Israel smears Europe as “fostering hate and racist trends”

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Jack Napier, Oct 4, 2013.

  1. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Incredible. Were it not so tragically ironic and symptomatic of what I often speak of on here, it would almost make a good black comedy.

    This is a state whose leader, this very week, climbed onto a UN podium again. And told lies. Yet again. And warmongered. Again. And who urges others to commit these wars for his 'people'. Again. And lies that it is in 'everyone's interests'. Again.

    This is a state whose finance minister, the one that ensures all the budget is place for those gulags that Israeli Jews hold minors in, went to Hungary this week + had the temerity to stand up in front of the house, and place a blood libel on Hungarians today, while not even blinking about Jewish atrocities.

    This is a state that has Jewish only roads. This is a state who practice apartheid. This is a state who have reduced native people to living in what amounts to an open air concentration camp. The crimes are too many to list, and as standard.

    This is a state who recently were forced to give a grudged apology over remarks relating to a Hiroshima (moaning about the Japanese remembering it - my bloody word, how twisted in the logic is that?).

    This is a state who have a long history of former Jewish terrorists as suit + tie politicians.

    And now, now we have this arrogant little state and it's various arrogant talking heads DARING to even use the term “fostering hate and racist trends”.

    The source of their whine this time?

    Their nasty little practice of male genital mutilation (and before anyone starts with the false science, do not bother, since I will flatten it in 5 seconds flat and so will others).

    If our talking heads are not prepared to deal robustly with people that slander us all, then it is time they were made redundant, and people who would be prepared to, to step up to the plate.

    Israel has accused the Council of Europe of “fostering hate and racist trends” after it passed a resolution calling the male circumcision ritual "a violation of the physical integrity of children.” Tel Aviv demands the decision be rescinded immediately.

    The Council, a 47-nation pan-European intergovernmental organization that is not affiliated with the EU, passed the controversial non-binding resolution on Tuesday with only 13 members voting against it.

    The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe called on states to “clearly define the medical, sanitary and other conditions to be ensured for practices such as the non-medically justified circumcision of young boys.”

    It would like the member nations to “initiate a public debate, including intercultural and interreligious dialogue, aimed at reaching a large consensus on the rights of children to protection against violations of their physical integrity according to human rights standards.”

    Council members have been advised to adopt laws to ensure that such operations and practices will not be carried out until a child is old enough to be consulted.

    The report also highlighted female genital mutilation, or female circumcision, which is commonplace in the western, eastern, and north-eastern regions of Africa. It is also common in some Asian countries and the Middle East.

    Israel has harshly criticized the European Council resolution, saying that any comparison of the ritual to the “barbaric practice of female genital mutilation” is “either appalling ignorance” or “defamation and anti-religious hatred.”

    “Israel calls on the Council to rescind immediately the resolution,” Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor said in a statement. “This resolution casts a moral stain on the Council of Europe, and fosters hate and racist trends in Europe.”

    “Circumcision of male children is an ancient religious tradition of two important religions, Judaism and Islam, and it is also common among some Christian circles,” the Foreign Ministry said.

    Palmor argued that circumcision does not harm young boys’ health or bodies, saying that the American Academy of Pediatrics has proven the health benefits of newborn male circumcision, while the Council’s report does not carry any scientific evidence.

    Rabbi Menachem Margolin of the Brussels-based European Jewish Association suggested that the science which the resolution is based on might not be fully complete.

    “The writers of this report have made a partial examination, and did not take into consideration the opinions of most experts, including from the World Health Organization, about the positive health aspects of circumcision,” Margolin told The Jerusalem Post.

    Earlier this week, Jewish groups also spoke out against the resolution.

    “This is a sign of anti-Semitism, in my opinion,” The Jerusalem Post quoted the president of the Central Board of Jewish Communities in Greece, Benjamin Albalas, as saying.

    The European Jewish Congress said that any offer to ban circumcision “sends out a terrible message to European Jews that our practices, and therefore our very presence on this continent, are treated with disdain,” the Congress’ president, Moshe Kantor, said, according to the Post.

    Last year, Germany sparked debates and angered Muslim and Jewish groups in the country after a local court ruled that parents cannot have their sons circumcised on religious grounds. It said that circumcision "for the purpose of religious upbringing constitutes a violation of physical integrity."

    The ruling provoked fury from both Muslim and Jewish religious groups, who condemned it as discriminatory and "a serious interference in the right to freedom of religion."

    Following mass outrage, Germany last year passed a federal circumcision law that allows specially qualified members of the religious community to circumcise boys during their first six months of life. After that, the procedure must be performed by a physician. Germany is home to around 120,000 Jews and four million Muslims.

    Here's what I say.

    Mutilating the genitals of babies and boys is NOT European culture.

    Give the practice any sanitised name that you like, but it doesn't change what it really is.

    Indeed, I have even heard some Jewish women openly admit (with regret), that they consider it sexual sadism. Esp the practice of the mouth to penis thing. Vile. But sadism it is even without that. I can well see why some anon person that was a victim themselves is not going to admit they are a victim, but that is a common theme with the victim, as we all know.

    This practice needs banned from all Europe, in all but some physical problem with the natural foreskin itself.

    And Israel need told to get stuffed and take their “fostering hate and racist trends”, buy a large mirror and spend the next half century looking deeply into it.
  2. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    This is a real can of worms.
  3. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Get this, they DEMAND that an entirely democratic decision, done for the best reasons, and in Europe, be overturned? Israel? Demand we overturn this. WTF are they on?

    Have they taken ALL leave of ALL senses? If this European and European culture and legal issue is overturned at their DEMAND, I assure you, they will be regret of all this.

    The mood is not good, can't they already see it or are they too blind, arrogant, or insane to see this? I have had a long look around what people are saying about this tonight - and the mood and grass roots reaction is not good.

    What a sloppy lot. Offend Japan. Offend Europe. Lobbying for strikes on Syria last month. Lobbying for strikes on Iran this month.

    They are sawing through the branch they sit on.
  4. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    I am just sort of flummoxed.. Circumcision is important to Jews and Muslims.. What will they do?
  5. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Not my problem. Not part of European culture. Not something we consider normal, decent or acceptable, by our standards.

    Jews don't like it? They have their 'homeland' do they not?

    Muslims don't like it? Again, they have homelands.

    But they are having an amazing week at getting everyone to loathe them for one reason or another, that is for sure.

    So either they are doing that on purpose, or they have lost the plot altogether.
  6. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    It would gain support, ironically, from this Jewish women.

    She had it done to her two sons.

    [video=youtube;HfnqN3YgTd8] e&v=HfnqN3YgTd8[/video]
  7. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    I understand that..

    The Council, a 47-nation pan-European intergovernmental organization that is not affiliated with the EU, passed the controversial non-binding resolution on Tuesday with only 13 members voting against it.
  8. AmericanNationalist

    AmericanNationalist Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2013
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    Stunning. It isn't like they banned the Star of David or any Jewish actual tradition. But, no, the controversial act of circumcision. I'm circumcized, and generally I find it more clean and more habitable than a non-circumcized penis.(The foreskin would probably be a pain). But the positives health benefits of foreskin and so forth would lead me to say "It depends" for my child.

    It's a non-sexual act to me, but more of a health benefits thing, and whether or not it's okay. I know that I'll never really know what it's like to have foreskin. But I can't imagine doing it to a girl. To me, this isn't against Jewry or Muslims, this is about proper health procedures and if Europe is anti-circumcision, that's Europe's right.

    Israel has no right to "demand" anything.
  9. Margot2

    Margot2 Banned

    Sep 9, 2013
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    At one time I thought it was important.. and my husband was NOT circumcised... Our sons are..

    Teaching cleanliness makes it unnecessary.

    If the focus of this was FGM, I don't see it as evidence of anti-Semitism.
  10. Paris

    Paris Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2008
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    Shame on us for not violating baby boys' physical integrity in the name of some dude who supposedly lives in the sky.
  11. Durandal

    Durandal Well-Known Member Past Donor

    May 25, 2012
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    Israel has yet to legalise gay marriage. They leave it to the churches, and the churches are all saying NO!

    So, who are they to talk about hate, discrimination and all that jazz? :D
  12. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Seems to me that the wheels have come fully off the Bus Machiavellian.

    Because, not content with offending Japan, and now, hurling slurs at Europeans, and not content with their Glorious Leader telling lies and warmongering again, it strikes me that my warnings all along about how, in the end they would not differentiate and tip toe around those that are too precious to just speak with a clear mind, and instead think they can play a game of mutual appeasement with soft tactics and 'careful language'. Yup. I told them. Others told them too. We told all those BDS movement types to not get smug, because their verbal gymnastics and hopes that they could somehow be seen to take the moral high ground, and not crack egg shells, they were warned that it would do them no good. We warned them that for all their sad efforts not to hold people accountable, but opting to blame abstract and made up terms would not make any difference to cold blooded killers, and those that only know the tactics of the mob.

    But no.

    They, in their gross naivety by the way, they all thought it would be just fine. As long as they could limit it to criticising the abstract term, and never holding the people to account, they believed they could be seen to be 'activists' and 'politically correct' at the same time. In reality, this position is and always has been a nonsense. When faced with such things, there is no room for political correctness and psycho babble.

    But they seem to think that maybe if they are nice and polite, and nice and law abiding, that somehow, everything can eventually be figured out 'With discussions'. And 'diplomacy'. And they pin their hopes on the 'ICC', and the 'UN'.

    It's a shame they do such things, since some are well intentioned, but dangerously naïve.

    This latest arrogant and quite breath taking language by 'Israel' shows how desperate they are getting. I hope they keep going. They are sounding and behaving more deranged with each passing week.

    Anyway, the simple message I would have to all those BDS type people is that you need to get this idea out of your head that you can ever negotiate with these people.

    I mean, my word, they should be internationally and formally sanctioned, at min. See the sanctions that Iran have? I would lift those, and throw them in the bin.

    And I would suggest imposing those on Israel, at MINIMUM.

    And if they keep going with this sort of chat, that might I suggest that people are going to (and this is a perfectly natural reaction), come to the conclusion that Jews in their own city are a real danger(to them).

    I am sure you must be able to see what I mean...


    "So the third level that is promoted by this conference, and also by the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is intimidation, basically to threaten pro-Palestinian activists or BDS activists with some kind of retaliation or a action by the Israeli army or the Israeli Mossad. The Israeli military has created a new unit to track BDS activists online and their activities. And the Mossad has also vowed to become active in tracking activists who criticize Israel.

    And the point in this is to intimidate activists and try to deter them from getting involved, building on the procedure of the Israeli intelligence as very effective and very violent. I don't think it's very likely that the Mossad is going to try to assassinate BDS activists or to directly harm them, because, of course, this policy will backfire and only make the criticism against Israel more powerful. But they're hoping that just by making the threat they can deter people from making any criticism whatsoever.

    And I think it's very interesting that they're making that sort of threat against activists at the same time that their argument is, we are going to try to--Israel is a democracy, Israel has freedom of speech. Well, it's freedom of speech, but if you criticize Israel, then there is a military unit that's going to track you and follow what you say.
  13. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Diversity is strength.:thumbsup:

    Israel needs more third world immigration, mixed marriages, and less fuddy duddy and silly racist ideas about the 'Jewish people'.:roll:

    I mean, as they keep telling us "We are all the same underneath". Sudanese, Somalians, Nigerians, they are just the same as Jews, 'same underneath', so I suggest we start a non Jewish lobby to spread diversity to Israel. Starting with a few million of the above.

    And all this 'A Jew can only marry a jew' stuff.

    That is HATEFUL BIGOTRY. Oh my god, don't they know this is 2013. I mean, what does it matter if they marry a Jew or whatever? :smile:


    Such things are simply old fashioned racist ideas.

    There is no Jewish people.

    There is only one people. The homo sapiens. Therefore, everyone should be allowed to go to Israel.

    Anything less is just PURE HATE.

    And RACISM.
  14. upside-down cake

    upside-down cake Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2012
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    [video=youtube;m_zkKciuIpA] asrOeBy_Y[/video]

    For your viewing pleasure...
  15. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Who the hell do these people think they really are?

    I mean - seriously?

    It's, as you say, utterly STAGGERING. Moreover, do they honestly think that stuff like in my last post is going not noticed? Of course it is noticed. And what message do you think Israel are sending out to all other nations? Why, they are simply giving us the impression that all Jews in our own nations could be potential attackers, perhaps even of 'soft' protest groups.

    That is the language of thugs, and whether they intend this or not, all it is going to lead to (not the circ thing, the last post), is as I say, the idea that Jews are dangerous here.

    You can't go talking and acting as they do, not as the Jewish state, you cannot do the things they do and not expect a natural reaction to it.

    As to the other, well, although it's moot to the main point (which is them shoving their nose in OUR affairs), you may wish to have a read through this...
  16. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Like wow.

    Get how RACIST this is.

    Israel have NEVER had a non Jewish PM or President.

    Lol. That is soooooooooooooooooo HATEFUL. These ideas maybe had their place once upon a time, but since there is only one race, the human race, only a racist wouldn't make the next one an Arab or something. williams.png
  17. SpaceCricket79

    SpaceCricket79 New Member Past Donor

    Jun 1, 2012
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    Well Europe did kill 6 million Jews just a short time ago - so really I don't think that the birthplace of Hitler's really in any place to be pointing fingers' at Israel's alleged aggressions

    - - - Updated - - -

    The truth about circumcision is good luck ever getting a hummer if you're uncut :lol:
  18. upside-down cake

    upside-down cake Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2012
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    LOL. I think I've just had my laugh for the night. :)
  19. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural, and I think we’re gonne be part of the throes of that transformation, which must take place.

    Israel has not yet learned how to be multicultural. Israel is not going to be the monolithic society that they once were in the past. We gentiles are going to be at the centre of that.

    It’s a huge transformation for Israel to make. They are now going into a multicultural mode, and Gentiles will be resented because of our leading role. But without that leading role, and without that transformation, Israel will not survive.
  20. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    I have tried to convey this concept to others before but it seems to have fallen short.

    There is ONE REASON....and one reason only that the United States and U.S. Military is in the Middle well as why I have to be sucked into going to this region...and I HATE the Desert....on occasion.

    That reason is OIL.

    Not just because we need it or our allies need it but CONTROL OF WHO GET'S ENERGY POWER.

    Now people can make up whatever ideology and reasoning they want such as blame it on the Jews or blame it on the Large Corps....or blame it on the Christian Muslim Haters....but it all comes down to an over all EXTREMELY LONG TERM PLAN.

    And this PLAN is meant to protect ALL OF US.

  21. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    :love: They don't even realise they've become a parody.
  22. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Start an oil thread.

    - - - Updated - - -


    Now I've had my laugh for the night.
  23. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    83 tend to view things in a very specific way as is your right.

    Perhaps someday you might consider that there is a LOT more going on than you know about.

  24. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    All I am asking is you speak out ME oil in a thread about oil.

    Why is that too much?
  25. AboveAlpha

    AboveAlpha Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2013
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    It is all connected.

    The name of the game is Stability.


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