Many military veterans who served with distinction also want a new investigation (in addition to firefighters, first responders, and on and on). Why is it that some are so obsessed with muting these people and insisting that they (and everybody else who agrees with them) don't know what they are talking about? Why do they still insist that there is nothing nefarious about 9/11? I can't figure them out, myself. Their information and their petition for a new investigation is here: THE PETITION Comments?
Who is muting these people? I had no problem accessing their website or petition. Seems to me they are free to say whatever they like.
Really bad idea. Prove airliners could not have brought the twin towers down and then explain to the military why they went into the Middle-East. I would shoot at you if I had believed the crap all this time. psik
That a threat? (Hey, they supposedly take that stuff seriously around here, even though the standard seems to be pretty flexible, depending on who it is). Perhaps you should rephrase?
Airliners COULD HAVE brought down the trade centers ALONE (they didn't but), and the Middle-East (was and still is) all about the oil. PNAC (and the rest of the Bush/Cheney gang that the agenda was engineered by) can detail the objectives (if you really wanted to know to begin with, which you'd don't).
That's a problem then (considering the 'official bull' is purely bull too). Perhaps one should make an educated decision on the merits one way or the other then, huh?
...along with their long debunked, fact-less assertions. - - - Updated - - - Well, considering you have no proof, the "educated" guess would fall on the side that does. Planes crashed into the WTC. Glad you agree.
They probably did (via remote control or whatever). That doesn't mean the educated 'guess' is any more valid anything else. Fact is, the Kean story is beyond 'shaky' and criminal at best.
I don't know, do you? If these creeps are bold enough to kill everyone in the towers that the planes supposedly (and I'm not even saying that they weren't), why would they give a ratz rear end about the number on the planes? I wasn't the one making the contention of the ghost planes (or whatever). I'm merely acknowledging that the story they give us is total nonsense, and why should I believe anything creeps like that would say? You (apparently) submit to whatever it is that they tell us all that we're supposed to believe. I do not. - - - Updated - - - I have. I just don't believe the horsesheet that I'm 'required' to believe (especially when it's so easily disprovable).
Of course! The government killed all those innocent people, also. Gotcha. No evidence, no proof....just a nice wrap up to your fable.
Somebody killed them. You believe it was a group of men from abroad did it, running around with box cutters from Walmart did it. All that while running live simulations of 'planes crashing into buildings' that the military was doing that day, and then THEY themselves, got castrated and became totally ineffective for about two hours. I do not. You buy the bs. I do not.
Fine. You cannot prove any of your arguments of incredulity but then you are entitled to your opinion, no matter how absurd it is.
Some (many) don't require too much proof. Look at the 'official' bs for instance. Everybody swallowed that garbage pretty easily (at least initially).