First off Let me just say Thank You, It is refreshing to find someone who makes an attempt at being a Worthy Adversary. A person who makes an effort to deal with Measured Argument & Facts in his rebuttal Rather than simply relying on his spewing out Vindictive Bile, Empty Denial & Insult Yet it is unfortunate that you did not bother to Review some of the Postings on this ................................................................................ & the previous Thread As they show in a definitive way that your arguments are Fallacious and largely .......................................................................................without Merit ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I can agree with you that GM Crops are endemic and probably unavoidable, as they have with Corporate/Government complicity been virtually pushed down peoples throats However that fact does not necessarily make GMOs desirable or safe, nor does it mitigate against the Malignant effects that they have been shown to have. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now as to the claim that Selective Breeding & plant & animal Husbandry is Genetic Modification, ....................................... I should like to inform you that this is most definitely NOT the case Such manipulations as you point out have been practiced for millennium, are perfectly Natural .................................... and occur within the Natural Boundaries of species interbreeding Even Radiation & Transposable Elements simply manipulate Genes that Naturally occur within a specific Genome Genetically Modified Organisms however have been synthetically engineered It is absolutely impossible that they could be developed with the established ........................................................................... Natural processes Their very Genome has been tapered with by introducing foreign Genetic material Rabbits can be made to glow in the dark with the introduction of Genes from a Fungus or a Firefly. NO amount of selective breeding or animal husbandry will accomplish that Genetic Modification with the application of recombinant DNA is of an entirely different order and has NOTHING whatsoever to do with established breeding technique GM Crops Just The Science Genetic Modification is NOT an Extension of Natural Breeding ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .
. Part II Further regarding the study released by The National Academy of Sciences First let it be noted that as it has been shown time & again that the USDA & the EPA have both been .......................................................................seriously compromised by Corporate self interest, So to we find that the The National Academy of Sciences has been Co-Opted by these same influences . So much so, that its European counterparts look upon the institution as a bad joke and a residence for .......... bought and paid for Shills and Corporate Prostitutes Source Watch National Academy Of Science The NAS was created by for the purpose of providing independent, science-based advice to federal policy makers. However, according to a one year review of of 21 NAS committees, conducted by the non-profit Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), almost one in five scientists appointed to an NAS panel, had direct financial ties to companies or industry groups with direct stakes in the outcome of the study. Almost half of the panels examined had scientists with readily identifiable biases, not offset by scientists with alternative points of view ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ That being said the study that you partially quoted, that was released by The National Academy of Sciences regarding GMOs goes on to make a rather startling conclusion that you forgot to mention You forgot to mention one of the studies man conclusions, For the report also stated that: "the advent of glyphosate-herbicide resistant weeds, which have developed because of the use of engineered cropscould cause the genetically engineered crops to lose ........................................................................................ their effectiveness Well be Informed of the Facts on the ground The worst has happened in that their worse fears have been realized : Attack of the Superweed Result: Exposed: The Great GM Crops Myth Traditional Breeding Outperforms GM Hands Down But even more frightening is the totally unexpected development of a disease known as The Sudden Death Syndrome that seems to be related to RoundUp damaged soil Genetic MeltDown & Sudden Death Syndrome I-V Genetic Meltdown & Sudden Death Syndrome I Genetic Meltdown & Sudden Death Syndrome II Genetic Meltdown & Sudden Death Syndrome III Genetic Meltdown & Sudden Death Syndrome IV Genetic Meltdown & Sudden Death Syndrome V & more YET peer Reviewed Evidence ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ And finally your contention that: - "The use of GM Crops has largely been without consequence is found to be completely without merit, as almost daily Scientific findings inform us otherwise. Recent Research Reveals New HORRORS Spewing From Monsanto's Poison Mouth THEME OVERVIEW: GENETICALLY ENGINEERED CROPS AND U.S. AGRICULTURAL SUSTAINABILITY Roundup Herbicide ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ So while I applaud your effort to bring contrvaling Facts before us, It would have been Wise if you had informed yourself of the ground already covered on this and the preceeding Thread In that the Facts you bring forward have already been disabused & debunked Please review then get back to me : .
Monsanto makes some darn tasty sweet corn. Of course, I also like the Kobe Lobster. Kobe Lobster is fed on Kobe beef, which is fed Monsanto Sweet Corn for extra goodness and deliciousity. Monsanto: Good people making life good with good food for other good people. Sorry Coops, I couldn't resist taking a jab at ya in fun, bud.
I'm still waiting for the information, proving a direct connection between GMOs and ANY health problems. I'm not talking about linking idiot conspiracy theory websites, but legitimate credible websites that evidence ANY direct connection between GMOs and ANY health problems. Still waiting...
Yes, we're all fully aware of the fact that most Junior High kids have access to PhotoShop. Doesn't make their pictures anything more than a laughing stock.
. Genetically Modified Grass Kills Cattle By Producing Warfare Chemical Cyanide Read more: Another report of genetically modified creations taking the lives of livestock has hit the media, and this time genetically modified grass has been identified as the culprit according to CBS News. Shockingly (and quite disturbingly), the GM grass actually produced toxic cyanide and sent the cattle into a life-ending fit that included painful bellowing and convulsions. The deaths have led to a federal investigation centered in Central Texas, where the cattle had resided. Just east of Austin, the cows lived on an 80-acre ranch owned by Jerry Abel. Abel says that the fields were used for over 15 years for cattle grazing and hay, and that the genetically modified grass was tested previously and should have been perfect. The GM grass however, known as Tifton 85, appears have been producing toxic cyanide. Used as a genocidal agent in World War 2 by the Germans and considered to be an extremely dangerous substance internationally, it is extremely concerning that cyanide is now being produced by once harmless grass thanks to the modification process. The 18 cattle went off to enjoy some fresh new genetically modified grass, when Abel says they went into a fit of convulsions and shrieks. He explains: When our trainer first heard the bellowing, he thought our pregnant heifer may be having a calf or something, said Abel. But when he got down here, virtually all of the steers and heifers were on the ground. Some were already dead, and the others were already in convulsions. Within 15 hours of this incident, all of the cattle had died as a result of the grass suddenly producing cyanide and therefore throwing them into a lethal fit. According to USDA scientists, it may be the result of a mutation the same kind of mutation that has been seen in many of Monsantos Roundup-Ready crops. Whats more is the fact that many other farmers are now testing their grounds and also finding the presence of cyanide. While there is not yet a large number of reports concerning cattle deaths from cyanide, it was recently revealed that one large biotech company Syngenta had been covering up further animal deaths from genetically modified corn. ------------------------------------------------------- Monsantos Roundup Ready Crops Leading to Mental Illness, Obesity Monsantos Roundup Ready Crops Leading to Decreased Gut Flora It seems that the good bacteria found in your gut may actually be destroyed with every bite of food that you eat. While antibiotics typically hold first prize in depleting the bodys gut flora levels, there may be a new culprit looking to take the spotlight which you may know as genetically modified food. Monsantos Roundup Ready Crops Leading to Decreased Gut Flora A formula seems to have been made to not only ruin the agricultural system, but also compromise the health of millions of people worldwide. With the invent of Monsantos Roundup Ready crops, resistant superweeds are taking over farmland and public health is being attacked. These genetically engineered crops are created to withstand large amounts of Monsantos top-selling herbicide, Roundup. As it turns out, glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, is actually leaving behind its residue on Roundup Ready crops, causing further potential concern for public health. According to Dr. Don Huber, an expert in certain science fields relating to genetically modified foods, the amount of good bacteria in the gut decreases with the consumption of GMO foods. But this outcome is actually due to the residual glyphosate in animal feed and food. Dr. Huber states that glyphosate residues in genetically engineered plants are responsible for a significant reduction in mineral content, causing people to be highly susceptible to pathogens. Although studies have previously found that the beneficial bacteria in animals is destroyed thanks to glyphosate, a stronger connection will need to be made regarding human health for this kind of information to stick. Poor Gut Flora Means Poor Health As awareness grows, more and more people are realizing that poor gut flora often means poor health. Without the proper ratio of good bacteria to bad bacteria, overall health suffers and you could be left feeling depressed. In fact, poor gut health has been directly tied to mental illness, which may explain the influx of people being diagnosed with a mental illness. Not only that, but obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome have all been tied to poor gut health. .
What is the sense of waiting while you have your head in the sand ? You are NOT paying attention are you Georgie Seems Willful Ignorance has you Gill Hooked
FAIL! Next... By the way, I asked for a CREDIBLE source - not more of this stupid fantasyland crap.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but unless you grow your own grains, vegetables and fruits from pre-1950 strains or forage in the woods, you have been consuming GM foods all your life. How do you feel?
. Regarding Trifton85 Bermuda Grass I note the retractions to the CBS article I posted have just recently been made I gratefully accept your correction, and thank you for being a Worthy Adversary ....................................................................................... In this regard It sure beats the usual Insult & empty blathering that I usually receive from you in Rebutal Trifton85 Bermuda Grass - is NOT a GMO' However take Note: The numerous other articles posted on this & the preceeding thread regarding ............................ Monsantos malicious machinations Still stand & Here Are a Few New Ones 1. Monsantos RoundUp Shown to be Ravaging Butterfly Population 2. Glyphosate in Monsantos RoundUp Found in All Urine Samples Tested 3. Monsantos Carcinogenic RoundUp Herbicide Contaminating the Water Supply 4 Monsantos Best Selling Herbicide RoundUp Linked to Infertility 5. Monsantos RoundUp is Killing Human Kidney Cells 6. Monsantos RoundUp Spawns Superweeds Consuming over 120 Million Hectares .
NOT so Manny Serious Plantings of GMO's did not begin until the late 1980's & early 1990's ............................ & it took some time to build to the 80 & 90% rates of today Review the ever growing Scientific evidence & documentation in this regard Only a Willfully Ignorant FL or Devils Advocate could remain Unconcerned . .
unhealthy. how do you feel? im 45 years old so i may have had more time to begin displaying long term effects from consuming gm foods for my entire life. or it could be the massive drug use in my younger years. who knows however, if terrorists do hit a target within our borders again in the future, i hope it is this organization.
So you concede that the article from is 100% inaccurate, then you turn right back around and link a bunch more articles from Wow.
Hmmm...I guess we are both right, although I was thinking more on the lines of mutagenesis: Anyway, I find it fascinating that the milk of the spidergoat can be used to make strong cloth and ropes.
. I concede the CBS News article was inaccurate But that in no way impinges on the Veracity of the many other Articles published by the "Natural Society" Do not play the FL & try to blame this DisInformation on "Natural Society" ........... The origin of that DisInformation as stated in the "Natural Society" ........................................ article was CBS News;cbsCarousel & being as Corporate News Organizations have won The Right to Lie through A Law Suite that was inspired by none other than a Fox/Monsanto alliance One might reasonably Question the motives of the Corporate Org who sourced it Allowing it to disseminate then allowing a retraction. Hoping to discredit Organization ................................................... that picked up on it The discredit & fault, here belongs on CBS News's Leger The problem here Lies with CBS News NOT "Natural Society" They & I simply decided to go with a supposedly verified CBS News story carrying CBS credibility & NS & I were hardly the only ones to be taken in by that DisInformation Ruse I suppose you might be able to fault us somewhat for that & Like I said, I thank you for drawing out attention to the FACTS in this regard, But be aware that in ALL the other cases brought before you on this thread, you have been able to bring nothing forward but Insult, to dispute the many verified Scientific & Historical FACTS that have been set down here;cbsCarousel .
. . . You should further note, BigGeorge That each of the articles I linked to in an above post, are NOT stand alone Natural Society" contentions. Each is Backed Up by FACTS & Peer Reviewed Science - All Linked to here for your convience I am sure these Scientific Organizations will Prove to have more crediblity than CBS News that has been shown to be an untrustworthy shill DisInformation for Corporate interests ------------------------------- 1. Monsantos RoundUp Shown to be Ravaging Butterfly Population The Science in this article is Peer Reviewed A 2011 study published in The Journal Insect Conservation and Diversity ------------------------------- 2. Glyphosate in Monsantos RoundUp Found in All Urine Samples Tested The Science in this article is verified in a recent study conducted by a German University found here ------------------------------- 3. Monsantos Carcinogenic RoundUp Herbicide Contaminating the Water Supply The Science in this article is found in The Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry Journal ------------------------------- 4 Monsantos Best Selling Herbicide RoundUp Linked to Infertility The Science here was conducted by The Université de Caen Basse-Normandie ------------------------------- 5. Monsantos RoundUp is Killing Human Kidney Cells The Science here being published by The Institute of Science in Society ------------------------------- 6. Monsantos RoundUp Spawns Superweeds Consuming over 120 Million Hectares Noted here -- & here: ------------------------------- .
Yeah. (*)(*)(*)(*) republicans, appointing Monsanto executives to top USDA posts. What was that GOP leader Obama thinking?
The thing I am most worried about if marijuana is legalized is some company like Monsanto pushing all the small growers out of the market and getting a near monopoly with genetically altered grass.
I don't know if that could ever happen. Its way to easy to grow your own in your closet. Plus the underground market for good seeds would never go away, no matter how legal it gets.