This thread is being reborn so people can see for themselves the sheer power of my intellect. Look at how many posters tried to shut me down, while all failing. This is a demonstration of how much more brilliant I am than anybody else on PF.
myth /miTH/ noun noun: myth; plural noun: myths 1. a traditional story, especially one concerning the early history of a people or explaining some natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events. synonyms: folk tale, folk story, legend, tale, story, fable, saga, mythos, lore, folklore, mythology More "ancient Greek myths" traditional stories or legends collectively. "the heroes of Greek myth" 2. a widely held but false belief or idea. liq·uid /ˈlikwid/ adjective adjective: liquid 1. having a consistency like that of water or oil, i.e., flowing freely but of constant volume. synonyms: fluid, liquefied; More melted, molten, thawed, dissolved; hydrous "liquid fuels" antonyms: solid, gaseous having the clear shimmer of water. "looking into those liquid dark eyes" synonyms: clear, limpid, crystal clear, crystalline, pellucid, unclouded, bright More "her liquid eyes" antonyms: cloudy, opaque denoting a substance normally a gas that has been liquefied by cold or pressure. "liquid oxygen" not fixed or stable; fluid. 2. (of a sound) clear, pure, and flowing; harmonious. Obviously....You ain't all that.
Modesty at work ... About this thread [that I confess I haven't read!] I can add something which probably someone else has already said [just to make it more "fluid"!]: a liquid is made by particles as well, simply the connections among the molecules are different, nothing else. In fact, when water becomes ice its chemical composition [the matter, in poor words] doesn't change. H2O remains H2O when its a gas, a liquid or a solid. It's always the same matter: water.
Kind of a silly thread. If anything, solids don't exist and everything is a liquid. The concept of solid, liquid, gas, or plasma is generally a macro effect that totally breaks down at the quantum level. The real scientific question is: What state of matter is Jello?
Of course there are liquids. Otherwise nothing could be dissolved in them.
Matter is the myth, not what state - gas, liquid, solid, exotic like plasma So much corralled energy. Trapped in a physical world not of my choosing by a petulant demiurge. So are YOU. Some term the demiurge; Lord, God, Allah, etc. Moi r > g No
Interesting thread but I am confused! I'm not sure I understand. What do you mean when you say matter breaches into a physical dimension? First are you referencing the 3 spatial and 1 time dimension that most people mean when they think or talk about dimensions. Or are you referencing 4-dimensional spacetime, spacetime being the key word ? 4-D spacetime is used in modern physics, it combines the 3 dimensions I first mentioned but it adds 1 more dimension i.e. 'time'. I suppose I am confused as to where you are implying matter was before 'breaching' into physical existence. Waves according to QT are both waves and particles until fixed by an test ie observer. Well according to one interpretation of QFT. I will wait until you clarify until I respond. I am sorry if you have already answered this. If already addressed please direct me to the post? BTW I too am interested in the unreality of our existence. Our brain misinforms us as to the nature of reality so we can navigate through this universe according to an agenda of a creator GID* IMO. * GID; My word for God (the) Intelligent Designer. reva
EXCERPT OF 10A's post>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< The scientific name for Jellos form is Giggilicious when cool whip is added. There is another form of jello that has the power to alter physical reality. Its called jello shots. reva
According to most science, our perceivable universe emerged from some other dimension which we, due to our limitations, have no way of accurately describing. Once something manifests in the form of physical matter, it exists and can be observed. Technically nothing exists until it is observed for the time. My OP intended to demonstrate the idea that for something to physically exist, it can be broken down into individual particles (or waves which are nothing more than particles in motion). Because the individual particles that comprise something such as Liquid are themselves each solid (tangible or existent) then liquid is a myth. You should check out an amazing documentary on YouTube titled "Athene's theory of Everything".
But Liquid, being a state of matter, is used to describe the interaction of particles. If you break it down an individual particle then yes, liquid is a myth, because in definition it does not define the state of a single particle or as you have been implying the smallest single solid building block. None of the descriptive terms that describe state of matter imply that an atom or smaller does not have mass, just how they interact in accordance with each other under a given circumstance. That girl is not ugly! Ugly is a myth, look how pretty the atoms she is made of is, and btw we are all made of atoms. Ugly is a myth!
Don't you know that all matter is just an illusion. There is no matter only energy. What you call matter is simply energy vibrating at a low frequency.
I guess if you state that everything is made of atoms and sub atomic particles then you are right as obviously there is no solid matter but for our convenience those atoms can resonate at a frequency that makes things appear solid like this keyboard i'm taping away on. Why are my fingers not going right through it?,How are you reading what i'm writing?
Matter is 99% empty space according to science. What keeps your fingers going through the keypad etc? The outer electron shell produce quantum processes that make matter appear to be solid. Its something like trying to push two magnets together. Its interesting to note that its not impossible for ones hand to go through the keypad, however the probabilities against it are so enormous its a virtual (no pun intended) impossibility. Its such things that I have faith in science the same as faith in religion! reva
I enjoy the illusion.
Your missing a few I think.....let's see. States of Matter. #1. SOLID. #2. LIQUID. #3. GAS. #4. a VAPOR is a combination of various different Elemental and Molecular Gases that have suspended within them a Liquid....example Water Vapor is microscopic droplets of liquid water suspended within air which is 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen, and 1% other gases. #5. Plasma....or Ionized Gas. #6. BoseEinstein condensate (BEC) is a state of matter of a dilute gas of bosons cooled to temperatures very close to absolute zero. Yeah...there is 6. AboveAlpha
6 forms of enslaved energy, tied down to a physical form. Someone is going to split a hair or a vernacular and come up with 7. Moi Energy Deserves To Be FREE Too. r > g No
There are only 4 states (phases) of matter. Solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. The members that included others may be confusing properties with phases. You can thank me later. reva
States of Matter In physics, a state of matter is one of the distinct forms that matter takes on. Four states of matter are observable in everyday life: solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. Many other states are known such as Bose–Einstein condensates and neutron-degenerate matter but these only occur in extreme situations such as ultra cold or ultra dense matter. Other states, such as quark–gluon plasmas, are believed to be possible but remain theoretical for now. For a complete list of all exotic states of matter, see the list of states of matter. LINK.... There are actually more than 6 States of Matter as a few I did not think about. AboveAlpha - - - Updated - - - I should have remembered this one. Fermionic condensate[edit]Main article: Fermionic condensate A fermionic condensate is similar to the Bose–Einstein condensate but composed of fermions. The Pauli exclusion principle prevents fermions from entering the same quantum state, but a pair of fermions can behave as a boson, and multiple such pairs can then enter the same quantum state without restriction. AboveAlpha - - - Updated - - - This one I didn't even consider. Photonic matter[edit]Main article: Photonic matter In photonic matter, photons behave as if they had mass, and can interact with each other, even forming photonic "molecules". This is in contrast to the usual properties of photons, which have no rest mass, and cannot interact. AboveAlpha