Thank you for this information on the other side to this question........... Personally..... I do prefer the Stanley Meyer hydrogen fuel technology........ over an improved gasoline engine.....
The next move for the econuts is to ban the use of hydrogen gas for fuel. I expect them to make that move.
As Octane rises, the burning rate of the fuel declines. Compression Ratio is the key driver of fuel octane needs.
I think that we should get together with Australia and Israel on a project that fits with some advice that you gave in another discussion. Should Sorek 2 be in Australia or California? A very simple and easy to understand explanation of why climate change is REAL.
They are going to want to hire some Dutch hydro engineers. If coastal U.S. cities are spending billions to "deal with it" on what are they spending the money?
I think the flooding issue in the Netherlands is probably an easier engineering challenge than what exists in US coastal areas...except maybe the New Orleans or Houston areas. Coastal flooding areas will probably need to be abandoned...a move to higher ground. As this unfolds I suspect local to federal governments will do little which places most all of the flooding mitigation onto business and individuals...a cost which 98% of Americans surely cannot afford...
Ponder trans Arctic shipping. The Northwest Passage Think of the trade possibilities not having to go to Panama. Enhances the Russian - Canadian Alliance too
Many times here on PF I have suggested a monumental and Herculean effort by the USA to build a canal along the Mexico-US border. As crazy as it may sound, there are many benefits to such a venture; 1. No need for lengthy travel to the Panama Canal. 2. Creates a great barrier along the border for immigration enforcement. 3. Tens of thousands of jobs will be created. 4. A joint project with Mexico will help unite the two countries.
the physical size difference between the Netherlands and the USA is considerable so a comparison of the challenges is difficult but yeah New Orleans and Houston area do resemble the Netherlands low lying areas and river delta. The Netherlands also has about a 3K year head start too and accumulated knowledge of many centuries of doing battle with the seas. I expect the US coastal water defenses will be focused on the cities and the sparsely populated coast lines will have to be ceded to the rising seas.
Yes there is a physical size difference but not so much when comparing only those areas that can have coastal flood mitigation in the USA. I suggest most areas effected by rising sea level in the USA will simply need to move to higher ground...
Better than that, create an economic free zone in the same area, factories, farms, with water piped in from desalination plants. Create jobs and eliminate the need for people to sneak in illegally.
I saw a short documentary on Miami's rising water levels and the denials from officials was puzzling...then I realized they had no choice, to admit they can't prevent it would create economic havoc if they admitted all that expensive property can't be saved, nor sold...don't buy a seaside condo on Miami beach!
I wonder if the plastificaton and garbagification of the oceans might have something to do with increasing acidity, as well as general damn ugliness and stupidity.
Don't know exactly how it unfolds but I'm guessing more damage from storm surge, ocean water rising into public areas, and ocean water pushing up from below ground level. I cannot imagine how all of this can be engineered/mitigated and where the billion$ in funding will exist? The only good news in all of this is it should unfold slowly giving Americans plenty of time to procrastinate...
I believe there is lots more that can be done between Mexico and the US...where there's a will there's a way...but we have no will...
I just read about a house in Malibu, CA that is selling for $110 million and it comes with the caveat that the house might not be around for their grandkids...
And yet, you can have your dream home, property excluded, for under $ 2 Million. And still a great home for under $ 1 Million which is not as much money as once was. I can make a nice larger tudor style state of the art cottage for around $ 350,000 less property.
It's supply and demand...almost no land available in high demand areas of CA...$110 million no big deal for some even if it's only good for 40-50 years...
And you would be correct, yet I would not give a plugged nickle for a lot in those areas hence people building in mud slide zones.
A house built upon the sand. Matthew 7:24-27 King James Version (KJV) 24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: 25 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. 26 And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: 27 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.