The Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab (QuAIL) Google, NASA and USRA Collaboration In 2013, a D-Wave Two system was installed at the new Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab, a collaboration among Google, NASA and the Universities Space Research Association (USRA). The lab is housed at the NASA Ames Research Center in California. In September 2015 the system was upgraded to a 1000+ qubit D-Wave 2X quantum computer. The research team at Google will focus on how the quantum system may help build more accurate models for everything from speech recognition, to web search, to protein folding. We believe quantum computing may help solve some of the most challenging computer science problems, particularly in machine learning. - Hartmut Neven, Director of Engineering, Google NASA aims to demonstrate that quantum computing and quantum algorithms may someday dramatically improve algorithms for optimization tasks in air traffic control, autonomy, robotics, navigation and communication, system diagnostics, pattern recognition, and mission planning and scheduling. USRA will manage the science operations for the collaboration, which includes an allocation of 20% of the computing time to the academic community through a competitive selection process.
Los Alamos National Laboratory Los Alamos National Laboratory, a multidisciplinary research institution engaged in strategic science on behalf of United States national security, has played a role in some of the most transformational discoveries of the 20th and 21st centuries. Los Alamos acquired a D-Wave 2X system in support of its leading role in a collaboration within the Department of Energy and with select university partners to explore the capabilities and applications of quantum annealing technology. This is consistent with the goals of the government-wide National Strategic Computing Initiative. The National Strategic Computing Initiative, created by executive order of President Obama in July 2015, is intended "to maximize [the] benefits of high-performance computing (HPC) research, development, and deployment." “As conventional computers reach their limits in terms of scaling and performance per watt, we need to investigate new technologies to support our mission. Researching and evaluating quantum annealing as the basis for new approaches to address intractable problems is an essential and powerful step, and will enable a new generation of forward thinkers to influence its evolution in a direction most beneficial to the nation." -Mark Anderson of the Laboratory's Weapons Physics Directorate John Sarrao, associate director for Theory, Simulation, and Computation at Los Alamos, expanded on the need to explore new technologies: "Eventually Moore’s Law (that predicted that the number of transistors on an integrated circuit would double every two years), will come to an end. Dennard Scaling (that predicted that performance per watt of computing would grow exponentially at roughly the same rate) already has. Beyond these two observations lies the end of the current 'conventional' computing era, so new technologies and ideas are needed." With a goal of exposing as many LANL people as possible to D-Wave software development, in July of 2016 LANL issued a rapid response call to scientists to propose projects involving the use of the D-Wave system. Many projects were approved, including projects focused on optimization, machine learning, theoretical and accelerator physics, computer science, statistics, data science, and material science. More information about the projects can be found at this LANL website page.
USC Information Sciences Institute USC-Lockheed Martin Quantum Computation Center The D-Wave system purchased by Lockheed Martin is installed at USC’s Information Sciences Institute, one of the world’s leaders in computing technologies. The computing center was constructed to support future generations of quantum computer chips, thus positioning the school and its partners at the forefront of quantum computing research. USC’s research focuses on theoretical and practical aspects of adiabatic quantum optimization, which is how the D-Wave system performs computation, encoding a problem as a search for the lowest energy state of a physical quantum system. USC faculty, USC Information Sciences Institute researchers, and students conduct theoretical and experimental quantum research on the D-Wave Two system, the world's first commercial adiabatic quantum optimizer and by far the largest functional quantum information processor ever built – placing the QCC at the leading edge of potentially revolutionary research. AA....OH!! p.s......for those who did not see me post this LINK earlier here it is again......LINK....
Temporal Defense Systems Combatting Cyber Threats Temporal Defense Systems (TDS) is a leading edge cyber security firm, focused on engineering an improved technology security paradigm. They have developed the latest next-generation security technology, the Quantum Security Model (QSM), which employs a new unit of measure that quantifies the relative security health of an individual computing device, any of its subcomponents, or an entire network. In 2017 TDS became the first customer for the new D-Wave 2000Q system. They plan to use the system with TDS technology to solve some of the most critical and complex cyber security problems impacting governments and commercial enterprises. "The combined power of the TDS / D-Wave quantum cyber solution will revolutionize secure communications, protect against insider threats, and assist in the identification of cyber adversaries and attack patterns. It will deliver the highest level of security, focused on both prevention and attribution of cyber attacks." - James Burrell, TDS Chief Technology Officer and former FBI Deputy Assistant Director The new approach to cyber security technology is intended to take cyber security products to the next level with real-time security level rating, device-to-device authentication, identification of long-term persistent threats, and detection and prevention of insider threats before network compromise and data theft occurs.
I thought men and women were equal? Isn't it awfully misogynistic of you to assume that a woman can't hold her own against a man in a trolling contest? Either we're equal as citizens, and everyone can take the hate, or no ones equal and everything the youth is taught is a lie.
What do you think I'm one of those weirdos who can't acknowledge the differences between men and women?
Michael Moore is ugly and fat!! LOL!! But the problem with Michael Moore is he is NOT OBJECTIVE and he takes on an already well known EXISTING AND DISCOVERED SCAM and makes it his own as if HE DISCOVERED IT when of course he did not!!! If you REALLY want to know how much Michael Moore CARES for all the poor people who got ripped off and scammed in all his movies he made MILLIONS OF DOLLARS MAKING......just to a quick search t see HOW MUCH OF HIS MOVIE PROFITS WERE DONATED TO THOSE IN NEED?? Michael Moore needs a good ass kicking. AA
I'm sorry, but I'm just not seeing any logic behind this argument about it being "okay" to be abusive towards women online as a man because they are "equal." This is a silly argument and makes no sense. IF a person is being abusive towards you, then yes you can return fire. Starting trouble with other people for no good reason or because of some feigned sense of being offended is just bad behavior.
You guy's are bumming me out. I have to fly out soon and do some not so nice things and just ONCE it would be nice if members could debate and although they might not agree with the other persons opinion they could at the very least respect that everyone is entitled to their own opinion? Ehhh. AA
So anyone who has a different opinion to you and has the temerity to express it in a respectful way in on-line forums is a troll and a thread disrupter, so should keep their opinions to themselves - is that what you're saying? Well I guess that makes you a bigot? 'cruel people' - jesus!
Of course I eat meat, I've already mentioned I had a sirloin steak recently; the difference is that animals bred for the table are killed humanely? Am I really having to say that! Edit: That was the last post I'm going to read and respond to on this thread lest I'm accused to trolling again. Have a nice day y'all.
But online communication has one main benefit - you can say what you really think without fearing a physical assault. In real life you often will be attacked by the weaker side, when they feel they are loosing (remember the proverb "when they cannot attack the argument, they attack the person"?).
Where are you getting this from my post? Don't go getting out of control and make me ignore you again! This isn't the first time I've had an issue with you!
So, IOW, you are claiming that it is okay to be an A - hole because you have the anonymity of the internet to protect you.
Seems as if some posters are becoming VERY offended by the use of the word troll and seem to have a "guilty conscience." If you are a troll, then you are a troll. Don't blame it on me! I don't make you behave like an idiot online!
If you are saying things to people that would cause them to want to assault you, then you need to work on yourself.