Mankind's Greatest Accomplishment? Elmer Reynolds’ latest film project, The Farthest, tells the story of the Voyager spacecraft, the first man-made objects to leave the solar system. " Reynolds’ latest film project, The Farthest, tells the story of the Voyager spacecraft, the first man-made objects to leave the solar system, and the countless men and women who planned, designed and contributed to the missions success. The small, lonely probes, launched 40 years ago, and each is now 12 billion miles away from Earth, speeding through open space at 38,000 miles per hour. “The reality is these spacecraft will continue throughout our galaxy, will circle our Milky Way galaxy for millions, perhaps billions of years and in all likelihood will outlive humanity and could well be the only remnant of our existence,” Reynolds said." I'm inclined to believe this may be humanities greatest Accomplishment in that it may be the only proof in the universe that we ever existed. What do you think?]
"Mankind's Greatest Accomplishment?".....will be embracing science and dumping unscientific beliefs, such as religions.
Mankind's greatest accomplishment is making it to the 21-st century. I'm not sure about the 22-nd though.
Me! Moi. It's all a matter of perception. And without this greatest accomplishment there would be no perception. easy-peasy
In this 'concept' whites are sub-humans. Look how this concept works for example in South Africa. Or Affirmative Action in USA where any black has more privileges as whites.
No, in this 'concept,' whites aren't Übermenschen and better than everyone else. If this bothers you, I suggest extensive therapy and generous amounts of Preparation H for that butthurt.
a couple of others come to mind because they define why it matters why mankind existed. the domestication of livestock, learning to plant and harvest agricultural product. learning how to communicate beyond spoken language through symbols, the invention of government or structured society. the invention of money and contracts, the concept of God and an afterlife. the harnessing of fire, textiles, and electricity and metallurgy. These all make us as a species worthy of notice beyond our solar system.
Races are unequal. The contribution of non-whites to humanity? Almost nothing. Only whites created the biggest and best civilization in human history. Anything you see around you ( PC, Smartphone, Electrical Power, etc. etc. etc. ) was firstly invented and created by whites.
Especially electrical power without which the civilized world couldn't exist. We didn't invent rap though?
^That is an exorbitantly bigoted, racist and xenophobic message you posted. Very Nazi-ish to the extreme.
This comment is inaccurate, subjective, misleading and obviously coming from a purely racist mindset.
This concept was invented during french revolution so no. (Ironically the terror started four years after). The concept of human rights is that humans are humans, and not white, black, asian. That means that the anti white people aren't for the human right. About the original topic, I would say either the ability of creating artificial intelligence or going into space. I think that eastern asian civilization were particulary brillant. I consider that the ability of passing information in the quickiest and cheapest way. The late middle age was far to be that dark, cathedrals, advanced work of metal, advance horology, author like William of Ockham but one of the most brillant invention who ever existed : printing. Before printing, you needed weeks if not month to produce a book and the price of books were consequent, with printing, you could produce hundred book in days, and so books were more abundant cheaper. My point is : printing was possible because european system of writting contain only around 26 signs, when chinese contains thousands of one, making printing in chinese harder without digital systems. Their way of writting hold them back. Furthermore, you seems to forget that a lof of muslims countries were great before islam : Egypt, Sumer... My last point would be that I consider simply that the western north american/european civilization launched humanity in the next step of humanity, like the people who in the middle east who invented agriculture and writting launched humanity in the next step of humanity.
Any proof of that ? Cleopatra VII yes (the Cleopatra we all know), she was from greek ascend. They tend to depicted themselves really dark skinned, almost black : Tchetchenian are white, and they have a poor society and civilization, they're muslims. I don't think it's the skin color who matters, but the set of believes.
Some of mans greatest accomplishments: Garbage collection, probably one of the greatest lifesavers. Washing hands before surgery. Discovering antibiotics, doubled lifespan.