Liberty Monkey chose his name because of a childhood experience at the Zoo that resulted in jail time for his parents and sore posterior flesh for him, all because he talks to animals.
Derideo_Te is a well read, educated poster who often has intelligent points to make and a sense of humour. His irony is his strongest point because he hasn't posted over 27,000 messages in 3 years at a rate 10% higher than I am posting at.
Derideo_Te once ate pistachio ice cream and pickles at a Nacho event sponsored by Ben&Jerrys to buy shoes for cancer kids. He unfortunately got sick all over Jeremy Thompson who had just had extreme Chemo and died 6 Days later of Vomit contamination.
Liberty monkey found out first hand what you get when you mix human dna with monkey dna; a lifetime ban from the zoo.
blaster is a well informed, caring, nurturing individual that never deceives... it's ok to tell a lie about myself, right?
Blaster3 enjoys long walks on the beach with his pet kitty and knows it is the only pu$$y that will ever do so.
Cerebus once swallowed olives with toothpicks in them because he thought Martini was a NASA experiment gone wrong.
Liberty monkey moonlights as a gorilla Strippagram performer. Tecoyah's secret vice is to eat pickled onions in the bath Derideo te reads Harlequin romance novels. Hotdogr wears fluffy slippers . Nonnie drives a Reliant Robin. Blaster3 sings with a Hip Hop group.
I know Sally quite well I can confirm she definitely does not dress like a squirrel . . . It's a Kangaroo costume