Particles. Matter is solid once it breaches into the dimension of physical existence. Waves. Nothing more than particles in transition, or in motion. Liquids. Subatomic wave/particles clustering together, while each wave/particle is coincidentally existing in a SOLID particle form. Hence Liquid is a Myth.
Matter is not solid on either an Atomic Level or Quantum Level. An Atom...which is comprised of Protons and most atomic nucleus' have Neutrons and Electrons in Orbital Fields surrounding the Atomic Nucleus. Now the Atomic Particles that have Mass are the Protons and Neutrons yet they are completely comprised of Quantum Particle/Wave Forms such as Quarks, Gluons, Leptons, Mesons....etc. Now a LIQUID is one state of matter as groupings of the same atoms or molecules such as Helium as an element which becomes a liquid at extremely low Temps...or Water a Molecule which can exist as a Liquid, Solid or Vapor again dependent upon temp. Regardless...a Liquid does exist....on a Macro Scale. AboveAlpha
Particles; all of which are solid omnipresent physical non-liquid individual indestructible objects. Energy cannot be created or destroyed. Particles are solids, infinitely. All gases are solids as well. Gas is a myth. Existence in this dimension is All or Nothing. Regardless of scale, Liquid is myth. It is a conjoining of dense solid particles. Just like jell-o, or steel, or a light beam in the depths of outer space, or air is.
Y'gotta luv Bohemian Rhapsody Here is the answer, if you can comprehend it. Try view it. I promise an enjoyable if not educational moment. Moi
Still following Validation Boy around on PF, eager to read the wise things I write? Awww that's so sweet.
This Dimension? You have watched too many TV shows. Our Universal Space-Time is comprised of at the very minimum 10 dimensional states and there are probably more. What you should have said is in this Divergent Universal State as a Dimension is simply a Geometric term....NOT an alternate universe as is the manner you represented it as. AboveAlpha
In the perceptible human range, anything that can be perceived, even if by our advanced tech, either exists or does not exist. Every form of energy, visible or not by our naked eye, measurable by our tech or not, are/is solid particles, even if they jump in and out of location. Anything that exists to us in this perceived state is a solid. On a micro level. Things can always be divided in half, or doubled infinitely, so there is no point in distinguishing a micro level from a macro level. Matter/Energy simply Exists, and is always a Solid.
You really have no idea what you are talking about. All Matter and all Energy at the smallest level are comprised of Quantum Particle/Wave Forms....thus they exist as both Particle and Wave....this is not indicative of a solid. AboveAlpha
Perception causes wave collapse. Once something is perceived, it exists. All particles, no matter how small, exist, and are thus tiny solid objects. You don't know what you're talking about. You're traditional science is long obsolete, as authentic good science has now confirmed that we live and perceive all things only within the limits of our holographic universe.
I was under the impression that Liquids, Gasses and solids were states of matter. I mean what would you call water?
You wouldn't know traditional science if it came up and kicked you in your quarks. "Solid" only exists at the molecular level as does the concepts of "liquid" and "gas". Liquid is not a myth, is is merely a way of describing the how matter behaves when it reaches a particular state due to temperature. It doesn't matter what mechanism is behind matter acting in that particular fashion, it only matters what the end result is.
Temperature only reflects relative speeds of already existent solid particles/energy interacting with one another.
it's all relative...for human/life purposes there are solids, liquids and gases.. just as there really is no such thing as cold, only the absence of heat and degrees of heat starting at absolute zero...but for life forms our relative needs for determining cold or heat to a scale we can relate to revolve around the freezing point of water...
So...I don't know what I am talking about...huh? LOL!! OK...if you are saying that YOU know what you are talking about then please by all means explain to the membership why Quarks within Hadrons exist at and between a Numerical Minimum and Maximum but never greater or less than those Maximums and Minimums....and why the Quarks within those Hadrons are BLINKING IN AND OUT OF EXISTENCE AND UNIVERSAL REALITY? If you can answer even a tiny bit of that then I will admit you might know a thing or two...but if you can't.... AboveAlpha
There are several states of matter...those being.... Solid Liquid Gas Plasma Einstein-Bose Condensate In an amount of a Solid state of an Element such as a Bar of Gold....there exists a great deal more of empty space between the Gold Atoms than the area the Gold Atoms take up in that bar of gold. AboveAlpha