots of paragraphs about whatever they know, whether anyone reads it or not.
The profanity and all-caps troll Unlike some of the more intelligent trolls like the debate troll, the grammar troll and the blabbermouth troll, the profanity and all-caps troll is the guy who has nothing really of value to add to the discussion, spewing only F-bombs and other curse words with his caps lock button left on. In many cases, these types of trolls are just bored kids looking for something to do without needing to put too much thought or effort into anything. On the other side of the screen, they're often harmless.
The one word only troll There's always that one contributor to a Facebook status update, a forum thread, and Instagram photo, a Tumblr post or any other form of social posting who just says "lol" or "what" or "k" or "yes" or "no." They're certainly far from the worst type of troll you meet online, but when a serious or detailed topic is being discussed, their one-word replies are just a nuisance to all who are trying add value and follow the discussion.
The exaggeration troll Exaggeration trolls can sometimes be a combination of know-it-alls, the offended and even debate trolls. They know how to take any topic or problem and completely blow it out of proportion. Some of them actually try to do it to be funny, and sometimes they succeed, while others do it just to be annoying. They rarely ever contribute any real value to a discussion and often bring up problems and issues that may arguably be unrelated to what's being discussed.
Hmm. The off topic troll It's pretty hard not to hate that guy who posts something completely off topic in any type of social community discussion. It can be even worse when that person succeeds in shifting the topic and everyone ends up talking about whatever irrelevant thing that he posted. You see it all the time online -- in the comments of Facebook posts, in threaded YouTube comments, on Twitter and literally anywhere there're active discussions happening.
Meh, I think there is a bit of a difference between trolling and spamming. The greedy spammer troll Last but not least, there's the dreaded spammer troll. This it the troll who truly could not care less about your post or discussion and is only posting to benefit himself. He wants you to check out his page, buy from his link, use his coupon code or download his free ebook. These trolls also include all those users you see littering discussions on Twitter and Instagram and every other social network with "follow me!!!" posts.
I don't find it "troubling." I'm just saying that some internet trolls won't change my opinion about internet trolls.
OK. You call someone names and said your opinion on a public forum isn't up for debate, sounded like it was troubling to you. OK. It's not.
To me, he is a troll. So what of it? I'm just being honest. So what is it that is bothering you specifically? Why are you here commenting on this thread? To partake in the discussion about trolls? So do state your opinion then. Otherwise, you are a . . . well you know!
It's not an insult, it's the truth! You know what you are! You can't fool all the people all the time! Only very few people on very rare occasions.
Didn't I already tell you? Are you trolling me? You don't like when others debate your opinion. Will I have to repeat again?
No, you actually didn't tell me, other than to say that you are upset about my opinion . . . for some reason. So what is it that you disagree with again?
I've already addressed myself in this thread, but the trolls will choose to ignore my post because we know they are not here for a discussion.
What did you say then? That you are upset that I won't change my opinion based on the words of a troll? Is that what has you all in a tizzy?
Interesting, neither one of the leftists has addressed the topic of the thread, instead focusing their attention on little me. Internet bullies for sure!
So, add to this topic. I'm still waiting. Were my comments so upsetting for you that you lost your train of thought when you decided to check out this thread about internet trolls? Or was there ANOTHER reason for you coming onto this thread? Yes, I'm familiar with the ways of the leftists on internet forums.
Internet Trolling Internet trolling is a term applied to an "Internet troll," a "forum troll," a "wiki troll" or a "message board troll." Trolls are a person or persons (trolling can be a group project or process) who posts outrageous messages to bait people. Forum trolls delight in sowing discord on websites, often by expressing what many would consider a "far out" ideological point of view. Trolling is a form of network abuse. Trolling often inspires heated discussion (also known as "flame wars") which usually end with name-calling or other unproductive behavior. Internet trolling is extremely common on websites like Youtube, Twitter and the comments section of news articles on Yahoo! in the forms of cyberbullying, and it is a common liberal tool. ^^^ That's right.
And, by the way, Mr. Vegas, I don't have to respond to any questions that I don't want to. This is a free country and you are certainly not going to bully me into answering any questions you may have. If you want me to answer a question from you, then you will have to be much more polite and respectful when asking. Thank you in advance.
You know there IS one thing they do that does tend to IRK me and that is when they PRETEND to be HONESTLY INTERESTED in an aspect of maybe Particle Physics or Quantum Mechanics or Multiversal Theory and honestly I might be one of the best as far as understanding such things given our Human Limitations..... IT STILL REALLY PISSES ME OFF when some TROLL pretends to be interested in a concept and that concept is as complex as every single study of math they have every done in their lives......or at least 1 100,000th of like an IDIOT I think MAYBE THIS PERSON REALLY WANTS TO RAISE THEMSELVES BEYOND THE MUNDANE??? Because Folks.....when you first get the taste...the fever.....the BUG of putting 2 and 2 together and you get 4 and UNDERSTAND HOW AND WHY YOU GOT 4 and then multiply that times a 100,000 to 100,000,000 TIMES THE DIFFICULTY.............BUT YOU....YOURSELF.......FIGURED IT OUT....AND UNDERSTAND IT!!! Well....that is a mightily powerful thing right there KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING!!! the IDIOT I AM......I make the mistake of thinking......THIS TIME WILL BE DIFFERENT!! YEAH!! YEAH!! MORGAN FAIRCHILD YEAH!!!!! THIS TIME THIS PERSON WILL HAVE AN HONEST INTEREST IN WANTING TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THE MOST IMPORTANT KNOWLEDGE IN HUMANITIES HISTORY!!!.....YEAH!! YEAH!!! So you start and sure as S#!#........TROLLIN' TROLLIN' TROLLIN'!!! UNDER THE BRIDGE WE BE HIDING!!! SUCKING THE LIFE OUT OF EVERYTHING THAT'S GRAND!!! TROLLIN' TROLLIN' TROLLIN'.....DUMB AS ROCKS WE ARE ROLLIN' THE ONLY SEX WE GET IS FROM OUR HAND!!! If you are on this Forum and are under 30 years old on or near a weekend night.......SMASH YOUR PHONE OR LAPTOP OR WHATEVER OVER YOUR HEAD AGAIN AND AGAIN AND GO OUT ON A DATE!!!! AA