sure, i can write a paper claiming what happened during 09/11 was impossible but who would listen to me? get it?
It is not what I think is impossible. What is impossible is for fires to cause a global collapse of a building. NIST blamed office fires for the collapse of WTC Towers & Building 7 which is impossible according to Newton's laws of physics. NIST lied and 3000 people died. Office fires could not and did not cause a global collapse of WTC building 7. Anyone who claims otherwise is nothing more than a charlatan.
is this your new catch phrase? - - - Updated - - - hundreds of thousands of architects and engineers in the USA, disagree.
really? is that your excuse? lol!!!!! how convenient for you. I bet you have no evidence to support it....right?
Hannibal, when I was in third grade the fear mongers instilled fear in my mind in government schools. When the bell sounded I was told to duck under my desk because Americans were under attack of nuclear war. That was the time of JFK and the Bay of Pigs. They also sounded the alarm when a Tornado came through. If the fear mongering was a Tornado, then we were instructed to go to the hall and put our hands over our heads. If it was a nuclear bomb that was the threat, then we were to duck under our desks. The liars are the ones spreading the fear. - - - Updated - - - Then NIST lied to cover-up the truth. 3000 people died and then NIST lied to cover-up the truth.
Truthers are not liars by definition Hannibal. The fear mongering comes from the warmongers. I am a man of peace.
That's not the gist of your ignorant statement,is it? You inferred that because the NIST 'lied',that 3000 died And the NIST had no reason,nor did they in fact,lie about anything. fact is,the only reason you're upset with them,is that they didn't tell you what you wanted to hear too damn bad.
Your government lied to you. They claimed that WTC Building column 79 was weakened by fires and that is why WTC Building 7 came crashing to the ground. They were lying to cover-up the truth about 9/11 and you believe their lies. Thats fine with me. You can believe in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy for all I care. I am not going to believe their lies. NIST lied and 3000 Americans died.
I see no proof from you that our government lied to us about the events on 9/11 OR what happened to column 79 And I see you obstinately continue your ignorant statement about the NIST lying
9-11 Troughers are notorious for their lies. They claim no planes hit the WTC. They claim there were no large fires in the WTC. They claim the top portions of the towers that collapsed down could not lead to a collapse of the rest of the towers due to conservation of momentum. These are all lies.
Actually, a lot of the earliest lies in Da Twoof were told by criminals and racist b terrorist bastards trying to stir up the shrieking monkeys they need to enhance their numbers for the RaHoWa.
9/11 is an over hyped event as are it's conspiracy theories. It was simply a large act of criminal wanten destruction that was exploited on political, social, military, religious, and economic levels on an evermore ignorant American population. America's best days ended one inch before the first plane's impact. We've been a falling empire ever since.
9/11 is not an over hyped event to people who lost loved ones that day. WTC Building 7 was a classic controlled demolition which means that people in high positions of power had prior knowledge of at least some of the destruction that day. The fact that they did not put together an investigative team until they were pressured into it and then underfunded it and got started so late after much of the evidence was already destroyed points the finger right at the people in power at the time.
9/11 and any controlled demolition doesn't change the fact we are a dying empire. You're fighting for scraps while the table is breaking.