. This nefarious & malicious Company is In the News again ! Not only people, but now whole countries are getting Fed Up India Sues Monsanto for Biopiracy http://uk.ibtimes.com/articles/20111002/india-sues-monsanto-biopiracy.htm For two decades, Monsanto has been able to take living organisms, insert genes into them, and then patent them as its own intellectual property. And nobody has challenged this - until now. The government of India has filed suit against Monsanto - for violating India's Biological Diversity Act (BDA). It's the first time a company has been sued by a government for acts of biopiracy. "This can send a different message to the big companies for violating the laws of the nation," said K.S. Sugara, Member Secretary of the Karnataka Biodiversity Board, to France 24 (click the link for a video report). "It is not acceptable ... that the farmers in our communities are robbed of the advantage they should get from the indigenous varieties." India has been increasingly concerned with Monsanto's flouting of various laws, and attempts to circumvent regulation. Monsanto, for its part, has seen India as a huge market, with gene-modified cotton already being sold and a big push underway for Bt gene-modified corn. But the Indian government says Monsanto has also been using test plots to steal indigenous Indian species - like eggplant (know locally as brinjal) which it would then market without making any payment or compensation. .
Monsanto.. the Republican/Corporate greedspawn. This type of shiat is what you get when you allow corporate pigs and thier lackies to run things.
. The Genetic Conspiracy (1/3) - about Monsanto [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=joweZ6uM5iY&feature=related"]The Genetic Conspiracy (1/3) - about Monsanto - YouTube[/ame] The Genetic Conspiracy (2/3) - about Monsanto [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHobGDHtq4E&feature=related"]The Genetic Conspiracy (2/3) - about Monsanto - YouTube[/ame] The Genetic Conspiracy (3/3) - about Monsanto [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SBH88lvlos&feature=related"]The Genetic Conspiracy (3/3) - about Monsanto - YouTube[/ame] .
How did Monsanto's genes end up in India's historic plants? It is only fair Monsanto gets them back. And Monsanto doesn't even want royalties for the last 10,000 years of use by India's population! What could be more kind and fair than that?
Monsanto Practically A Government Agency [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Csq2UVszlM"]Monsanto's got a place in government - YouTube[/ame] Help stop former Monsanto VP from attaining top position at the FDA - sign the petition The one man who may be responsible for more food related illnesses and deaths than anyone in history, Michael R. Taylor, has just been promoted from US Food Safety Czar to Senior Advisor to the Commissioner of the FDA, a position which would enable the giant biotech company Monsanto to silently and legally feed cancer causing vegetables to every living person who is not 100% strictly organic. President Obama has appointed the former Monsanto Vice President and lobbyist Michael R. Taylor to the throne. This is the same man who was Food Safety Czar for the FDA when Genetically Modified Organisms were allowed into the US food supply without undergoing a single test to determine their safety or risks. This is like putting a terrorist in charge of the world's food supply. What will the cancer numbers look like in 2016? The GMO nightmare all started with the Dan Quayle led FDA/GMO marriage. Under George Bush Senior's Administration from 1989 to 1993, Dan Quayle single-handedly catapulted GMO's into existence through FDA's anti-consumer right-to-know policy, which stated that GMO foods did not have to be labeled or safety tested. Yes, you read that correctly: There is no safety testing required whatsoever to take some Agent Orange pesticide and genetically mutate the seeds of vegetables in a chemical laboratory so that nothing on planet earth will eat the plant that grows from the ground except for all the humans who have no idea what happened. Michael Taylor is part of a revolving door at the FDA, where Monsanto Execs just come and go as they please. First, Michael R. Taylor was an assistant to the FDA commissioner. Then he left to work for a law firm in the 1980's to help gain FDA approval of Monsanto's artificial growth hormone (rGBH), which is directly linked to cancer. Then he became deputy commissioner of the FDA in 1991, and was later re-appointed to the FDA in 2009 by Obama. He is the food villain who tried his best to keep this "malignant milk of the turn of the century" from being labeled. Michael Taylor is the epitome of everything Monsanto represents. Taylor is like a vehicle for Monsanto's patenting of seeds and global domination of farming. He implements the government's "favorable" agricultural biotech policies because it's much more of a financially sure shot to use RoundUp in food than to farm organically and ethically. If the investments aren't paying enough at the corporation, Execs just switch over to Federal Regulations and write some new Legislation based on "tainted research", which allows them to pile more toxins on the American public and bankroll off it when they flip back to the corporate side. Read More & Sign The Petion : http://www.naturalnews.com/034847_Michael_Taylor_Monsanto_FDA.html#ixzz1lRmOvfwC
. Leaked Documents Reveal US Diplomats Actually Work for Monsanto http://www.naturalnews.com/034620_Monsanto_diplomats_GMOs.html Biotech giant Monsanto has been genetically modifying the world's food supply and subsequently breeding environmental devastation for years, but leaked documents now reveal that Monsanto has also deeply infiltrated the United States government. With leaked reports revealing how U.S. diplomats are actually working for Monsanto to push their agenda along with other key government officials, Monsanto's grasp on international politics has never been clearer. Amazingly, the information reveals that the massive corporation is also intensely involved in the passing and regulations concerning the very GM ingredients they are responsible for. In fact, the information released by WikiLeaks reveals just how much power Monsanto has thanks to key positions within the United States government and elsewhere. Not only was it exposed that the U.S. is threatening nations who oppose Monsanto with military-style trade wars, but that many U.S. diplomats actually work directly for Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/034620_Monsanto_diplomats_GMOs.html#ixzz1lXaPRmwG What the Leaked Documents Reveal - - Military Style Trade Wars, Government Corruption In 2007 it was requested that specific nations inside the European Union be punished for not supporting the expansion of Monsanto's GMO crops. The request for such measures to be taken was made by Craig Stapleton, the United States ambassador to France and partner to George W. Bush. Despite mounting evidence linking Monsanto's GM corn to organ damage and environmental devastation, the ambassador plainly calls for 'target retaliation' against those not supporting the GM crop. In the leaked documents, Stapleton states: "Country team Paris recommends that we calibrate a target retaliation list that causes some pain across the EU since this is a collective responsibility, but that also focuses in part on the worst culprits. The list should be measured rather than vicious and must be sustainable over the long term, since we should not expect an early victory. Moving to retaliation will make clear that the current path has real costs to EU interests and could help strengthen European pro-biotech voices." The undying support of key players within the U.S. towards Monsanto is undeniably made clear not only in this release, but in the legislative decisions taken by organizations such as the FDA and USDA. Legislative decisions such as allowing Monsanto's synthetic hormone Posilac (rBGH) to be injected into U.S. cows despite being banned in 27 countries. How did Monsanto pull this off? The biotech juggernaut managed to infiltrate the FDA positions responsible for the approval of rBGH, going as far as instating the company's own Margaret Miller as Deputy Director of Human Safety and Consultative Services. After assuming this position, Miller reviewed her own report on the safety and effectiveness of rBGH. Many US Diplomats Pawns of Monsanto's GM agenda While it may be shocking to you if you are not familiar with the corrupt influence of Monsanto, the cables also show that many US diplomats are pushing GMO crops as a strategic government and commercial imperative. Interestingly enough, the U.S. focused their efforts toward advisers to the pope specifically, due to the fact that many Catholic figureheads have openly voiced their opposition to GM foods. With this kind of political influence, is it any wonder that many food staples are now predominantly GM? Nearly 93% of U.S. soybeans are heavily modified conservatively, with many other staple crops coming in at similar numbers. U.S. diplomats have unique opportunities to spread honest and intellectual campagins that can serve to better mankind and end suffering, however they are instead spreading the roots of Monsanto deeper and deeper into international territory. As a substitute for the betterment of mankind, these paid-off diplomats are now spreading environment desecration and health destruction. As if there wasn't already enough information to reveal Monsanto's corruption, the biotech giant also spends enormous amount of money lobbying government each year. Monsanto spent an astonishing $2 million lobbying the federal government in the 3rd quarter of 2011 alone, according to mainstream sources. Why so much cash? The government lobbying focuses on issues like regulations for GM crops and patent reforms. This 'legal' form of persuasion is the reason government agencies like the USDA and FDA let Monsanto roam freely. Satisfying government officials' financial vested interest is all that matters when dealing with corrupt mega-corporations like Monsanto. As long as these financial ties continue to exist, Monsanto will continue to reign over the food supply and continue to wreak devastation to the environment, ecosystem, and humankind. Sources For This Article Include: http://naturalsociety.com/us-start-trade-wars-with-nations-opposed-to-monsanto-gmo-crops/ http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/jan/03/wikileaks-us-eu-gm-crops http://www.businessweek.com/ap/financialnews/D9RL51J81.htm http://www.fastcoexist.com/1677871/fearful-of-genetically-modified-crops-youre-too-late About the author: Anthony Gucciardi is a health activist and wellness researcher, whose goal is centered around educating the general public as to how they may obtain optimum health. He has authored countless articles highlighting the benefits of natural health, as well as exposing the pharmaceutical industry. Anthony is the creator of Natural Society (http://www.NaturalSociety.com), a natural health website. Anthony has been accurately interpreting national and international events for years within his numerous political articles. Anthony's articles have been seen by millions around the world, and hosted on multiple top news websites. Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/034620_Monsanto_diplomats_GMOs.html#ixzz1lXaVMxSo . .
Monsanto's spurious claims of 'Substantial Equivalence' by which they avoid proper testing - Is Proven a LIE The Very Real Danger of Genetically Modified Foods http://www.theatlantic.com/health/a...-danger-of-genetically-modified-foods/251051/ New research shows that when we eat we're consuming more than just vitamins and protein. Our bodies are absorbing information, or microRNA. .
Scientists From Inside Monsanto, The Truth. [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxpH9wBt0fM&feature=player_embedded"]Scientists From Inside Monsanto, The Truth. - YouTube[/ame] Scientists Under Attack: Genetic Engineering in the Magnetic Field of Money http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=DJWVsdG1Gg8
You mean the Monsanto which has on it's board of directors the national director of the Clinton Gore Campaign? http://www.corporatewatch.org/?lid=208#board You seriously need to stop the lies.
We also see the involvement of Proctor and Gamble. Famously also on the board of Disney which controls ABC where Stephanopolous works. http://www.monsanto.com/investors/Documents/Annual Report/Monsanto_2011_Proxy_Statement.pdf Stock Ownership of Management and Certain Beneficial Owners (page 24) The largest single stockholder being one Hugh Grant (509,949 common shares)
. Yah – Same guy – A Democrap in name only & most definately a Repugnacant Corporate Pig, .................. & a Greedspawned piece of Shait This malignant tumor on two legs, can call himself a Liberal ............... but the policies he advances tell a differnet story From Wiki Article “An advocate of free trade, Kantor, as Trade Representative, led U.S. negotiations that created the World Trade Organization (WTO), such as the Uruguay Round, and North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). His efforts were broadly criticized by organized labor and environmentalists alike, for refusing to consider fundamental worker and environmental health issues in the core agreements. " President Clinton later acknowledged the errors of his administration in relegating these key economic concerns to legally weak side agreements, while favoring large business interests in the NAFTA treaty document. "I think it was a mistake. I think it was part of a global trend that ................................................................................................ was wrong-headed." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mickey_Kantor -------------------------------- Further: Continuing the Green Revolution: The Corporate Assault on the Security of the Global Food Supply http://www.mit.edu/~thistle/v13/4/food.html .
. Is Monsanto Rounding You Up ? Now Glyphosate Found in People's Urine http://www.gmwatch.eu/component/content/article/13631 According to an article in German in the Ithaca journal, a German university study has found significant concentrations of glyphosate in the urine samples of city dwellers. The analysis of the urine samples apparently found that all had concentrations of glyphosate at 5 to 20-fold the limit for drinking water. As well as being used increasingly widely in food production, glyphosate-based weedkillers often also get sprayed onto railway lines, urban pavements and roadsides. http://www.ithaka-journal.net/herbizide-im-urin Disturbingly, the Ithaca journal reports (in our translation), "The address of the university labs, which did the research, the data and the evaluation of the research method is known to the editors. Because of significant pressure by agrochemical representatives and the fear that the work of the lab could be influenced, the complete analytical data will only be published in the course of this year." http://www.ithaka-journal.net/herbizide-im-urin News of this study comes not long after the publication of a study confirming glyphosate was contaminating groundwater. Last year also saw the publication of two US Geological Survey studies which consistently found glyphosate in streams, rain and even air in agricultural areas of the US. http://www.gmwatch.org/latest-listing/1-news-items/13549 Other recent studies - see the abstracts below - indicate that people may not only be absorbing glyphosate from multiple sources but that it can circulate in the blood and can even cross the placental barrier and so reach the developing fetus. --- --- Aris, A. and S. Leblanc (2011). "Maternal and fetal exposure to pesticides associated to genetically modified foods in EasternTownships of Quebec, Canada." ReproductiveToxicology 31(4). Pesticides associated to genetically modified foods (PAGMF), are engineered to tolerate herbicides such as glyphosate (GLYP) and gluphosinate (GLUF) or insecticides such as the bacterial toxin bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). The aim of this study was to evaluate the correlation between maternal and fetal exposure, and to determine exposure levels of GLYPandits metabolite aminomethylphosphoricacid (AMPA), GLUF and its metabolite 3-methylphosphinicopropionicacid (3-MPPA) and Cry1Ab protein (a Bt toxin) in Eastern Townships of Quebec, Canada. Blood of thirty pregnant women (PW) and thirty-nine nonpregnant women (NPW)were studied. Serum GLYPand GLUF were detected in NPW and not detected in PW. Serum 3-MPPA and CryAb1toxin were detected in PW,their fetuses and NPW. This is the first study to reveal the presence of circulating PAGMF in women with and without pregnancy, paving the way for a new field in reproductive toxicology including nutrition and utero-placental toxicities. --- --- Chang, F. C., M. F. Simcik, et al. (2011). "Occurrence and fate of the herbicide glyphosate and its degradate aminomethylphosphonic acid in the atmosphere." Environ Toxicol Chem 30(3): 548–555. This is the first report on the ambient levels of glyphosate, the most widely used herbicide in the United States, and its major degradation product, aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA), in air and rain. Concurrent, weekly integrated air particle and rain samples were collected during two growing seasons in agricultural areas in Mississippi and Iowa. Rain was also collected in Indiana in a preliminary phase of the study. The frequency of glyphosate detection ranged from 60 to 100% in both air and rain. The concentrations of glyphosate ranged from <0.01 to 9.1 ng/m(3) and from <0.1 to 2.5 microg/L in air and rain samples, respectively. The frequency of detection and median and maximum concentrations of glyphosate in air were similar or greater to those of the other high-use herbicides observed in the Mississippi River basin, whereas its concentration in rain was greater than the other herbicides. It is not known what percentage of the applied glyphosate is introduced into the air, but it was estimated that up to 0.7% of application is removed from the air in rainfall. Glyphosate is efficiently removed from the air; it is estimated that an average of 97% of the glyphosate in the air is removed by a weekly rainfall >/= 30 mm. --- --- Coupe, R. H., S. J. Kalkhoff, et al. (2011). "Fate and transport of glyphosate and aminomethylphosphonic acid in surface waters of agricultural basins." Pest Manag Sci. BACKGROUND: Glyphosate [N-(phosphonomethyl)glycine] is a herbicide used widely throughout the world in the production of many crops and is heavily used on soybeans, corn and cotton. Glyphosate is used in almost all agricultural areas of the United States, and the agricultural use of glyphosate has increased from less than 10 000 Mg in 1992 to more than 80 000 Mg in 2007. The greatest intensity of glyphosate use is in the midwestern United States, where applications are predominantly to genetically modified corn and soybeans. In spite of the increase in usage across the United States, the characterization of the transport of glyphosate and its degradate aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) on a watershed scale is lacking. RESULTS: Glyphosate and AMPA were frequently detected in the surface waters of four agricultural basins. The frequency and magnitude of detections varied across basins, and the load, as a percentage of use, ranged from 0.009 to 0.86% and could be related to three general characteristics: source strength, rainfall runoff and flow route. CONCLUSIONS: Glyphosate use in a watershed results in some occurrence in surface water; however, the watersheds most at risk for the offsite transport of glyphosate are those with high application rates, rainfall that results in overland runoff and a flow route that does not include transport through the soil. Copyright (c) 2011 Society of Chemical Industry. --- --- Poulsen, M. S., E. Rytting, et al. (2009). "Modeling placental transport: Correlation of in vitro BeWo cell permeability and ex vivo human placental perfusion." Toxicol In Vitro 23: 1380–1386. The placental passage of three compounds with different physicochemical properties was recently investigated in ex vivo human placental perfusion experiments (caffeine, benzoic acid, and glyphosate) [Mose, T., Kjaerstad, M.B., Mathiesen, L., Nielsen, J.B., Edelfors, S., Knudsen, L.E., 2008. Placental passage of benzoic acid, caffeine, and glyphosate in an ex vivo human perfusion system. J. Toxicol. Environ. Health, Part A 71, 984-991]. In this work, the transport of these same three compounds, plus the reference compound antipyrine, was investigated using BeWo (b30) cell monolayers. Transport across the BeWo cells was observed in the rank order of caffeine>antipyrine>benzoic acid>glyphosate in terms of both the apparent permeability coefficient and the initial slope, defined as the linear rate of substance transferred to the fetal compartment as percent per time, a parameter used to compare the two experimental models. The results from the in vitro studies were in excellent agreement with the ex vivo results (caffeine approximately antipyrine>benzoic acid>glyphosate). However the transfer rate was much slower in the BeWo cells compared to the perfusion system. The advantages and limitations of each model are discussed in order to assist in the preparation, prediction, and performance of future studies of maternal-fetal transfer.
So... Are you one of the nut-jobs that shat yourself, a couple years ago, over the "fact" that Monsanto had patented the pig, and was going to force every farmer in the whole wide world to pay them $10 per pig for raising their patented pigs. THAT is an example of how stupid the anti-Monsanto idiots are.
There are plenty of conspiracy theories out there, but there are also plenty of facts as well. Monsanto has been known for years as being corrupt. Granted, they're obviously not alone in their level of malevolence. There are plenty of other malicious companies like Union Carbide.
Monsanto is run like every other corporation - both the good and the bad. What irks me is the level of sheer stupidity that people are not only willing to believe, but to perpetuate. Idiots call RoundUp Ready Corn (for instance) the Chicken Little name of "Genetically Modified" Corn, and are totally ignorant of the FACT that ALL crop seed and ALL garden seed is genetically modified. Those of us who are not alarmists call them HYBRIDS. They've been being planted for hundreds of years, and they don't turn people into zombies. The list goes on and on...
Perhaps, rather than speaking from a position of arrogant Ignorance one should become informed of the extent of Monsanto's frauds, malfeasance & Criminal behaviors that have resulted in death, disease & ruined lives. What follows is a list of links gleaned from the predecessor of this thread, The list & articles though fairly extensive are in no way definitive or complete As the extent of Monsanto’s malignant Corporate behaviors is simply too vast What follows are the Facts regarding Monsanto, its products, frauds, cover-ups, lies & convictions of Criminal behaviors - Be informed – These people are NOT your friends "The List goes On & On........" A list of LINKS to articles found on the former thread – “Monsanto Shifts ALL Liability to Farmers” --------------------------- 1. Re: The Percy Schmeiser Affair 2. The rBGH Affair - HOW FOX MEDIA ON BEHALF OF MONSANTO WINS THE RIGHT TO LIE IN A COURT OF LAW 3. More on the Prosilac Case 4. Documentaries on Monsanto The World According To Monsanto - FULL LENGTH The Truth About Monsanto Monsanto the Murdering Monopoly 5. More on the Schmieser Affair & Links to the documentary "The Genetic Conspiracy" 6. Study Finds Monsanto's GMO Corn Causes Organ Damage in Rodents 7. New Study Links Monsanto's Roundup to Cancer 8. Monsanto Monstrosities Swept Under the Rug 9. The Study published in the 15 March 1999 Journal of American Cancer Society, 10. GENETICALLY MODIFIED CORN STUDY REVEALS HEALTH DAMAGE & COVER-UP – 3posts 11. GM Crop Yields Lower Than Traditional Crops 12. Monsanto & The Anniston Alabama Atrocity 13. Reviewing just a few other Monsanto Atrocities that have been Outlined on this Thread 14. Originally Posted by BFSmith@764 Vadanda Shiva on GM food & Monsanto 15. Forbes Retraction of their citation that Monsanto is Ethical 16. Various Law Court Convictions upheld against Monsanto 17. UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Criminal Investigation of Monsanto Corporation - Cover-up of Dioxin Contamination in Products - Falsification of Dioxin Health Studies. Posted in 2 parts - MONSANTO CRIMINALITY REVEALED 18. Genetic MeltDown & Sudden Death Syndrome I-V Genetic Meltdown & Sudden Death Syndrome I Genetic Meltdown & Sudden Death Syndrome II[/color] Genetic Meltdown & Sudden Death Syndrome III Genetic Meltdown & Sudden Death Syndrome IV Genetic Meltdown & Sudden Death Syndrome V & more YET peer Reviewed Evidence 19. More Monsanto Misdirection Exposed 20. Exposed: The Great GM Crops Myth of Higher Yeilds Exposed yet again 21. Monsanto Lies Compulsively 22. Monsanto & the Bullying of Farmers -------------------------------- . .
. & Continuing - "The List goes On & On...... " 23. More on Posilac & the Pus Infected Milk provided to you by Monsanto's BGH 24. YET More on Posilac & the Pus Infected Milk provided to you by Monsanto's BGH 25. Monsanto Lies, Again (and Again and Again) 26. Lab Proof Monsanto’s Products are involved in Cancer 27. Monsanto’s Attack on Organic Farming & the Problem Improperly Regulated & Tested GMO's 28. HR 875 & Monsanto's Plan to Dominate World Food Production 29. Monsanto’s take over of the Dept of Agriculture & the EPAA Government For The Corporations By The Corporations & Of The Corporations 30. FDA - Monsanto & the Take over of Gov Agencies : Dangerous Relations 31. Yet More Monsanto Misdirection 32. How Monsanto has Infected & Destroyed our Government Regulatory Agencies 33. The PUSZTAI AFFAIR - Scientist Blows Whistle on Cancer Causing Roundup! & Monsanto’s attempts at cover-up 34. Lower Yield & the Failure of GMO Crops – 2 posts 35. Monsanto Lies. catch up to them Their plan to dump their rBGH 36. THE PUSZTAI AFFAIR - Monsanto Lies & attempts at cover up SEE PART 2. FOR A POINT BY POINT STRIP & DISSECTION OF ALL YOUR ALLEGATIONS REGARDING DR. PUSZTAI's WORK THE BIOTECH INDUSTRIES DENIAL & SPIN OVER THE PUSZTAI AFFAIR IS EFFECTIVELY DEBUNKED 37. Pusztai & the “Galathus Lectin” - Another 'Monsanto’ Naked Lie EXPOSED 38. More on Dr Arpad Pusztai 39. The Lie of “Substantial Equivalence” & what it means 40. Substantial Equivalence – PART 1 - The Inadequate Safety Assessment of GE foods 41. Substantial Equivalence – PART 2 42. Substantial Equivalence PART 3 43. Monsanto Inspired Policies Destroy Agriculture in the Fertile Crescent ----------------------- --------------------- TO ANYBODY WHO WISHES TO BE INFORMED ON THIS ISSUE Review these Posts ! Facts & Peer Reviewed Science are Quoted Extensively .