mRNA Vaccines, Proven toxic, shuts down your immune system

Discussion in 'Coronavirus Pandemic Discussions' started by Kokomojojo, Mar 2, 2024.

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  1. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    Just in! The mRNA covid vaxs and they are producing several varieties of them ready for the big massive sales pitch while there are still suckers, I mean believers.

    This is a Senate committee hearing conducted by Senator Ron Johnson assembling the worlds most renowned experts along with the inventors of the vax.

    This gene therapy is a toxin to the human body, it shuts down your immune system and causes your body to produce even more toxins. They were designed to do this!

    U.S. Senator Ron Johnson hears testimony from world-renowned experts in Public Health, Science, Medicine, Law, and Journalism, in a public forum titled, ‘Covid-19 Vaccines: What They Are, How They Work, and Possible Causes of Injuries,’ held in the U.S. Senate’s Hart Building, on Capitol Hill. He will also hear testimony from victims of Covid vaccine injury.

    Listen to the Senate testimony hearing HERE
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2024
    Eleuthera and Navy Corpsman like this.
  2. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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  3. MuchAdo

    MuchAdo Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2022
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    Speakers are a group of known pushers of misinformation related to covid vaccines and covid-19. What happens when you get a group like this together — people on forums pretending that mRNA vaccines have been proven toxic. Nothing has been proven except the ability to get a group of liars together to promote lies and nothing else. Absolutely disgusting in so many ways.

    Dr. Robert Malone, MD — known for spreading covid vaccine misinformation —

    Dr. Jessica Rose, PhD — known for spreading covid vaccine misinformation —

    Mr. Ed Dowd — known for spreading covid vaccine misinformation —

    Mr. Kevin McKernan — known for spreading false information about SV40 in vaccines —

    Dr. David Gortler, PharmD — has many opinions of the vaccine trials but no actual proof

    Dr. Harvey Risch, MD, PhD — known for promoting misinformation about hydroxychloroquine —

    Ms. Barbara Loe Fisher — runs the National Vaccine Information Center — the leading resource of fear mongering and vaccine misinformation

    Dr. Brian Hooker — buddy of Andrew Wakefield of now-debunked autism caused by mmr vaccine. Just to note — when a child gets measles it wipes out all previous immunity to everything.

    Mr. Del Bigtree — prominent anti-vaxxer —

    Dr. Sabine Hazan, MD — ivermectin supporter — debunked.

    Dr. Pierre Kory, MD — another supporter of ivermectin

    Dr. Christian Perronne, MD, PhD — known purveyor of covid misinformation

    Seriously, I can’t find one unbiased source

    Dr. Raphael Lataster, PhD
    Ms. Lara Logan
    Mr. Jason Christoff
    Mr. Rodney Palmer
    Dr. Mattias Desmet, PhD
    Dr. Bret Weinstein, PhD
    Mr. Randy Hillier
    Dr. Sorin Titus Muncaciu
    Mr. Rob Roos
    Mr. Phillip Kruse
  4. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Yet another spam thread on vaccines. Facts like biased "committee" members will just get completely ignored!
  5. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    Yes we all know how desperately you want to keep people from listening to the truth now that we know know about the poison the government mandated people to inject themselves with.
    Eleuthera, Navy Corpsman and FatBack like this.
  6. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    You really have to do better than posting biased opinion pieces and of all things biased fact checkers. If you want to make a dent in the cases presented to congress then you will need to post data proving the data presented is incorrect, not lazy biased provax opinion pieces.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2024
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  7. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The nauseating irony. We have so many of these stupid threads replete with useless sources and poorly understood reports.
  8. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    Let me fix that for you!

    "We have so many of these stupid threads replete with useless provax sources and poorly understood reports."

    Im surprised you would post such a thing since moments ago you failed to explain a challenge to your claimed meaning of a report, (well understood as a tacit concession) in your rebuttal after calling me ignorant.

    I think someone can find some bullshit to argue over to distract people from checking out the senate testimony! :deadhorse:
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2024
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  9. MuchAdo

    MuchAdo Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2022
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    How can you ignore that all the speakers are known for producing misinformation? Why are there no speakers to counter the position about the ‘dangers’ of vaccination? How is hate and misinformation promoted? Do you think people like Hitler ever included pro-Jewish speakers in his political rallies? It’s not lazy. The consensus and evidence all points to vaccine safety, yet you have politicians whipping people up into a frenzy promoted by obvious promoters of misinformation which the general public may not fact check. Totally disgusting. The fact checks about these people are correct, it is you who is promoting misinformation and I have pointed that out for those who may not be aware of who the speakers are. And having a bunch of speakers about a subject actually proves nothing.
  10. Bowerbird

    Bowerbird Well-Known Member

    May 13, 2009
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    And meanwhile, thanks to these (insert epithet) “denialists” the rate of measles is surging world wide as well as other vaccine preventable diseases
    FreshAir likes this.
  11. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    everything is surging, what less could you possibly expect to happen after they toast everyones immune system and you no longer have the ability to fight anything off?

    I think you have nothing what so ever more then hit opinion pieces to post, not one single thing that was substantial which is why you have not yet posted anything but hit pieces.

    You need to get their work, put it on the table so we can all see it then prove your case. Thats how it works when you make a claim and you made false claims about everyone on the panel so now you got lots of work to do proving each and everyone of those claims are in fact true.

    Why would anyone bother to take you seriously when one of the people on your list is one of the inventors of mRNA?

    Last edited: Mar 3, 2024
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  12. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    The same way EVERY piece of rebuttal is ignored. I refer you to my signature.
  13. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    Yes, your signature is very fitting since we all know that is why you were unable to explain the meaning of your rebuttal! Cant reason what is not understood.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2024
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  14. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Gibberish. When somebody acquires a belief through blindly following that which they don't understand, it is not possible to explain their lack of understanding to them, or get them to change their opinion. It wasn't acquired with reasoned logic or critical thinking.

    Now, when somebody dumps a medical paper up, proclaiming that it makes a certain claim, when further down the same paper it contradicts that claim, that person should really reconsider what they are doing.

    However, when they don't even understand the simple phrasology used, and simple fully explained text, they have no damn business posting anything.

    After posting a whole useless thread, they don't get to weasel out of their failed accountability because nobody can be bothered to explain the totally obvious to them!

    And yes you cannot reason with such a person if they simply don't understand!
  15. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    Total bullshit folks, no quote of such a thing can be quoted, but if you think you can go to that thread and quote this immensely articulated explanation you seem to be implying you made and link it here, otherwise I will be forced to conclude you are tacitly conceding your failure again.
    Navy Corpsman likes this.
  16. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Meaningless drivel again. Who do you think the "folks" are you are addressing? You can deceptively "conclude" what you want, but you, me and all the "folks" know that you are posting thigs you have admitted you don't even understand. It's up to YOU in the first place to understand the subject, before you yet again post garbage that gets taken apart. Your denial of such means nothing.

    You cannot reason with somebody when they don't understand the subject and are not open to listening to people who do!
  17. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    Every drug comes with a data/warning sheet so you know what you are getting for an informed consent as we can see below.


    Below is what the covid 19 vax data sheet looked like, side 1:


    Below is what the covid 19 vax data sheet looked like, side 2:




    What sane person would take a drug or vax with an INTENTIONALLY blank data/warning sheet?

    Lab mice do, are we no more intelligent than lab mice?

    ...and the people on the panel are being persecuted by forum members that cant produce so much as one stitch of evidence to support their claims, just extremist hit pieces that also produce no evidence? :omfg: I think the real problem is quite obvious.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2024
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  18. 557

    557 Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2018
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    As someone who supported all effective mitigations during the pandemic (including vaccines—even Covid vaccines most of you didn’t know existed that had higher efficacy than the mRNA and adenovirus vector platforms), I’m disturbed both “sides” of the vaccine issue are still at each other’s throats.

    I’m going to be charitable and assume everyone here who supports the Covid vaccines does so because they value human life and wish to limit mortality and morbidity from Covid as much as possible.

    If that’s the case, I implore you all to consider advocating for vaccination in a manner that attracts the hesitant rather than repels them.

    In August of 2020, before any Covid vaccines were available, I saw this was going to be a problem and posted this.

    Well, they say the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The next best time to plant a tree if you missed that opportunity is today. If public health is the goal, let’s plant trees.
  19. MuchAdo

    MuchAdo Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2022
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    Maybe the question should be “why would anybody bother to take you seriously when you have written that one of the people on the list — Robert Malone — is one of the inventors of mRNA”?

    Nobody invented mRNA. It’s made in the nucleus of cells. It was first discovered in the 1960’s by Francois Jacob and Jacques Monod who received a Nobel prize for the discovery.

    You probably meant to claim Robert Malone invented the mRNA vaccine technology which is misinformation that antivaxxers like to spread.

    The development of the mRNA vaccine technology is the result of the work of hundreds of researchers. Along with his coworkers, Malone contributed to early evidence that mRNA could be delivered and make proteins in cells. He did not invent the vaccine technology nor did he invent the encapsulation method that delivers mRNA.

    One of the problems with using mRNA is it needs to be hidden from the immune system or it will be destroyed by the immune system. Katalin Kariko, Drew Weissman and their colleagues discovered how to do this, not Malone. Kariko managed to successfully deliver RNA into cells long before Malone

    Designing the nanoparticle technology used in the actual mRNA vaccines so the mRNA is delivered without being destroyed took years of work by countless researchers. Dr. Philip Felgner invented the lipid encapsulation method and his co-worker Malone used this technology to deliver RNA into cells. The technology invented by Felgner and used by Malone is not the same method used in present day mRNA vaccines.

    The following link provides good information on Robert Malone’s claim —

    Malone made misleading claims about the spike proteins. He has falsely claimed that the vaccines worsen covid-19 infections. He promoted hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin as treatments for covid-19. He has falsely linked athlete deaths to the vaccines. He claimed that 17 year old Jake West had died of cardiac arrest due to the vaccination. He had actually died in 2013.
    Malone has also claimed the vaccines cause a form of AIDS though he has never provided any data to back up his claims. I might address the BS about the spike proteins at a later time.

    By the way, it wasn’t my list. It was the list of speakers provided in one of your links.
  20. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    First I never said he was the SOLE inventor of the vax, the following statement qualifies him as an expert on the subject:

    In late 1987, Robert Malone performed a landmark experiment. He mixed strands of messenger RNA with droplets of fat, to create a kind of molecular stew. Human cells bathed in this genetic gumbo absorbed the mRNA, and began producing proteins from it1.

    Realizing that this discovery might have far-reaching potential in medicine, Malone, a graduate student at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, California, later jotted down some notes, which he signed and dated. If cells could create proteins from mRNA delivered into them, he wrote on 11 January 1988, it might be possible to “treat RNA as a drug”. Another member of the Salk lab signed the notes, too, for posterity. Later that year, Malone’s experiments showed that frog embryos absorbed such mRNA2. It was the first time anyone had used fatty droplets to ease mRNA’s passage into a living organism.

    His claims are now followed by several others now making the same and similar claims. Several countries have discovered the same problems and are shutting down mRNA vaxs in part or in whole due to skyrocketing excess deaths.

    Your post is minutia argumentative of little to no value.


    whats important is 84% excess mortality in millenials that directly coincided with Bidens vax mandates.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2024
  21. MuchAdo

    MuchAdo Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2022
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    I will now finish the list of people speaking.

    Lara Logan — a journalist with no medical expertise related to vaccines. Her claim to fame — comparing Anthony Fauci to the Nazi war criminal Josef Mengele who performed medical experiments at Auschwitz.

    Jason Christoff — this speaks for itself:


    Rodney Palmer: a journalist who accused the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation of airing propaganda about the origin of the covid virus.

    Mattias Desmet — pushed a theory online that millions of people have been “hypnotized” into believing mainstream ideas about COVID-19. This theory was actually started by Robert Malone by claiming that a third of the population is being hypnotized into believing what Fauci and mainstream news outlets were saying.

    Bret Weinstein — promotes misinformation about ivermectin to treat covid-19.

    Randy Hillier — Member of Provincial Parliament in Ontario made online comments saying vaccines had caused the deaths of a few people when they clearly died from other causes. The personal medical information was posted without the permission of the family.

    Sorin Titus Muncaciu — not much info about this one, seems to distrust government.

    Rob Roos — Dutch member of European Parliament accused Pfizer of missing a step in their vaccine trials.

    Phillip Kruse — seemed to believe the World Health Organization via the Pandemic had some evil agenda of taking away our right to self-determination.

    I don’t see any world renowned experts on the list of speakers, just a bunch of people producing misinformation about the vaccines. There certainly are not any ‘inventors of the vax’ on the list either. What a disgusting presentation of BS and bias by a US Senator. Of course you would expect this from a man who rejects scientific consensus, promotes fringe theories about covid-19 and promotes vaccine misinformation.
  22. MuchAdo

    MuchAdo Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2022
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    The vaccines are delivered in vials and those receiving the vaccine don’t see the packaging as the med from the vial is already in the needle. As part of the process of informed consent, when receiving any medical treatment, you can ask about safety and side-effects and the person giving the medical treatment must provide you with that information. I have never seen one person ask to see the inserts in the vaccine line-ups.

    The information wasn’t on the insert but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t available nor does it mean the vaccines weren’t safe. Johnson & Johnson stated they left the insert blank except for a QR code and website address so that “vaccinators and consumers have the most up to date fact sheets available to them.” The fact sheets contained detailed information about ingredients, dosage, warnings and contradictions.

    Nobody is ‘persecuting; the panel members just revealing that they are known for spreading misinformation. Fact checks are evidence of what people have claimed. What they have claimed is online and has been debunked over and over. There is a lot of evidence that these people push misinformation and lies. The obvious problem is that you started a thread claiming world renowned experts are discussing vaccines and it has been proven that vaccines are toxic and shut down the immune system. This is not true and the people speaking are certainly not world renowned experts. They are a group of misinformation spreaders.
  23. MuchAdo

    MuchAdo Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2022
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    You said he was one of the inventors of mRNA which is totally incorrect. You failed to read the link I provided where it is clear that he did not do the experiment first, therefore he didn’t invent anything. Go to the link and read the information which goes into what he did and didn’t do and provides evidence.

    Here is a snippet from the article.

    By the way, his work on encapsulation of RNA does not make him an expert on the current covid vaccines nor does it make him an expert on spike proteins and how they allegedly shut down the immune system. I have provided evidence related to false claims he has made.
    Betamax101 likes this.
  24. Kokomojojo

    Kokomojojo Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2009
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    Ok so we start with Malone, he was a collaborator, his name is also on the patent so you cant claim he is not an expert in the field since this all falls under the scope of his work.

    Secondly the WHO put out paperwork that is in laymans terms:

    The spike protein is naturally found in SARS-CoV-2, no matter the variant. In its native form in SARS-CoV-2, the spike protein is responsible for the pathologies of the viral infection.

    As of October 30, 2023, federal data published by the US CDC found that 14.3% (National Estimate) of adults who previously had a COVID-19 infection are currently experiencing symptoms of long COVID.

    In its wild form it’s known to open the blood-brain barrier, cause cell damage (cytotoxicity) and, as Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine core platform technology, said in a commentary on News Voice, “is active in manipulating the biology of the cells that coat the inside of your blood vessels — vascular endothelial cells, in part through its interaction with ACE2, which controls contraction in the blood vessels, blood pressure and other things.”

    It’s also been revealed that the spike protein on its own is enough to cause inflammation and damage to the vascular system, even independent of a virus. (R)

    The World Council for Health (WCH), a worldwide coalition of health-focused organizations and civil society groups that seek to broaden public health knowledge, has released a spike protein detox guide, which provides straightforward steps you can take to potentially lessen the effects of toxic spike protein. You can view their full guide of natural remedies, including dosages, at the end of this article.

    So the claim Malone is not qualified as an expert is clearly false since he said the same thing in much more detail.

    Looks like its a good time for you to retract your claims he is putting out misinformation.

    Who's next? Instead of hit pieces try to keep it to what was said in the meeting since that is after all what the thread is about.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2024
  25. Betamax101

    Betamax101 Well-Known Member

    Jun 21, 2011
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    Sars2 spike proteins from the virus. Ok.

    Long covid from the virus. Ok.
    Seems reasonable. The spike protein from the virus. Ok.
    No idea why you bolded that. The spike protein which comes from the Sars2 virus. Ok.
    Steps to help with the spike protein from the Sars2 virus. Ok.

    Well, no idea why you published any of that, confirming the dangers of Sars2!

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