Recently it came to my attention some truthers think no one died on 9/11. Or no one died in the towers on 911. An example of this mindset can be found here, posted by RtWngaFraud: [see attached screen capture] This thread is an opportunity for Truthers who hold this belief to post proof, explaining their reasoning and, most importantly, share their sources. Thank you.
I am to blame for him holding that position. I introduced him to a message board that holds extreme theories like that. I suppose the rhetoric and propaganda of that forum has created worldviews that are quite contrary to what is commonly held, even in truther circles, for RTW.
Do you mean LetsRoll forums? I remember some serious woo there(not counting the administrator) It would still help if 'Fraud(and others) would share why this view was so compelling to him/her/them. - - - Updated - - - Do you mean LetsRoll forums? I remember some serious woo there(not counting the administrator) It would still help if 'Fraud(and others) would share why this view was so compelling to him/her/them.
False propaganda. I did not say any such thing. Seems we have a ghost going around posting things that are supposedly my comments...THEY AREN'T. The disinformation prepaid crew is kicking it up a few notches. Wouldn't this be criminal impersonation though? Where do I file charges???
I think it's funny that you say you are to blame. It really goes to show the mindset of truthers. "Sorry, I introduced him to something that he can't see is complete crap through basic introductory research." That goes to show exactly how easily swayed the truther movement is, if you introduce them to a theory, chances are they'll believe it! (Except for the official explanation of course, that one is just lame.) What a barrel of laughs.
A lot of the material, you don't even need to do "basic introductory research," as it can be dismissed out of hand because of the ridiculousness of it all. Like, for example, nuclear bombs being a hoax.
I was happy with a forum so openly discussing "possibilities" without fear of retribution, that I got sucked up in their whole warped theme. While I'm sure there are shreds of truth in there somewhere, I cannot concur with their overall view of the staged event of 9/11. Yup...I was wrong to jump on that bandwagon. I AM glad the prepaid disinformation specialists here have gotten so obsessed with the whole thing though. It shows that those specialists know EXACTLY what is that they're actively combating, when to comment on and mislead with rhetoric, and when to simply dodge the questions posed. In this case, it was choice A. Have a great day doing your jobs...I know it pays well. - - - Updated - - - No ghosts at all...just folks doing their job. - - - Updated - - - ...and there's the ridicule....right ON CUE. Great job!!
You needn't apologize for me Jango. I sucked it up without fully checking out the claims. I'm guilty of being sucked in to it. I think it's hilarious the shills focus on it like they've scored some big win for 'their side". I guess they gotta put something on their time sheets though, so can't really blame them in that sense.
The post was a statement of fact, not ridicule. Mental illness is not a joke. Of the folks at Let's Roll, I guarantee that there are schizophrenics and people with avoidant PD there. The theories and behaviors they express over there are textbook cases of the illness. There's people with it here too. But one of the tragic aspects of mental illness is that it's not directly obvious to the person who has it. Since cognitive function is impaired, they have a difficult time keeping in touch with reality. I've asked this question here multiple times, and no one has even attempted an answer. If you were mentally ill, how would you know?
Writing something as stupid and moronic as what you wrote deserves every bit of derision it gets. Don't be such a chickensh!t, own your garbage Fraud.
Well, how were you able to verify it? - - - Updated - - - I do own it... Now continue your propaganda.
See, now that is a personal attack. I'm not accusing you of being ill. I pointed out a symptom of an illness. The question is a legitimate question to you, RWF. What standard would you use to indicate to yourself that you were in trouble and you needed help? If you were mentally ill, how would you know?
I live in Northern NJ. On 9/11 watched the WTC burn and collapse - some of my co-workers on the upper floors watched the aircraft impact the buildings..... 700 residents of NJ died at the WTC - almost every town in area lost a resident I personally know people who lost family members. In my FD one of our members lost their cousin. He was FDNY officer and died with his crew on Ladder 11. They were in Marriott hotel between the towers when it was crushed by collapse of WTC Anyone who posts this garbage is suffering from some serious mental illness.......
Oh ..I'm Tom....I got it. Missed it the first time but I know where you got it. You ate my breadcrumbs I left for you a while ago. Hmmm...maybe you AREN'T the insider I thoughtt you were....(maybe a lower level shill). can't be that easy. I will reserve further judgement.