Ok Felicity, aside from attacks on foreign embassies, attacks related to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, and the attack on an American airline, do you concede that there were no ''Islamic terrorist'' attacks directed against the UK establishment, prior to the invasion of Iraq? Only ''Christian terrorist'' attacks? Dusty
If you have read the whole of the Quran, then you must have read this verse. That would certainly seem to make Islam a more inclusive religion than most interpretations of Christianity, where all non-Christians are doomed to eternal punishment.
I suspected this conversation would end in this way. I think it was Ghandi who said, ''I like your Christ, but I don't like your Christians.'' The contrast between posts by Muslims, and posts by Christians, on this forum, says it all. Dusty
Unfortunately, Islam's "abrogations" nullify that verse. If you deny the abrogation of that verse, then you assert outright contradiction in the Koran. If you assume 2:62 is true...Here is just ONE complete contradiction to it.... http://quran.com/3/85 Furthermore--OJLeb just got done explaining how Jews and Christians are in fact "unbelievers" because they do not follow the supposed "true" teaching of the Jewish and Christian faiths because they have been corrupted and reject Islam's doctrines. (my emphasis)
This is what happens when you actually look at the Koran with a scrutinizing eye. - - - Updated - - - You're kidding, right? Other than the terrorists attacks in the UK before the Iraq War, there were no terrorist attacks in the UK before the Iraq War?
So what is there to know about Islam? Really? All I need to know about Islam is 9/11. There is also the man how owned a TV stationin New York who beheaded his wife because she wanted a divorce, I know that about Islam. And we must not for get the man in Dallas who killed his two daughters because they were becoming too westernized, I know that about Islam. There is also Maj. Hasan who cried Allah Akbar before he killed many of his fellow soldiers in the name of Allah, I know that about Islam. And we would be remiss if we failed to mention the two young men who killed and maimed inocents in Boston who were simply enjoying a day of celebration and a marathon, I know that about Islam. What else is there to know?
Read the context and it should be apparent that it is referring to Muslims who subsequently choose a different religion. Whereas 2:62 isn't. So no, there's no contradiction there. No, 2:62 is referring to Christians and Jews who do follow the teachings of the Jewish and Christian faiths. OJLeb was referring to those who do not.
Quite a bit actually, but the aspects of it you mention are a very good reason to dismiss Islam as a force of hatred and violence.....because it is. Personally, I find all religions to be a terrible thing and forces of hatred, they should all go away. It seems however. some followers of Islam have pushed there silly book so far out of context it tells their weak minds to commit acts of terror.
Of course there were. There were a few terrorist attacks relating to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, one attack on an American airline, and numerous terrorist attacks by Christians against the UK establishment and public. But that should be blatantly obvious from what I posted. You won't get anywhere with these disingenuous arguments. All they do is reflect upon your own character, and are a poor advert for your religion. Dusty - - - Updated - - - That Muslims who carry out terrorist attacks are no more Muslims, than Christians who carry out terrorist attacks, are Christians. Dusty
The Qur'an is a false text. It is a plagerization of the real word of God (YHWH) and that is not Allah. Islam is the creation of a false prophet who livedin cave, married a child, and spread his religion through murder. He supposedly got a revelation from an angle, I do believe that, but that was an angel of darkness and lies, not of truth and light. Jesus is the fulfillment of Gods promise through Isaac, the son of promise. Islam is not a product of promise but of curse through Ishmael the child of the flesh.
Good observation I think. But there is the element of truth vs. lie. Real vs. false. Good (agency of God) vs. evil (agency of man).
That means exactly nothing. Muslims do terror in accordence with their false book, So-called Christians do that in contridiction of the true word of God.
Well, this is hardly something that an ''angel of darkness'' would have said, is it? In any case, there's no point in telling me. As an agnostic (from a Christian family), I believe that each religious book was intended to improve the lives of it's followers at the time it was written. Dusty
So what? It is a statement that is not the word of the Living God, but of the false god of lies and murder.
Can you cite the verses from the Quran that you think Muslims follow when they commit terrorist attacks? All the verses I've seen that permit violence, only permit violence as a means of self-defence. And I don't see anything wrong with that. In fact, it seems more realistic than the ''turn the other cheek'' and ''love thine enemy'' verses in the New Testament. Whereas for examples of violence being permitted for reasons other than self-defence, you would have to refer to the Torah. Dusty
And thus the deep seated problems created by every religion. Each sees it's own truth (GOD, if you will), and each is told in some form to dislike and hate the other based on a book written by corrupted men but claiming to be directions from some unseen power that must be obeyed. If mankind somehow managed to follow the morality inherent in itself, rather than that created by others long ago....I find it likely we would all be significantly better people.
All these sorts of arguments demonstrate is intolerance by Christians. Muslims on this forum certainly have much more respect for Christianity than Christians on this forum have for Islam. Dusty
No. So, are you able to cite any verses to support your claim that Muslims who commit terrorist attacks are following the Quran, or are you unable to support your argument?
Defense of the true faith is intolerance for the lies of false religion. Islam is a Satanic murder cult, nothing more, and demonstrated often.
The intolerance is in your posts... Perhaps you can cite some verses from the Bible where Jesus taught intolerance, or do you not follow Jesus' teachings?
Why should I waste my time reading a conterfit when I have the genuine to read? Muslims are aligent to a false god who only exists because of a false prophet who recieved it from an angel of darkness. - - - Updated - - - The truth is in my posts. But I understand why that confuses you since you claim to believe nothing.
You claimed Muslims commit acts of terrorism in accordance with the Quran. How could you know that, if you don't know what the Quran says?