They shouldn't be the only proof, since there are three other spacecraft also escaping the solar system: It's a shame that none of them will have power indefinitely. They will be our silent ambassadors.
Cats -- nor dogs, horses, ponies, orca's and other whales, dolphins and porpoises, bears, wolves, and coyotes and any of the other human-like mammals -- do not give a rat's azz about Philosophy. Philosophy is a Greek invention intended to combat ignorance, superstition, and religion.
And this is a Historical or Philosophic topic. Hardly "Latest News". Just because an (editorial discussion/question) article is recent, doesn't make it's topic 'latest news.' Otherwise virtually all articles can go in this section. +
I never said there was a link. And please admit your earlier statement about the Rutgers Law School documents was wrong. You seem to believe every word of Hitler's public speeches. You post no links. The article I linked to contains footnotes. As a challenge, try and discover the meaning of footnote.