Is communism immoral?

Discussion in 'Political Science' started by sxane, Sep 3, 2016.

  1. sxane

    sxane New Member

    Dec 29, 2015
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    Most people can admit that communism in practice has not succeeded, but is the system itself immoral? How would one respond to the claim that collectivism is a more moral philosophy than libertarianism (or non-aggression principle, capitalism, etc.)?
  2. danielpalos

    danielpalos Banned

    Dec 24, 2009
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    communism, like socialism, requires social morals for free.
  3. WJV

    WJV Banned

    Jul 30, 2016
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    There are different forms of socialism/communism so it is impossible to answer your question.

    Exploring the equity vs equality dilemma would be the best way of answering your question.

    - wiki

    Equality is responsible for the racist welfare scheme known as Affirmative Action. Affirmative Action has been pushed on the global community in the name of so-called 'equality'. Affirmative Action has proven the early socialists to be correct about the dangers of 'political equality'. Modern socialists should also despise political equality, just like all thinking citizens should. Welfare or social assistance should always be colour-blind and based on need, not on race/ethnicity. So-called 'equality' actually makes equality of opportunity impossible. Of course we should work towards equality of opportunity but the work and value of citizens must be rewarded in an equitable way. The fact is that a we are not all equal and our contributions and value to society are not all equal so this typical communist idea of bringing about a classless and totally equal society would not create a fair and just utopia - rather, an unfair and unjust nightmare.

    We need to promote equity - not equality. Equity is fair - equality is not.

    'Equity' has a business meaning, but otherwise it means 'The state, quality, or ideal of being just, impartial, and fair'.

    'Equality' is the state, quality or ideal of being equal.

    edit - We may need to reeducate some socialists, and teach them a bit about socialism. :) Not all of them, but most. Not all socialists are equal.
  4. Flare

    Flare Banned

    Jul 27, 2016
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    Communism is a system invented by the Jews in order to subvert a nation from 'democracy' to communism, which will always lead to despotism, killing off millions upon millions. (see Soviet-Union, China and North-Korea as good examples)

    Better to stay away from it as far as possible.
  5. juanvaldez

    juanvaldez Banned

    Aug 13, 2016
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    How could it be immoral, the early Christians were communists? Read Acts.
  6. danielpalos

    danielpalos Banned

    Dec 24, 2009
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    Only the right is that incredible. Some on the (semi) Religious right claim to aspire to a "divine Commune of Heaven" where from each according to their ability to each according to their need is a custom and habit, until it is indistinguishable from a moral.
  7. Flare

    Flare Banned

    Jul 27, 2016
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    Have a look to see how immoral communism really is:

    [video=youtube;XSYOyNvCFPQ] unhiNaVMc[/video]

    (all other parts of the documentary are also uploaded on YT btw)
  8. Phoebe Bump

    Phoebe Bump New Member

    Jan 11, 2010
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    I dunno. Do you suppose you're going to need capital when you get to heaven? Are you going to need to leverage people to live in a gated community?
    Sushisnake likes this.
  9. waltky

    waltky Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2009
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    Granny says, "Dat's right...
    ... dey alla time referring to...

    ... dem godless Commies."
  10. PreteenCommunist

    PreteenCommunist Active Member

    Jun 5, 2014
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    Amoral would be more accurate.
  11. danielpalos

    danielpalos Banned

    Dec 24, 2009
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    Have you seen poverty in the Third World?

    Communist economies are Second World, by comparison.
  12. Flare

    Flare Banned

    Jul 27, 2016
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    While socialist/Communist ideas and practices have existed for thousands of years modern socialism was not born until the Industrial Revolution of the late 18th and early 19th centuries. The earliest recorded use of the words Communist or Socialist in this context is hard to pin down, but they go back at least as far as the French Revolution of the late 1700's, and probably beyond. During the French Revolution extreme radicals, such as the French political agitator and journalist François Babeuf, envisaged the end of private ownership. The French revolutionist and writer François Babeuf (1760-1797) was among the first to advocate socialism for solving the problems of society.

    Interestingly a group of Socialists known as the ''Diggers'' led by Gerrard Winstanley formed in England in 1649, which was the same time period of the second English civil war. The outcome of the war eventually led to the trial and execution of Charles I and the replacement of the English monarchy with the first Commonwealth of England (1649–53), which was also the same time period when Cromwell signed the Navigation Act Of 1651. However it wasn't until the late 1900's and early part of the Bolshevik revolution that Communism begins to develop into a more identifiable political term, most notably in the Bolshevik revolution of 1917. The Bolshevik party promised power to the people and to the oppressed working classes, but instead of fair reforms and land redistribution the revolution led to a brutal and oppressive dictatorship where the state had absolute power of property rights, which was achieved under the guise of people power and ''equal ownership''. This has always been my problem with communism, it may sound good on paper, and it no doubt has it's well meaning advocates and supporters, but in actual practice Communism doesn't work, and probably was never designed to work in the first place, at least not in it's present form how we've come to know it. More on the earlier history of Communism later in the thread, where I welcome others to help connect the dots historically.


    Communism is always sold as a solution to the social and economic ills of the world and as a remedy for inequality. But in reality, communism is not about equality, it's a scam. Communism is a scam to abolish all property rights of the people, and to bring everybody down to the lowest common denominator, to make everybody equally poor, rather than equally prosperous and successful, while the ruling class retain power and wealth for themselves. Communism is supposed to lead to an egalitarian utopian dream, or socialism. Yet one look at the suffering and violence in the name of the ''utopian dream'' tells a very different story. It has failed time and time again in achieving anything other than oppression and misery. Could the answer be it didn't fail because it was not meant to work, and was set up for failure by design, and the promise of the ''utopian dream'' is just one big scam and an excuse to justify enslaving the masses into abject poverty in the name of ''equality''?

    Why do so many seemingly well meaning people keep supporting it? Many of it's followers might well be well meaning people, nevertheless they are misled and confused. The poorest and less fortunate have always been easily manipulated into believing Communism will be for their own benefit, because it comes with a false promise of equality and power to the people. They always sell their bogus revolutions using positive slogans in the name of people power, otherwise it wouldn’t work in the first place. Just like in Russia or any other Communist revolution, where the poorer class were manipulated into hating anybody else that wasn't poor. Communism is notorious for using positive sounding words like "classless", ''people power'', or "equality" to promote it's ideas to the disgruntled masses. However in reality, none of these positive sounding words have anything in common with communism in practice, and are simply used as a subterfuge for it's real intentions.

    International bankers financed the Bolshevik revolution of 1917. One of the leading conspirators in Communising Russia was Jacob Schiff, who became head of the New York Jewish banking house of Kuhn, Loeb and Co. Isn't it strange how big capitalist financiers bankrolled Communism! That's because the real idea behind Communism is to con the people out of their right to self determination and well being and to murder the intelligentsia of any country that opposes international communism, which is the favoured system of the ruling ''elite''. It's also interesting to note that Tzar Nicholas II greatly opposed private central banks.

    ''We will offer the Christian world unheard of peace overtures, and these nations, stupid and decadent, will leap at the chance to be our friends, they will willingly cooperate in their own destruction. Then, when their guard is down, and they have gone to sleep, we will smash them with our clenched fist.'' Dmitri Manuilsky, 1947 [Dmytro Zakharovych Manuilsky] (1883-1959) Bolshevik/Soviet Diplomat.

    Communism or Marxism is not merely an economic theory, it's other branches, cultural Marxism (an offshoot of classical Marxism) now touches all areas of society, which it seeks to destroy, replace or modify to it's own totalitarian model. Communism hasn’t changed or gone away, it only changed it's colours to make itself more appealing. It's important to understand this transition. Classical Marxism focuses on economics, where as cultural Marxism focuses on culture and race, asserting that everything is merely a ''social construct'', while at the same time hypocritically supporting race-based anti-white identity politics against whites inside their own nations. Cultural Marxist's falsely assert that a ''White Elite'' power structure exists which serves to oppress all non-whites Worldwide. Liberals and Communists alike blame the inequality and ills of the world on something they call ''White Privilege'', which of course doesn't exist, as it goes against the false premise that there are no poor white people in the world and all over races other than White Europeans are poor and oppressed. White Privilege is just another PC phrase to promote a white collective guilt.

    The aims of Cultural Marxism are quite simply to destroy white European Civilization. Most people are aware of the term 'political correctness' but hardly anybody has heard of or understands the term Cultural Marxism. If we look at this with an open mind we can see this thriving in all white Western countries today. Their 'positive' slogans are everywhere in the West today.. all we hear about is Diversity in the workplace! Diversity in our schools! Diversity everywhere! Tolerance and diversity and even greater tolerance of everything that’s becoming increasingly intolerable! This is all part of the Cultural Marxist rhetoric as they redefine who and what we are with their twisted intent. Their whole school of thought is an artifice to aggressively force their way of thinking on other people, which is based on Freudian Psychoanalytic theory, a thought prison of artificial beliefs and history where everything becomes accepted and standardised based on their model, regardless of whether it's based on merit or truth. In fact truth is irrelevant. The forced diversity of mass immigration that we witness in the West today (not to be confused with classical diversity) is all part of the wider plan. Beside the cheap labour being imported into the West and the lowering of living standards (communism), it's actually also a method for the ruling ''elite'' to classify every individual into certain artificially created opposing groups for the purpose of being more easily controlled and manipulated (divide and rule). The concept of ''diversity'' was created by ''elitist'' ideologues to not only label every individual or group, but to manipulate them, and divide the nation into artificial communities of division and separateness. We see it being played out around us everywhere with segregated communities. No longer do we see inclusion, rather we see exclusion based on race, where the host nations founding principals are being purposefully eroded in favour of immigrants, that live entirely separate from us anyway!

    Diversity is now taught throughout every school and institution in the West, where we're constantly being told we all need more diversity. The mantra of the Cultural Marxist concentrates on negative and positive labelling, identifying everybody with certain labels. For example nationalists and traditionalists are labelled ''racists'' or ''bigots'', while liberals are given positive labels such as ''tolerant'' and ''progressive''. This type of labelling is part of the culture of fear that the Cultural Marxists have created to achieve their goals, their critical theory is a hostile tool to browbeat and guilt trip non conformists into conforming. We've all seen this technique used time and time again by liberals, where they don't debate the merits of somebody else’s argument, they just name call in an attempt to stifle debate.

    Metapedia explains: Cultural Marxism or Cultural Bolshevism (degenerate culture) seeks to destroy everything good about a society, what holds it together, what helps it to advance, what promotes intelligence and beauty. It seeks to degenerate society and take it to a lower form where people are less intelligent and more animal. It's based on the Marixst lie that everything good about society is all a form of oppression. Every time anyone promotes cultural marxism, they use the same line claiming it is about freeing people from oppression. These common cultural marxist themes all are promoted by the same lie that they are done in the name of freedom: liberalism, sexual perversion, degenerate art, degenerate music, mass immigration, anti-intelligence and promotion of people acting like animals, corrupted versions of feminism, multiculturalism, marijuana, oppressing people of european-ancestry, and destroying nationalism, and destroying non-jewish-religion.

    The lie of freedom from oppression that Cultural Marxism uses is the same lie Communism and the Soviet Empire used. The real purpose for this destruction is so exactly like the Soviet Empire, the only form of culture becomes a totalitarian 1984-esque government ruling the people, a government entirely of jews ruling over the gentiles, a government that murders hundreds of millions of gentiles as they did in The Red Holocaust.

    Cultural Marxism is largely a synthesis of Marx and Freud. It is Marxism as applied in the cultural sphere and the analysis and control of the media, art, theatre, film and other cultural institutions in society, often with an emphasis on class, race and gender. As a form of political analysis, Cultural Marxism gained strength in the 1920s, and was the model used by a group of intellectuals in Germany known as the Frankfurt School; and later by another group of intellectuals at the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies in Birmingham, England. The fields of Cultural Studies and Critical theory are rooted in and influenced by work of Cultural Marxism.

    Cultural Marxism is formulated as a way to subvert European nations and civilization using methods other than direct political action. William S. Lind, Patrick J. Buchanan and others state that Cultural Marxists seek to control society by manipulating language, media, and academia by way of political correctness by employing the Frankfurt School's "Critical theory." Europhobia and demographic genocide are a major focus of Cultural Marxism.


    Communism is being instilled one step at a time off the back of Capitalism. How many goals of the communist manifesto have already been achieved?

    Dennis Wise from Thruthwillout explains in his new video.

    PeoplesRepublicOfMe likes this.
  13. BleedingHeadKen

    BleedingHeadKen Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jun 17, 2008
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    What is a moral versus immoral form of government? I've yet to get an objective answer from anyone who is pro-state.
  14. Haron

    Haron New Member

    Dec 12, 2016
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    base communism idea very easy - workers themselves manage their state
  15. Haron

    Haron New Member

    Dec 12, 2016
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    Communism is a lie! Communism will never be! The workers will never be able to govern ourselves! Workers will work under the direction of their manager (owner) whom they will choose!
    Communism is a lie! And lie - immoral!
  16. Kode

    Kode Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
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    Wait wait wait. Where has there been an attempt to organize a society without any state machinery and without any classes?
  17. Haron

    Haron New Member

    Dec 12, 2016
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    Do you really think that society can be without State!? But it impossible! Society is inherent in the statehood. Without State there cannot be the society! Society this is the State!
    A society without classes, too, is impossible! This is contrary to the principle of division of labor! And therefore communism is impossible!
    Communism is lie! And lie - immoral!
  18. Ole Ole

    Ole Ole Banned

    Dec 30, 2016
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    Communism are worse than Socialism how is my new favous even their second name are Russia. But I love Soviet Union more than Russia.

    Soviet Union was war machine after WW2.
  19. Haron

    Haron New Member

    Dec 12, 2016
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    It is offtopic. You have to give an answer on the subject. Your personal preferences are not interesting!
  20. Mr_Truth

    Mr_Truth Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2012
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    Communism - brought to you by the REPUBLICAN party:

    And always remember that the author of that book was a CONSERVATIVE!
  21. Ole Ole

    Ole Ole Banned

    Dec 30, 2016
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    Communism are far Left specie. :thumbsdown:
  22. Ole Ole

    Ole Ole Banned

    Dec 30, 2016
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    I meant only Socialism are weaker than National Socialist or only Socialist by the Nazi politic names.
  23. Brett Nortje

    Brett Nortje Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2014
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    What is this thread about? could you put it to us what you want to discuss? please, at least a hundred words?
  24. HailVictory

    HailVictory Banned at Members Request

    Dec 12, 2014
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    Well, it stems from the belief that man is naturally good. And that man will help out fellow man out of pure altruism.

    So yea, sure, it is a "moral" belief in the sense that it requires social morals. The complication comes from the fact that it believes that no one needs to enforce morals, but that is, in fact, a folly. So then you need someone to enforce morals. But, if everyone is equal, why should I follow your lead? Therein lies the issue.
  25. Dialectical Kitten

    Dialectical Kitten Member

    Feb 6, 2017
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    Communism is all about the self-liberation of the working class and the end to all exploitation and oppression so I personally consider it to be the most moral ideology to have ever existed.
    Sushisnake likes this.

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