When one looks at the available numbers, they understand the deaths attributed to mass shootings are statistically minute, to the point of bordering on insignificant. For all of the headlines they garner, the produce the lowest yields of firearm-related deaths in the united states. The greatest number of firearm-related homicides come from single-party incidents, where there is only one perpetrator and one victim. All of the deaths that can be attributed to mass shootings in a single year in the united states, do not even come close to equaling the annual number of homicides in the city of Chicago alone. Are white supremacists roaming around in packs, carrying illegal weapons and concealing their identity in an illegal manner, descending upon legitimate protest and free speech rallies for the sole purpose of silencing anyone and everyone who holds a differing opinion from them?
So we're back to it's no big deal. They are going to jail for violent assaults as well as murdering innocent people in cold blood. No big deal.
Except it is merely the facts being pointed out, devoid of narrative. As are countless other groups to be found in the united states. so what exactly makes white supremacists so special and unique?
White Supremacists are the worst terrorist threat in the U.S. The other thing that makes them unique is that Trump supporters don't seem particularly concerned about them (your reply shows that once again), but they are concerned with "lesser" threats like people knocking other people's red hats off. Why aren't they particularly concerned with white supremacists? The reason seems obvious.
Demonstrate precisely how such is the case. Show how those who qualify as white supremacists, are supposedly worse than any and all other known or suspected terrorist groups and/or individuals in the united states. The term "white supremacy" is an overly-broad, overly-inclusive term that holds little real world meaning, other than the supposed belief that one race is simply "better" than another. The phrase "white supremacy" is not indicative of bombings or other types of violence, since all that one needs to do to be considered a supposed "white supremacist" is simply believe that white individuals are better qualified than black individuals to hold certain positions. Citation of crime statistics that show black individuals are more likely to commit certain crimes than white individuals is regarded as being racist and an example of supposed white supremacy.
Was it white supremacists who were responsible for september eleventh in the united states? It is not a defense of white supremacy, but rather an inquiry into the factual basis of the erroneous claims being made and presented on the part of yourself. Facts are ultimately what matters, not rhetoric. Your supposed "white supremacists" have a long way to go to being considered the worst terrorist group in the united states, and the inability on the part of yourself to explain precisely why they are supposedly the worst terrorist group in the united states is not doing your claims any favors. Simply claiming such is not good enough, it must actually be proven.
A group of three individuals is insufficient to amount to actual evidence to demonstrate conclusively that white supremacists as a whole are roaming around in packs, carrying illegal weapons and concealing their identity in an illegal manner, and descending upon legitimate protest and free speech rallies for the sole purpose of silencing anyone and everyone who holds a differing opinion from them. The above is no more outstanding or significant than members of the black community who admit they were looking for white individuals to murder.
What is the legitimate purpose for the september eleventh incident to be excluded from the above chart if the point is comparison between those identified as being far right, and those identified as being islamic extremists?
I'm tired of having to "prove" that terrorists are terrorists. Look it up. I'm not going to ask you to prove that white supremacists weren't responsible for 9/11 or that the Taliban are disgusting evil swine, because of course they are! I have to prove the white supremacists and white supremacy are fricking bad around here all the time, over and over?????????????? I do believe that says it all.
Sure they are.... aside from what word anyone wants to use.... what difference does it make? And you're obviously wrong that everyone thinks they are bad. People defend them and/or shrug them off...and the people who do that seem to be entirely Trump supporting right wing Republicans. It's very telling.
No one defends them They defend their rights and their rights should be defended They are not by definition terrorists Everyone knows that they are bad you have probe it to no one
I don't see any Trumpers defending the rights of other violent criminals all the time. If everyone knows they are bad then why is this even an issue or an argument? Makes no sense.
No one is defending violent criminals of any type. A white supremacist is not by definition violent or a criminal.
Who would have guessed that the FBI's investigation into whether Torshin, the deputy governor of the Bank of Russia, illegally funneled money to the NRA to assist the Trump campaign in 2016 would not be the NRA's most embarrassing exposure? Squinty "Fancy Pants" LaP and the boys at the North American Man/Gun Love Association are having themselves a good ol' time!
Let's be fair to the NRA. They've done a great job at interfering with individualism. No thought, just throw dosh at the preferred ideology. An easy means to employ a simple polemic to herd the gullible...