Is Finland next?

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Pro_Line_FL, Mar 17, 2022.

  1. (original)late

    (original)late Banned

    Aug 19, 2015
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    Kinda doubt it.

    Russia isn't going to attack any NATO country after seeing what Ukraine did to them.

    And the last thing we want is to start fighting Russia, that would go nuclear in short order.

    So, for better or worse, we're helping Ukraine..
  2. garyd

    garyd Well-Known Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    Dude you have nuclear you have almost nothing most of your pop is above military age, you've already lost two of your most modern warships which tells how vastly over rated your miltech is. Russia isn't deploying it's newest stuff assuming it isn't mostly lets pretend because it is largely irreplaceable and there isn't nearly enough of it to matter Anyway.
  3. Space_Time

    Space_Time Well-Known Member

    Dec 24, 2015
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    I hope so but why do I still have sense of foreboding:
  4. (original)late

    (original)late Banned

    Aug 19, 2015
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    I've had it since I was 12, in 1963 (Cuban Missile Crisis). You get used to it.
    Space_Time likes this.
  5. Zorro

    Zorro Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2015
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    The story didn't end there. Russia often starts badly and then gets better as they grind it out.

    Yes, Finland did unexpectedly bloody their noses, much like Ukraine has, but, after the Russians lost thousands of men, were forced to retreat, they regrouped, came back at them and forced Helsinki to concede.

    The West did not listen to the Good Orange Man when he warned all of the West that their massive reliance of Russian Energy was going to be a fundamental problem for all of the West if Russia got froggy.

    I'm not saying that the Orange Man is a genius for seeing this and loudly voicing it, it wasn't that difficult to see, the main difference is Trump's unlimited balls to proclaim what he correctly sees as the truth even in the face of the Western World telling him that he was wrong.

    Well, he wasn't wrong. He was right, and the damage will only build through June as food and energy shortages start to turn into riots, starting in Africa and building from there.

    Having no one in the Biden/Dem junta that can think to the next move, our farmers are planting short due to water/fertilizer and high fuel costs that are preventing them from planting the full crop that world is going to be screaming for in a few months. CA, Dem controlled and who insist on allowing half the State's water runs into the ocean, is cutting water deliveries to farmers and they aren't going to be able plant hundreds of thousands of acres. If Trump rather than Biden were in there, the Grease Ball Gov would have already gotten a call from the President, explaining their place is the building global catastrophe and urging them to divert more of the run off to food, which everyone is going to need very badly, very soon.

    But, those days ended with Biden being sworn in. Now, they don't do squat, they argue that the crisis isn't happening and then when it becomes undeniable, they blame everyone else, focusing on blame shifting rather than solutions.

    We'll fight for Finland, it's far more culturally European than Ukraine, but Russia will continue fighting in Ukraine and will become steadily more effective as they fill the gaps they missed in the beginning. India and China will continue funding them in exchange for discounted energy. Far more of the world is trading with Russia than sanctioning them, and with the energy independence, I don't think the West's energy sanctions are going to hold up. They could if the Americas, led by the US were pulling out all the stops on Energy Production, but, the Biden Administration and the Dems immediately attacked and sanctioned our Energy Sector and we will not be able to meet our own needs and bail out Russia's Western energy customers.

    Look for Italy, Greece and Hungary to crack first. "Italy’s Confindustria business group is forecasting a 2% hit to Italian GDP in the back of slowing gas imports from Russia. 40% of Italy’s gas comes from Russia." We are unprepared to fill that gap, all they have to do is crack and Russia turns the gas back on.

    If Italy cracks, how does Germany not follow suit and turn their economy back on? After All, the US has dropped the ball and is unable to fill the energy shortage, we aren't even producing enough energy to keep our supplies abundant.

    Right now all the ruckus is over energy, but that soon gets overwhelmed by the building North African food crisis followed by refugee flows and with the loss of Russian and Ukraine food exports, combined with the US planting short because we are led by a cabal with a thumb up their rear and the other hand covering their eyes, Greece, Hungary and Italy are going to be a refugee crisis with the time already passed when we could have prepared to provide the food and energy necessary to navigate the crisis.

    While I expect Finland to join NATO after Turkey exacts it's price, I do not expect Finland to be on the forefront of everyone's minds as this disaster continues to unfold.

    Kissinger is right, if we get an opportunity to resolve this war, the quicker the better. If we want to get in a very big ass international conflict, we need to be better prepared and we need much better leadership than Idiot Biden and his even dumber VP, Kackles. Biden's isn't only stupid, he's really old, and old guys like that can suddenly die without warning. Do you really want to be in a massive conflict and then transition to the Harris presidency to continue fighting it?
    Last edited: May 30, 2022

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