2005 in Iraq. The runway of this airfield was closed for repair, but a NOTAM was never issued. Under low light conditions at night, the C-130 crashed upon landing due to the disrepaired runway.
DD Form 2349 Someone didn't bother to prepare and update the NOTAM control log on the RWY closure. Taxpayers are out about $30-40 million as a result...no crew were killed; just shaken up.
That's good that no one was killed. Two lost their lives at Attu - a seaman and a member of the aircrew. It must have been a rough landing in Iraq - Herkybirds are designed to land on unimproved runways, that one must had some huge potholes in the runway! Remember, this is Uncle Sam we're talkin' 'bout - what's $40,000,000... that's not even two years of Albert's contract with the Angels.
That was an MC-130H Combat Talon II; it was more like about $100 million. Got lucky in that only two folks were hurt, and that was only a couple of borken bones. Could have been a lot worse.
As a pilot then it was a good landing as any landing you walk away from is a good landing. How about a civil suit against the responsible individual for not making the control log entry to recover the $30-$40 million dollars based upon gross negligence? Now that's a novel ideal.
No such recourse since it occured during a military operation in a foreign nation during a time of war.
In that case, Russa, pay the U.S. back for all the lend lease we sent you in WW2 and how about ponying up for the Russian grain deal, we're still waiting for our money. Oh, you want us to come for it???
Northkorean soldiers ensuring their nation´s sovereignty: New German Puma, world´s most advanced APC: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Puma_(IFV)
I'm aware of that but I really question why the runway wasn't fixed. I've been in combat where a runway was damaged by incoming fire and it was fixed within 30 minutes and there were trucks on the runway doing the repairs which would have prevented any landings. Hard to believe they would leave a damaged runway unrepaired for any period of time.
THey were actually fixing a previous quick-repair job. The hole was made when they dug out the broken piece of concrete. The issue wasn't the folks fixing the runway, it was with the folks who didn't post the NOTAM. The picture shown was taken in the daylight, the crash was at night. Crew didn't see the hole unti it was far too late.
A NOTAM similar to this should have been issued regarding the closed RWY at that airfield. The aviation authority responsible for that airfield should've filed it through AFTN circuits where it would be disseminated; obviously they didn't. The airfield manager can e-mail or call NOTAM requests to EUNOF where it's processed from there... In the example I provided, in the yellow highlighted portion, indicating the ILS is unserviceable; the text would be similarly worded only indicating the RWY was closed (for the airfield in question).
Here's a better look at the runway construction that the MC-130H landed into. As Talon pointed out, a big chunk of concrete is missing. Unlighted runway, at night...and no notice about the construction = recipe for disaster.
Sodomites in the most tolerant of the army. Homosexuality has won equal rights and received wide distribution in different countries for many times, for at least several thousand years. And, characteristically, it was always just before the death of these countries.
Photo taken at Baghdad Int'l airport (BIAP) of sign on the back of a U.S. convoy truck that hauled supplies to various FOBs in Iraq. Straight and to the point.
I took these photos on July 4th, at Downtown airport in Cahokia, Illinois. This is the restored B-17 "Aluminum Overcast" which was making an appearance at the airport over the holiday.