I just heard the most amazing prediction about the future of relations between Canada and America...... http://www.politicalforum.com/index...theory-of-m-w-p.548225/page-3#post-1070271180 The following technology could play a role in uniting our nations more and more in the coming years: http://www.politicalforum.com/index...theory-of-m-w-p.548225/page-3#post-1070271864
The oceans are not acidic, you misinformed scaremonger. They just tell people that stuff to scare you into giving them your money via a massive tax on everything. Looks like you have fallen for their propaganda, hook, line and sinker. Remember, Obama flat out told you people that he wanted to make electricity rates skyrocket. That what it's all about, money. It is not about the environment unless you are talking about the political environment.
I do hope that you are correct....... all I know is that the high school project on the topic that I happened to see really impressed me so I went and did some research......... and the idea seemed rather convincing?!?!
Acidification of the ocean would mean it would move from alkaline towards neutral. Localities change daily and monthly in PH and the 'claimed' acidification is really hard to accurately measure.
You are wrong. Acidification of the ocean would mean that the ocean becomes acidic. The oceans are not acid and there is no threat of the oceans becoming acidic, let alone "more acidic" in the foreseeable future.
That is a misconception of acidification of the oceans many people have. Like I said, acidification really means the alkaline ocean would move closer to neutral.
You are wrong. Acidification of the oceans means that the oceans become acid. If the pH of an alkaline aqueous solution (such as ocean water) moves closer to neutral, that means it has become less alkaline, not more acidic. All of this ocean acidification BS is merely scaremongering (ie Not only is the ocean going to drown you boys and girls, it's going to turn into acid first! You're gonna get drowned in acid unless you agree with AL Gore and do what he says). Bottom line, anyone who tells you that the oceans are becoming more acidic is a liar. Plain and simple.
Sources showing an average pH of 8.2 for seawater. This means ocean water is 18.2 times more alkaline than pure water. So the very term "ocean acidification" is misleading, as climate change fanatics always seem to be. If all the Eco-Hypocrites didn't fly commercial and private jets to environmental conferences all around the world, every week, there would be thousands of tons less *poison* carbon dioxide floating around. But since most all of these Eco-Hypocrites don't pay for their travel and hotel accommodations, why videoconference! Free vacations to nice places like Davos, Switzerland, where 1400 private jets overwhelmed facilities. Then too they take research vessels all over the world, gulping down many more thousands of tons off fossil fuel, at taxpayer expense..... Look up The Order of the Golden Fleece. "Pretium Laborum Non Vile" Latin for “Not a bad reward for the effort”
Dennis, my Friend, it doesn't take much to impress a high school student. You should know that. In fact, superficially plausible comments are hard to dismiss. Here's a very common one: "Practice makes perfect." HA! No athlete has ever been perfect. No athlete ever will be perfect. Imagine some golfer hitting a hole in one every shot. BO-RING! Tennis player hits every serve an ace. BO-RING! Football player gets the ball and runs for a touchdown every time. Please. Silly, not fun to watch.
Exactly....... I do feel that political leaders have bombarded school age kids with a lot of misleading information on climate change. I am pretty sure that they also do not give an appropriate level of attention to some very positive news: Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth, Study Finds
You are more than welcome, Friend. I may take a detour up north and pay you a visit some time. http://theoceanisnotacidic.blogspot.com/ Unrelated to the above is this: Interesting Thought Experiment Suppose you took just over a tablespoon of water (1.22 tablespoons, actually), and put it into a glass. If you could wave a magic wand over that water, increasing the size of every water molecule to just half an inch, what would be the volume of the water afterward? Go big. Go really, really, really big. The Big Water would raise the ocean level about 1,300 feet worldwide. This gives you a good idea as to how small atoms and molecules are. Bendy Light Water slows down light, and in the process, bends it. If water did not slow down and bend light, everyone would be blind, as corneas and vitreous humors are largely water. Eyesight is pretty cool. Water is just one reason, but an essential one. Water. Wow. Brought to you by the Maker of trees, and metals. The Triple Point There is a temperature/pressure curve for water, steam, and ice. All of them can coexist in equilibrium indefinitely. (.01 C and .06 atmospheres) To me, this is hard to conceive but only mildly interesting compared to other incredible properties of water. Some of the most important, most beneficial characteristics of water are: 1. Transparency. - Water is almost completely transparent to visible light. Great for skin diving, or seeing your fish come up on the end of a fishing line. 2. Colorlessness. - Water isn't just clear, it's also colorless, like glass. You could not see without the transparency and refractive properties of water, which makes up about 99% of your vitreous humor. If water did not transmit light perfectly, everyone would be blind. Your eyes, by the way, can detect the smallest unit of energy known, a single photon of light. Eyes see over a range of ~14 orders of magnitude in intensity. 3. Profound recyclability - Useful as a tool (steam powered motors) or a refreshment, it can go from inside cells to inside clouds and oceans, and remain stable. 4. Solvent - The most important solvent on earth, it can dissolve rocks. 5. Capacity to hold heat, or absorb it, is 33 times higher than gold. This prodigious heat capacity of water is 80 times greater for freezing/melting it; 540 times greater for boiling/condensing it. Wow! (Aluminum, iron,and gold have temperature/heat slopes 5, 10, and 33 times as steep as the C-F line for liquid water. Compare that to F-G.)
Yes and no. The constraining factor is Henry's Law, which states that the concentration of a gas in solution is a function of the concentration of that gas to which the solution is exposed. So in other words, no matter how cold water is, it cannot absorb more carbon dioxide which is not present in ambient air. Contrariwise, warm water can have a great deal of carbon dioxide in solution under pressure, for example inside a soda can, which is 100% carbon dioxide above the soda. Many people prey on your fear and ignorance. Ocean "acidification" is a subset of "global warming" where hundreds of billions of dollars have been squandered unnecessarily. All of us have been paying for these frauds for over a decade. Don't believe them. School children are being frightened by claims of “ocean acidification” based on gross exaggeration which kids cannot hope to properly understand inasmuch as few adults can. Those trying to spread fear of global catastrophe want to control your lives, and redistribute your wealth to appease their own sense of moral and intellectual superiority. On the more technical side: Atmospheric carbon dioxide accounts for approximately 400 parts per million, or in other words about .0400% (.000400 decimal equivalent). The annual increase (AI) in total atmospheric carbon dioxide is a miniscule 1.34 parts per million, or .00000134. Only a tiny amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide dissolves in the ocean, in accordance with Henry's Law, proportional to the partial pressure of CO2 which is 400/1,000,000 or .0004 atmosphere. CO2 + H2O ↔ H2 CO3 (aq) = 4 x 10-4 But another step is required to produce the hydronium ion, H3O + , which is acid. Only 2.5 molecules of H2 CO3 per 10,000 combine to form acid. H2 CO3 (aq) + H2O ↔ H3O+ + HCO3- K2 = 2.5 x 10-4 This two-step equilibrium is represented by the following equation: CO2 + 2H2O ↔ H3O+ + HCO3- K1 K2 = 1.0x 10-7 Therefore the effect of annual increase from all sources of atmospheric carbon dioxide in the ocean is .00000134 ("AI") times .0000001 ( K1 K2) which equals 1.34 x10-13. But humans produce only a small fraction, (about 4%) of this small fraction (1.34 x10-13). The overwhelming majority of carbon dioxide increase results from decomposition of biomass, and volcanic gas expulsion. 4% of 1.34 x 10-13 = 5.36 x 10-15 the human annual component of acid contributed to the sea. Is that anything to be scared about?
Thank you immensely for this.......... now to figure out who to send this to who might just be able to use this excellent info.
Apparently a young guy in Norway came up with an amazing device that plugs into a cigarett lighter that might work better on somewhat older cars and trucks......... his device seems to increase mileage by thirty percent or even more so...... his device could CAUSE THE VALUE OF OLDER CARS TO SURGE????
I think you are just arguing about terminology. That seems to be all you are talking about. So, what do you want? Is your big deal that you want to switch to "less alkaline"? Do you really think that makes more sense from a chemistry point of view?? Also, you will look less batshit crazy if you dump your claim that travel to eco conferences is some sort of significant source of CO2.
Imagine Oysters on the Half Shell with no shell.Clams & Mussels too. <yum> Moi SUPPORT Ocean Acidification!