Israel smears Europe as “fostering hate and racist trends”

Discussion in 'Political Opinions & Beliefs' started by Jack Napier, Oct 4, 2013.

  1. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    Well considering that the most virulent unabashed anti-Semite on this forum started this thread it is no surprise that he conveniently ignores the FACT that anti-Semitic attacks are currently on the soar in Europe due to Islamic immigration:

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    Are you taking the (*)(*)(*)(*)? You are the most virulent anti-Semite on this board, you openly admit your hatred of Jews. :roll:
  2. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    I object to children being mutilated.

    Is it something you are for?

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    "anti Jewish" thread.

  3. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    So what?

    Guess who allowed them to come here?
  4. Silver Surfer

    Silver Surfer Banned

    Aug 24, 2013
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    I think that you have a serious comprehension problem here. Try reading it really slowly. Israelis lecturing and telling Europeans what to do in their own house and you call it anti Jewish thread. You must be out of your mind.
  5. CaptainAngryPants

    CaptainAngryPants New Member

    Sep 17, 2013
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    Has this been a lifelong struggle for you? Have you always championed the uncircumcised? Perhaps you could start a foundation and get donations on line for your cause. You could call it the Save the European Penis Foundation. Sounds like a worthy cause.
  6. Yetzerhara

    Yetzerhara Banned

    Sep 19, 2013
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    If it is, the burning could be symptomatic of an infection common with certain bacteria or fungi which explains why many today engage in circumcision as a preventative practice.


    Conditions that may affect the foreskin include: Inflammation – sore and red foreskin.

    Common causes include forced retraction, irritants such as bubble baths or dirty nappies.
    Infection – the most common include posthitis and balanitis.

    Posthitis is infection of the foreskin, usually caused by fungus thriving in the hot and moist conditions. Balanitis is infection of the foreskin and glans, and is usually caused by poor hygiene. Smegma encourages the growth of infection-causing germs.

    Chronic infections – for some males, posthitis or balanitis tends to recur. A complication of chronic infections is scar tissue, which could stick the foreskin to the glans and make retraction impossible. Chronic infections of the penis and foreskin also increase the risk of urinary tract infections. Repeated kidney infections can affect kidney function.

    Phimosis – the foreskin is abnormally tight, which prevents it from retracting. This can cause recurrent balanitis because good hygiene is difficult or impossible. An erection may cause the foreskin to split and bleed. The tight foreskin can also hinder urination – in some cases, the foreskin fills up with urine like a little balloon. Phimosis is the most common reason for circumcision after infancy.

    Paraphimosis – permanently retracted foreskin. The foreskin gathers like a tight rubber band around the penis, causing swelling and pain. This condition is the second most common reason for adult circumcision.

    Tumour – rarely, abnormal growths develop on the foreskin. In some cases, the tumour is cancerous. Penile cancer is extremely rare in circumcised men.

    Zipper trauma – the foreskin (or other parts of the genitals, commonly the scrotum) gets caught in a zipper. Wearing underpants is the best prevention

    Here Jack here is a site with all the information on circumcision.
  7. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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  8. Yetzerhara

    Yetzerhara Banned

    Sep 19, 2013
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    Clearly you do. No Israeli told any European what to do with their penis.

    Did you even read the statement. Lol.
  9. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Thanks for the laughs man.

    "Zipper trauma".
  10. Yetzerhara

    Yetzerhara Banned

    Sep 19, 2013
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    Oh no Jack since you are concerned Jews are telling Europeans what to do about their penises I want to make a meaningful contribution in pointing out how confused you are.

    Please continue about penis practices and how Israelis are now engaged in a conspiracy to control European penises and rid them of their foreskins.

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    You are welcome.
  11. CaptainAngryPants

    CaptainAngryPants New Member

    Sep 17, 2013
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    I'm sure this penis controversy must be a very serious issue for Europeans. There will undoubtedly be massive protests in the streets as Europeans express their outrage about the lack of penis regulation.
  12. alexa

    alexa Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Nov 10, 2008
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  13. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    Was it the JOOZ Jackie boy? lol

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    And yet in the other thread you overtly blamed the Jewish parents for the murder of their own child at the hands of an Arab. It seems clear to me that you have absolutely no problem with the murder of Jewish children.
  14. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    It's fun watching how twisted they all get, after just a few pages.

    Here are a selection of quotable quotes for my having the TEMERITY to object to little boys being mutilated;


    “I am just sort of flummoxed.. Circumcision is important to Jews and Muslims.. What will they do? ”

    “Well Europe did kill 6 million Jews just a short time ago – so really I don’t think that the birthplace of Hitler’s really in any place to be pointing fingers’ at Israel’s alleged aggressions…”

    “Circumcision’s no different than having a kid’s wisdom teeth removed. ”

    “Cleaner than those uncut heathen bastards

    But hey if you want to slurp on a big nasty tube of flesh with residue from the last used condom suck underneath the flap between be my guest. …”

    “Why are you planning to kill Jews?

    “The bottom line is that banning Jews from performing a religious practice of Brit Milah has a history among crazy Europeans who would kill Jews who did it. Flaying was a method loved by some. Funny story. Their culture is pretty much dead and Jews are still strong. ”

    “People who had your attitude in the past spread lies and killed Jews so are you reaching into your historical roots?”

    “This is a Jewish and Muslim practice not Israeli so your hatred to Israel is not relevant, Jews and Muslims are resenting this decission not just Israel,

    As for “European culture”, your ancestors sacrificed their babies to wooden idols when the our civilisation wrote on Philosophy…..”

    “Israel defends European Jews rights (we have a place to be circumsized), chew on it.. ”

    “European culture was barbaric at the time of the Jewish kingdom, even in the M. ages the Muslim empire was more advanced than the European dark era.”

    “Didnt the Vikings, Gauls and British tribes practiced in Human sacrifice ? ”

    “The issue is circumsision as a religous practice in Europe and Europe has to date over 16 Million Muslims and keep getting Muslims from around the world, this reccomondation will deny them (and 1.6 Jews) from experssing their rights AFTER your countries accepted them. that’s sounds racist to me, but as you said my vote doesnt count, I do however think that 17 Million European voice does count, G’luck with that. ”

    “Europeans can decide what ever they want even if it is offensive to other religions and ethnics, but those citizens have the right to object it by legal means, if that;s still a decision and thier countries embrace it then they can chose to stay or leave, but it also means that Europe drove them away.”

    “we have an obligation to the Jewish ppl that live there, I think it would (rightfully) try to protect the religon from possible persecusion in some states, because outlawing it is persecusion even if we dont see an angry peasant mob with pichforks in the streets…, its still says no “new” Jews or Muslims will be born here.”

    “I’d say people obsessed with anti Jewish idiocy are probably suffering from severe emotional disturbance.”.

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    Note the KILL JEWS theme all the way?


    No other word for it. Total and utterly insane.
  15. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    And yet another one.

    These comments are not on topic, but they are ace.

  16. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    They are completely on topic, you stated that you do not condone the mutilation of children and yet that assertion is contradicted through your defense of murdering children in another thread, it is on topic and to the point, you are exposed for all to see:
  17. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Who was murdered?

    And what does it have to do with the OP?

  18. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    Anyway, let's leave those that want to neurotically witter on about KILLING JEWS drool away.


    Moving back to topic..

    Haven’t some newer studies shown that circumcised men are less likely to contract HIV and penile cancer?

    Although some new studies suggest that circumcision may reduce susceptibility to HIV and penile cancer later in life, those findings are not a valid reason to amputate a healthy, functioning body part of a child. Similar studies show that female circumcision may reduce HIV transmission, but nearly all physicians agree that any type of forced female genital cutting is unethical. Doctors don't cut off the breasts of baby girls to help prevent breast cancer, either, and medical ethicists believe that the male foreskin should be treated no differently. It is also important to note that proponents of female circumcision often use medical reasons to justify cutting off parts of girls' genitals, but those arguments are rightly condemned in most countries.

    Isn't it up to parents to decide what is right for their own child?

    Unless there is a compelling medical reason to do so, no one has the right to cut off the working body part of a child. Genital mutilation is done for social, "hygienic", or religious reasons, and no national medical organization in the world supports forced infant circumcision as a beneficial health measure. We don't allow girls to be circumcised because we know that it is harmful to their physical and mental well being, and boys should be afforded equal protection of the law.
  19. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    Oh sorry you just don't mind the shooting of 9 year old girls so long as they don't die, is that about right Jackie boy?

    It has to do with the statement you made regarding your assertion that you do not condone the mutiliation of children when point of fact you are an apologist for shooting 9 year old girls and it is now in print on this very forum in perpetuity for everyone to see:
  20. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    It was YOU that claimed some Jewish girl had died.

    Now she has risen from the dead after a couple of posts.

    None of it has anything to do with the OP.
  21. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    Uncircumcised penises? Is that the topic Jackie boy?

    Well much like the majority of what you post you are likewise wrong on this issue as well, there are numerous medical benefits from circumcision:

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    So then you are only opposed to shooting 9 year old girls if they die?

    It has to do with your claim that you don't condone the mutilation of children when in actuality you are an apologist for shooting 9 year old girls.
  22. CaptainAngryPants

    CaptainAngryPants New Member

    Sep 17, 2013
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    I think all the penis references probably indicate that he gets wood at the thought of dead Jews.
  23. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    " no national medical organization in the world supports forced infant circumcision as a beneficial health measure. "

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    This is nuts.

  24. Face. Your

    Face. Your Banned

    Feb 11, 2013
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    Except the Wold Health Organization and United Nations program against HIV/AIDS:

    The WHO and the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) state that male circumcision is an efficacious intervention for HIV prevention, but should be carried out by well trained medical professionals and under conditions of informed consent.[1][12][35]

    Don't you ever get sick of being proven wrong by me?
  25. Jack Napier

    Jack Napier Banned

    Mar 22, 2011
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    The Facts Behind Circumcision

    Newborn male circumcision is the most common surgical procedure performed in the U.S. It's a common misconception that there are tangible health benefits to male circumcision, but the truth is no medical society in the world recommends it. This invasive procedure carries serious health risks, including infection, hemorrhage, surgical mishap, and death, as well many ethical considerations.

    Myth – Circumcising baby boys is a safe and harmless procedure.

    Fact – Surgically removing part of a baby boy's penis causes pain, creates immediate health risks and can lead to serious complications. Risks include infection, hemorrhage, scarring, difficulty urinating, loss of part or all of the penis, and even death. Circumcision complications can and do occur in even the best clinical settings.

    Myth – Circumcision is just a little snip.

    Fact – Surgical removal of the foreskin involves immobilizing the baby by strapping him face-up onto a molded plastic board. In one common method, the doctor then inserts a metal instrument under the foreskin to forcibly separate it from the glans, slits the foreskin, and inserts a circumcision device. The foreskin is crushed and then cut off. The amount of skin removed in a typical infant circumcision is the equivalent of 15 square inches in an adult male.

    Myth – Circumcision is routinely recommended and endorsed by doctors and other health professionals.

    Fact – No professional medical association in the U.S. or anywhere else in the world recommends routine circumcision as medically necessary. In fact, leaving boys intact is now the norm in the U.S., with circumcision rates well below 40%.

    Myth – The baby does not feel any pain during circumcision.

    Fact – Circumcision is painful. Babies are sensitive to pain, just like older children and adults. The analgesics used for circumcision only decrease pain; they do not eliminate it. Further, the open wound left by the removal of the foreskin will continue to cause the baby pain and discomfort for the 7-10 days it takes to heal.

    Myth – If I don't circumcise my son, he will be ridiculed.

    Fact – Times have changed and so has people's understanding of circumcision. Today, although the popularity of circumcision varies across geographical areas, more than 60% of all baby boys born in the U.S. will leave the hospital intact. Most medically advanced nations do not practice child circumcision. Three quarters of the world's men are intact.

    Myth – A boy should be circumcised to look like his father.

    Fact – Children differ from their parents in many ways, including eye and hair color, body type, and (of course) size and sexual development. If a child asks why his penis looks different from that of his circumcised father (or brother), parents can say, "Daddy (or brother) had a part of his penis removed when he was a baby; now we know it’s not necessary and we decided not to let anyone do that to you."

    Myth – Routine circumcision of baby boys cannot be compared to Female Genital Mutilation.

    Fact – Rationales offered in cultures that promote female genital cutting – hygiene, disease prevention, improved appearance of the genitalia, and social acceptance – are similar to those offered in cultures that promote male circumcision. Whatever the rationale, forced removal of healthy genital tissue from any child – male or female – is unethical. Boys have the same right as girls to an intact body, and to be spared this inhumane, unnecessary surgery.

    Myth – To oppose male circumcision is religious and cultural bigotry.

    Fact – Many who oppose the permanent alteration of children's genitals do so because they believe in universal human rights. All children – regardless of their ethnicity or culture – have the right to be protected from bodily harm.

    Myth – Circumcising newborn baby boys produces health benefits later in life.

    Fact – There is NO link between circumcision and better health. In fact, cutting a baby boy's genitals creates immediate health risks. The foreskin is actually an important and functional body part, protecting the head of the penis from injury and providing moisture and lubrication. Circumcision also diminishes sexual pleasure later in life.

    Myth – Male circumcision helps prevent HIV.

    Fact – Claims that circumcision prevents HIV have repeatedly been proven to be exaggerated or false. Only abstinence or safe sex, including the use of condoms, can prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV/AIDS.

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