Apparently, these folks have the same impression I do of the Beamer calls: Oh...and "calls made from" is quoted. Yet another quotation "19 calls made FROM it" AFTER the crash here: Okay so, I guess nobody can decipher such a simplistic document, stating exactly what it says, except the "team" here. That I can accept.
No one here is saying they were all incoming calls, so you can drop that straw man. This is a Verizon log, not a phone bill. The listed incoming call was incoming from Beamer's phone to Verizon. Note the number and time stamp. All the other calls are outgoing to Beamer's phone. This has been repeatedly pointed out to you several times now.
State what, boy? It's clear that this is a log instead of a bill because there's no billing data. It's clear that the call was incoming to Verizon because it originated from Beamer's phone. Note the number.
Reading comprehension issues once again. Last I can remember, they usually precede your dance. Anything else boss?
Are there not anomalies with the narrative of Barbara Olson calling her husband, which was revealed in the Moussaoui trial?
Well, I'm convinced. Beamer had a cell phone conversation with himself for 21 minutes in the airport before the flight.
So... phone calls have been made from a phone number "long after" the previous owner's death. How strange.... the phone companies actually reuse old numbers many months after disconnection, to keep from running out? Stop the presses ! Good find, Fraud ! Where do I buy those nifty tin foil hats ?
LoL no kidding. Talk about playing games. Is that some form of truther flirting or something? Being coy? Safe to say if there was any discrepancy truthers would have been all over it like a fat kid on a cupcake. Fraid would have referred to it a thousand times by now. I mean, he can't even understand that since it's a call log the calls are recorded different.
Stop the presses, indeed. I didn't realize they started reusing numbers the same day the cell phone supposedly goes missing in a supposed plane crash.
Translation: 'Whilst this is most certainly what did not actually happen, as has been proven many times in this thread, I am going to continue saying it because if I say a lie enough times, it eventually becomes the truth, no matter how far from reality and the facts it is. Also, watch out of lizard people secretly controlling the world. They are everywhere. Truth'.
Further translation: We refuse to consider anything that doesn't align with the OCT. The fact that Mr. Beamer's phone was used AFTER the crash (outgoing calls) will not be addressed, and will be ridiculed into obscurity. Throw in some "lizard people" insults, mix thoroughly with large doses of distracting irrelevant chatter, and completely ignore the fact that the phone was used after the crash. Shillery 101. Get called on a comment, ignore it, then ridicule it, but, definitely, don't answer it directly, no matter what. (boss's instruction via his boss's latest bullet points to be "distributed").
It couldn't have been: it was destroyed in the crash. The evidence from the Verizon record shows that no calls were ever made from Beamer's phone after the plane took off.
Continued translation: 'I am going to continue saying the lie that the phone was used after the crash because I have yet to realise that the phone records actually don't indicate that. I refuse to believe what the phone records actually say and am yet to realise that everyone bar myself is capable of accurately reading a phone record. So deep is my confusion that people are beginning to mock my beliefs but I am yet to realise it, so I just think that they are throwing in lizard people to obfuscate my obfuscation. I will continue to press this because this is the only thing I know all the talking points of (no matter how consistently they have been refuted) and I don't realise how sad that that actually is'.