Any truther who says no planes hit the towers is a government plant trying to make the truth movement look bad. If those links don't work, do a YouTube search on "provocateurs,shills and disinfo agents". The proof that 9/11 was an inside job is crushing and planes did hit the towers. No real truther would say that no planes hit the towers. Start watching this video at the 4:30 time mark.
Truthers don't need anyone but themselves to look bad. Like pretending a plane flew over the Pentagon when they can't even begin to explain all the major holes in that theory. That's just bat(*)(*)(*)(*) crazy! I do find it interesting how truthers turn on each other. You would think after over a decade they would have all agreed on one unified theory. Instead you still have dozens of theories with hundreds of variations. Truthers can't agree on who did it, how they planned, executed and covered up 9/11, when they did all the things they were suppose to have done, what happened prior to, during and after 9/11, or why whomever did 9/11 did what they did. It isn't any one retard making the whole bunch look bad. Each individual contributes to the loathing most people have towards a bunch of ignorant twits who use the deaths of 3000 people to push their various agendas.
My standard question, which will be predictably ignored by the 9/11 Deniers: If it wasn't the planes, why has not one single person out of the hundreds of thousands of witnesses in NYC come forward to say, "I was there, and what I saw was not a plane, it was _______"?
I've wondered that, and asked that myself to 'no planers at WTC' people. Alternatively, there are variances in what people saw that day. As well as variances to what we saw on television.
Show a truther theory that is supported by the evidence and grounded in reality. Do you come up with a number greater than zero?
Did I say that? No. You're acting more and more like a truther with every post. I was merely asking you to finally commit to a theory that you find grounded in reality. Thank you. Now all you need is evidence -- not opinion or speculation -- but evidence to back up your theory.
i think it was alex jones with a turban on and a fake beard... it wasnt a plane.. he was using a remote controlled star of david.
You're in the wrong forum. Try Let's Roll. They'd take that and run with it, my friend. But make sure you add a picture of an upside down Pentagon and an explanation of the symbolism. They dig that stuff over there.
Took me awhile to figure out what the heck you were asking about. Leading? No. Sarcastic? You betcha!!
A theory is considered grounded when there is evidence that backs up the theory and no evidence that conflicts with the theory. Since truthers have zero theories with evidence and there is plenty of evidence against the various truther theories, one can safely say all truther theories are crap. In fact, the truther "theories" are not theories at all. They are daydreams or nightmares depending on your point of view, but not reality. When one simply denies the evidence that proves them wrong because it is far more convenient to do so and live in la la land than face the evidence and deal with reality, there is little to debate. Truthers have marginalized themselves into meaningless drivel and nothing more. BTW, Jango, thanks for the dislikes for my posts! A dislike from a truther is as good or better than likes from anyone else. It shows truthers see the truth in what I write and know others must see it as well. Have a good one!
Well, let's see . . . oh yeah. None of them. Funny how the Commission Report, imperfect though it may be, which IS backed by evidence, is maligned as a "fairy tale", or "fairy tail" according to groupthink, yet the ridiculous truther theories with no evidence to back them up are somehow "grounded in reality"