Old and Busted: Global warming will liberate methane - killing us all. New Hotness: Uh, where's the carbon dioxide? Researchers studying methane seeps in the artic ocean discover massive CO2 *removal* that more that compensates for the methane.
Here is the reason why we have not experienced a huge rise in ocean levels so far. HAB Theory and getting Conservatives to worry about climate change! http://www.habtheory.com/1/100.php
Climate Change Happens! What part doesn't AA get? Should I type slower? Even considering the Climate Change within PeopleKind written history, we have not yet out matched the change in the Roman Warm Up, or the Medieval Warm Up. How do I know. Reports of what grew where. Better than CO2 estimates. What I like most about this image is how major history matches climate change. Moi r > g Make Pay Its' Fair Share
WTF are you talking about??? Look at the sea level rise since the days of the Roman Empire compared to now. We are now at about or above PLUS 10 METERS AND RISING!! That is higher than at any time in approx 140,000 YEARS!! AND IT IS RISING FASTER IN THE LAST 100 YEARS THAN AT ANY TIME IN HISTORY WITH NO SIGNS OF SLOWING DOWN!! AA
"If you believe that.", Walter Cronkite. I betchya they rose faster when the Vikings broke out of the Baltic circa 800AD. Then lowered again for the Little Ice Age and now on the rise again. Maybe, the water ain't rising but the Earth is sinking, in those regions? Y'think? PM interest in investment opportunities, Northwest Passage Shipping and scenic tours.
Within a decade there will no longer be enough Arctic sea ice to lock out shipping. Sea Level rising is a HUGE problem and just check into the Billions of Dollars that coastal cities like Boston, NY and Miami are spending to deal with it. AA
A decade from now you will be around to profit from investing in NorthWest Passage and Scenic Tours today. Or don't you believe yourself? PM interest for ground floor investment opportunities.
Okay, no tours investments for you. How about NorthWest Passage Shipping? Or maybe, TransPolar Shipping if you feel more adventurous. You do believe don't you? So, Why Not!
Well if you believed yourself you would invest in TransPolar Shipping if not NorthWest Passage Shipping. When it pays off in less then 10 years, per your estimate you could supervise someone planting your garden & flowers.
My Canadian friend, I wish you flew this by me first. The auto has specific ranges of fuel to air mixture just to function. It is about 14.7:1. Gas is 1 part with 14.7 parts air. Therefore, you got second hand information and it was a gotcha. 15 to 1 is very lean but possible. But it won't do what you spoke of. It might burn your valves though. https://www.turbobygarrett.com/turbobygarrett/airfuel_ratio_tuning_rich_vs_lean Check this site out ^^^ since it has more explanation. Think of it like this. Suppose you purchased a 10 watt electric bulb and you got a story a person got one that puts out the light of 200 watts. Won't be possible. What you said is just an impossibility. Sorry but I spent 7 years where I studied this.
You could vastly outsell the competition if this was correct. (Dennis story) Believe it or not, such tales go back to the 1940s and maybe earlier. The Fuel injection systems of the modern car combined with computer ensure the proper air/fuel mixture for all conditions. What I have had happen to me though is using CA premium fuel, my mileage never got higher than 26 best conditions. In Wyoming where the gas then was plain gasoline, I got 30 mpg. CA gas is not pure gasoline.
I could be wrong but there are two "urban legends" here in Atlantic Canada that I believe was really brilliant long term marketing strategy. A good friend of mine R...... B..... told me about a man that he knew of, who lived not far from where he grew up, who purchased a Ford LDT during the 1970's. After driving and driving and driving the man saw that his gas gauge wasn't moving much so he took his car back in to be looked at........ and once the service people opened the hood, they took his vehicle......... and replaced it with another LTD that immediately got the terrible mileage that he expected. In Moncton, a similar Ford product fell into the hands of a man with a lot more sense who opened the hood himself ..... .immediately knew what he had........ absolutely refused to sell his Ford back to the company until they gave him five or six million dollars. My theory is that these cases were not accidents..... but were planned .... to get Canadians working on a movement to force big companies to release high mileage technology. All that has to happen is for the President of the USA to decree that Ford cannot be sued by the Big Oil companies who may well have the patents and voila.......... the market could be flooded with Ford F150's that are getting over seventy miles per gallon....... which is exactly what a significant number of ethical people both in government.... as well as at Ford.... want to see happen......... but it has to be timed well.
It’s called an urban legend and started around 1948. Lots of different versions of the same story. Like the Corvette you could buy cheap but someone died in it.
I started studying seriously around 1960 the design of the internal combustion engine. I obtained some of the top books on auto designs. I sent a letter to Dr. C. F Taylor, then in charge of the MIT auto engineering department concerning an idea i had that involved ceramic coatings of cylinders. He sent me back a nice letter on MIT letterhead and told me there would be some improvements but cost might blow the idea up. He recommended his text book then used at MIT so I own the book. When engineers started to improve such engines, they had to formulate a lot of things. Such as the correct fuel to air ratio for combustion to occur efficiently. The ratio is approx 14.7 to 1. 1 part fuel with 14.7 parts air. I can look up the number in the text book but I believe I am very close to accurate. This means those magic carburetors are a joke. My own car is fuel injected and I get the best gas mileage when in Wyoming. I never tested their gasoline but in CA the car can't come close to 30 mpg but in Wyoming it does get that. I have driven the car all over the west to the Mississippi River and notice the mileage varies depending on what state I buy gasoline from. CA tops out for my car at about 26 mpg on the freeway. So even though i find differences, they only amount to about 4 mpg. And this in my opinion is due to the gasoline formula in each state. Carburetors have one design flaw and that is the pump that adds fuel as you press down on the gas pedal. Fuel injection is more accurate and does not have surplus fuel going into the engine. The worst of all fuel economies is when your car is at the red light. You are not moving forward yet keep burning fuel.
With equal volumes of gasoline and ethanol, gas has more energy. So E85 has about 70% of the energy of an equal amount of gas. There'e your reduced fuel economy. Ethanol works better in racing vehicles and those with higher pressures from forced induction. It just takes more volume.
Seems to me to truly understand 'energy efficiency' in addition to the type of fuel being used, also for consideration should be the efficiency of the vehicle itself and average payloads. All of these are variables which effect the mpg numbers...
Well of course but that wasn't the topic. We were in effect discussing the specific energy of ethanol vs 'gasoline' which was assumed to be ordinary refined petroleum one can fill their car with at pumps across the world. At least we were indirectly since we were talking about MPG with gas/ethanol mixes vs pure gas.
The fuel blend definitely plays a huge role. And the blend changes seasonally from a "summer blend" to a "winter blend". Also, premium higher octane fuels are often E0 whereas standard lower octane fuel is E5-15. I have a Ford EcoBoost engine which uses an octane adjustment ratio algorithm to dynamically tune the car to the fuel in realtime. Sometimes I'll use 87 octane and sometimes I'll use 91 or 93 octane when I want the extra 20-30 or so HP. Where I live the 91 and 93 octane fuels are often E0. It ends up being about 20% more expensive upfront, but I get about 10-15% better fuel economy so it's not as bad of a hit as you might think.