Part 11 of Post Your Tough Questions Regarding Christianity

Discussion in 'Religion & Philosophy' started by Mitt Ryan, Jan 23, 2014.

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  1. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Part 11 is a continuation of Post your tough questions pertaining to God/Jesus/Holy Bible and I will do my best to clarify and make sense of it to those who are unaware...I still have questions unanswered in Part 5, 6, 7, 8 , 9 & 10.

    Also I might answer questions that are on other members threads and so this will keep me real busy with the many questions that I will answer from my point of view/perspective keeping in line with Scripture.

    I don't want my intentions to come across as converting you or whatever lol... but rather clear up things etc... so ask away.
  2. Gorn Captain

    Gorn Captain Banned

    Aug 7, 2012
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    You stated (on the other thread) AT FIRST that the ONLY way to avoid Hell was to accept Jesus as your Saviour before you died-

    Gorn Captain---And the only way to be saved is to "accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior" while you are alive, right? That's the ONLY way?

    Mitt Ryan--Yes while you are alive, repent your sins, ask for forgiveness of your sins, and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord Savior.

    You then CHANGED that....

    Gorn Captain---So what happens to the person who lived and died before ever hearing of Jesus? They go to Hell?

    Mitt Ryan---Not necessarily, it depends on God's judgment on them and so some will be saved others not. But as far as people who lived prior to Jesus, God pardoned all those people and none of them will be condemned to hell according to Scripture


    So accepting Jesus as your Saviour before you die is NOT the ONLY way to avoid Hell, yes?
  3. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Yes, and so for example if a person is living in the jungles of South America right now who has never heard of Jesus, when this person dies, and when Judgment Day comes, God will fairly & justly determine the eternal fate of this person, depending on the judgment this person could be saved or not be saved.

    If this person was a very decent person throughout his/her entire life one would believe God would save this person, on the other hand if this person was a very evil wicked person throughout his/her entire life one would believe that God would condemn this person.
  4. Gorn Captain

    Gorn Captain Banned

    Aug 7, 2012
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    1. So accepting Jesus before you die is NOT the ONLY way to Heaven? Your first response was wrong?

    2. "God will fairly & justly determine the eternal fate of this person, depending on the judgment this person could be saved or not be saved"? So if God determines if a person who has never heard of Jesus "could be saved or not"....then why wouldn't He determine that regardless if the person HAD heard of Jesus but simply didn't believe in Him?
  5. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    All my responses to you are not wrong. What's wrong is your inability to comprehend what I'm telling you. I have to go now. Will chat later dude!
  6. Gorn Captain

    Gorn Captain Banned

    Aug 7, 2012
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    YOU admitted that your claim that "accepting Jesus while you are alive" is the ONLY way to get into Heaven ....was wrong. You stated that a SECOND way to get into Heaven was for God to judge whether you could or could not be saved. Therefore there if there is a "second way"....the first way is not the "only way" (See above).

    What other way is there to "comprehend" that?

    or are you trying to claim you are "never wrong"...even when you contradict yourself?
  7. trevorw2539

    trevorw2539 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 15, 2013
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    Aren't you taking liberties with scripture. I see no scripture to back up your claim. In fact, the OT rather indicates to opposite. What about those who have lived since Christ, but never heard of him?

    You're answer to my precious post.

    I'm talking about a person who is very sincere. Haven't you heard of people saying they are born again Christians? Well some of them eventually don't sin anymore. Jesus resides in them and so they don't sin.

    I don't know of any Christian or Saint who will confirm your statement. Paul deals with this point in Romans 'theorising' - IMO - that being crucified with Christ people live new lives governed by Christ. He also recognises the weakness of the flesh. The Bible has rather conflicting views.
    If a person is a christian he should live according to Christ's teaching and example. Thus anyone who has even an 'unchristian' thought sins. Think what that means. Taken to extreme even a mental criticism of someone is a sin, as an unkind thought is a sin, and so on.

    Taking what you say literally is similar to the early heresy that if you were 'saved' sin was no longer imputed to you, you could continue in it
    with impunity.
  8. dairyair

    dairyair Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2010
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    This is now the 11th thread of the thread.
    Mostly he posts his thoughts from a bible that isn't even in print anymore, specifically the edition has been updated to correct errors. But still uses the old edition.
    IMO, he is masquerading as a christian.
  9. AlphaOmega

    AlphaOmega Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jan 10, 2013
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    Heres what Mitt says to me
    "Sorry to hear you were traumatized by your Catholic priest at a very young age. And so I can understand your feelings, no wonder you are the way you are. You have resentment now, no wonder the hostility in much of your posts. It's all vividly clear now. I just don't know what else to say to you. "
    There are no hostility in my posts whatsoever, all I have ever done is ask you tough questions that you solicited. When faced with questions you dont like you resort to personal attacks exactly like above. Im sorry your faith has leaders that tried to cover up anal rape of minors. Whatever the reasons they broke our laws and how about you tell us what violation they committed in gods eyes for covering up repeated crimes of child rape. Once again, thats not hostility, thats me asking you one of the tough questions YOU asked for. If you wanted softball questions you should change the thread title. If you see hostility you are flat out wrong. I am calm as a cucumber. You have nothing else to say to me becuase I ask you questions you dont want to answer. Maybe you should spend less time on personal insults and more on actually answering the tough questions instead of responding with non answers.
    Also, the catholic priests did not traumatize me. Its not my fault I saw what they were all about at a very early age. That was their problem. Funny thing is you and them respond exactly and I mean exactly alike in your dismissal of anyone who dares ask tough questions. I was defeating grown men like you in debate when I was in third grade. The great part is you pass yourself off and a guy who is here to "answer tough questions" when in fact you arent here to answer anything, you are here to tell people what to think and anyone like me who has the audacity to question you is immediately villified. If your beliefs are so sound you should have no problem whatsoever answering any of my questions. The fact that you insult me repeatedly tells me all I need to know. In poker its call a tell. And I read your non answers and insults as easily as you read your bible. Your arguments fail and its stickin in your craw now isnt it? I get it.

    If I were you, a way to really show me would be to actually answer a question in a manner that I cannot argue against not respond with gibberish strawmans and insults.
    So a tough two part question,
    (part 1)
    what will your Gods punishment be for Catholic priests or any memebers of the church that covered up child rape?
    (part 2) what will my punishment be from that same god for non belief according to your faith?
  10. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    "But notice I do not quote mine and cherry pick"...I'm sorry but I don't understand your babble.

    Nobody is telling you how to live, live in any manner you want...remember you have free will.

    Why.... do you have sheep herders living near you who are telling you how to live? Just tell them you have free will and you can live in anyway of your choosing.
  11. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    I'm not proving anything, what gave you that notion? Besides what good would proving anything do?'re only going to deny it so what's the sense in it?

    My bible has Matthew the author of the first Gospel in the New Testament. It would indeed be strange if Matthew never saw Jesus or much less heard anything Jesus ever said, since he was one of the twelve disciples of Jesus.

    What satanic atheist website are you getting your fraudulent info from? I suggest you go to one of those Christian websites to get truthful info.
  12. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Your welcome, my pleasure!

    Who wouldn't want eternal bliss in paradise?...well I suppose the non-believers don't want rather be punished for their sins I guess...which is foolish/unwise

    I'm sorry your question in my view is incohrent

    What is poor and unsatisfying imo is your question. Please don't take it the wrong way...ok buddy?
  13. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    You don't say...this includes former Christians also... doesn't it?
  14. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    That's not true that I never answered it, for I have answered it. You were sleeping right? Your assignment is to dig through the other 10 threads of mine to get my response.

    This is your punishment for not taking notes as we go along on my threads. Remember to always bring your notebook when you come to my threads. That way you won't ask the same questions over and over and I won't answer the same questions over and over.
  15. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    It is to reside in paradise in God's Kingdom of Heaven, a place of great joy & happiness, a place where all the saved will reside with their Lord for all eternity. Worshipping and praising our dear Lord forever and ever and living happily-ever-after!

    Scripture tells us, "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away."---Rev. 21:4 KJV

    It will be accomplished by the grace the Lord will bestow upon all His people who love Him and who worship Him.
  16. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    I suggest you read the Book of Romans very closely and carefully. Then you come back to me and
  17. The Wyrd of Gawd

    The Wyrd of Gawd Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
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    Who could be more wicked than the guys in the Old Testament? The only one who was worth spit was Job. All of the others were despicable people through and through. If they get into heaven then there should be no one in the lake of fire.
  18. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Depends on who you are referring to? The Amalekites and Canaanites to name a few were very wicked cultures, that's why God had his people the Israelites destroy them and rightfully so.

    Yes, Job was very faithful to the Lord, yes indeed!

    Well anyone who lived before Christ, God had pardoned them all. (See Romans 3:23-26)

    Sorry but that's not the plan. Anyone who has been made aware of Jesus and understands what He represents, they will need to confess/repent their sins, ask for forgiveness of their sins and accept Jesus Christ as their Lord Savior.

    Anyone who rejects Him, well you know the outcome.
  19. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Well there are other places in Scripture to see the word "torture" or "torment" But I'm not sure if the word "damnation" is used. There are so many different bibles maybe the word is used in some of them.

    In Hebrews 11:35 KJV it says, "Women received their dead raised to life again: and others were tortured, not accepting deliverance; that they might obtain a better resurrection"
  20. The Wyrd of Gawd

    The Wyrd of Gawd Well-Known Member

    Feb 19, 2012
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    A person has to be insane to worship a zombie. I'm not that crazy.
  21. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Yeah I agree, anybody who worships a zombie has to be insane. I'm not crazy too that's why I worship our Lord Savior Jesus Christ!
  22. Mitt Ryan

    Mitt Ryan Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2012
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    Sorry but you're wrong, God has always been omnipotent. What you need to understand is that He will not interfere with our free will.

    If you choose not to believe/love Him that is your choice. He is not going to force you to choose to believe/love Him, if He did that, He would be infringing upon your free will and imposing something on you which He could easily do using His omnipotence.

    But the consequence of that would be to turn you into a robot, a puppet to do His will and so how could God love robots/puppets. So He leaves it up to us to choose. Everyone knows what's behind door 1 and door 2, there are no surprises.

    So with that said, where ever one finds themselves in the eternity, that is where they chose to be.

    As for people not receiving or knowing about God's salvation plan, never hearing about our Lord Savior Jesus Christ, like those poor souls in North Korea, these people will be judged fairly and justly by God on Judgment Day. Depending on His judgment some will be saved some will not be saved.
  23. trevorw2539

    trevorw2539 Well-Known Member Past Donor

    Jul 15, 2013
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    I have, probably for more years than you've been on this earth. What Paul is doing is to promote an ideal situation. The perfect man who never sins in any way. This world is not conducive to perfect spiritual ideals. Nor is it to the perfect human. If it were Christ need never have died. In Christianity it was the imperfections in man and the perfection of Christ that led to his death.

    A.N.Wilson wrote this in his book 'Jesus'. The chapter concerning Paul.

    'For the modern reader there is an alarming discrepancy between how we should perceive the 'truth' and how Paul would have conceived it. In that great hymn of love (1 Cor. 13), he reminds us that his own way of looking at the person of Jesus was purely mystical and visionary. What he saw 'according to the flesh' is of no importance. The events of Jesus, and of his life, only take shape through the eyes of faith; and the same is true, probably of all human lives. 'For now we see through a glass, darkly, but then face to face'. In his mystical enthusiasm, Paul has forgotten that normally, when we look into mirrors, we see no face but our own. '

    Christianity is based on the mystical and not on reality.
  24. WanRen

    WanRen New Member Past Donor

    Sep 12, 2008
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    So simple question, who do you compare the Catholic church to? Are the the following a better alternative or more better than the Catholic church such as the Byzantine Empire, the Mohammedan, Ottoman, Persian, Hindu Empire, the Chinese empire, the Zulus, the Incas, Aztecs, the Vikings, French empire, British empire, etc. or communism so how would you know the Catholic church is really that bad on what standard do you base it on?

    The Catholic church was instrumental is promoting modern civilization, modern science and medicine but most of all freedom compare to any of those man empires and godless society without the Catholic church our science will be 200 years behind, women's rights, human rights will be 500 years behind, child sacrifice, head hunting will still be in practice, men king and women queen will be gods without the Catholic church.
  25. WanRen

    WanRen New Member Past Donor

    Sep 12, 2008
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    Galileo was being protected by the church yes and the heresy came about after Galileo refused to tone down and accept the church's advice to continue his research to come up with solid proof and in the end Galileo did tome down.

    At Galileo’s request, Cardinal Robert Bellarmine, a Jesuit—one of the most important Catholic theologians of the day—issued a certificate that, although it forbade Galileo to hold or defend the heliocentric theory, did not prevent him from conjecturing it. When Galileo met with the new pope, Urban VIII, in 1623, he received permission from his longtime friend to write a work on heliocentrism, but the new pontiff cautioned him not to advocate the new position, only to present arguments for and against it. When Galileo wrote the Dialogue on the Two World Systems, he used an argument the pope had offered, and placed it in the mouth of his character Simplicio. Galileo, perhaps inadvertently, made fun of the pope, a result that could only have disastrous consequences. Urban felt mocked and could not believe how his friend could disgrace him publicly. Galileo had mocked the very person he needed as a benefactor. He also alienated his long-time supporters, the Jesuits, with attacks on one of their astronomers. The result was the infamous trial, which is still heralded as the final separation of science and religion.

    As historian Giorgio de Santillana, who is not overly fond of the Catholic Church, noted, "We must, if anything, admire the cautiousness and legal scruples of the Roman authorities." Galileo was offered every convenience possible to make his imprisonment in his home bearable.

    Galileo’s friend Nicolini, Tuscan ambassador to the Vatican, sent regular reports to the court regarding affairs in Rome. Many of his letters dealt with the ongoing controversy surrounding Galileo.

    Nicolini revealed the circumstances surrounding Galileo’s "imprisonment" when he reported to the Tuscan king: "The pope told me that he had shown Galileo a favor never accorded to another" (letter dated Feb. 13, 1633); " . . . he has a servant and every convenience" (letter, April 16); and "n regard to the person of Galileo, he ought to be imprisoned for some time because he disobeyed the orders of 1616, but the pope says that after the publication of the sentence he will consider with me as to what can be done to afflict him as little as possible" (letter, June 18).

    Thanks to the Catholic church atheism was born atheism will not survive in none Christian society.
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